just need to vent.


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May 1, 2011
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Well, more bad news for me. My job is gone, my insurance will either be gone at the end of this month or next month. Only hope I have is that I get unemployment while I try to get disability for my Lupus and other issues. This life just, well I have said enough already. Vent is done.


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Don't look at it as your job is done. Look at it as you finally got to retire. You should be able to get both unemployment and disability. There is also Medicaid for your medical needs. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in your jobless situation, it sucks, it's wrong and it shouldn't happen in this country to the extent it has, but unfortunately, that's the way it is, for now hopefully. You will get through this. Enjoy, your retirement, spend more time with your torts and look at it as a good thing, the best you can. As always we are here for you. :)


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May 1, 2011
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I see your point Barb. The problem is the bills are out of control cause I still havent got paid thru work for the 9 weeks I was already off for short term disability. The company ING that handles my company's disability pay is doing everything they can to not pay me. I am suppose to get an answer tomorrow on if I get that pay or not. They already pulled a fast 1 on my doctor and deny'd it last week but my doctor found out and sent them some paper that made them have to reconsider the pay again this week. If I dont get that 9 weeks of pay, were done.. Thanks for your kind words tho Barb! :)


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WOW, what companies will do now days:(. May I suggest, talk to your creditors and let them know your situation. I know a few people in similar money situations. The ones that talked to their creditors came out better then the ones that just ignored. If you can send them paper work or letters that proves you are not just making up a story to get out of paying, that helps too. Also, even the smallest payments seems to shut them up for a while. I will keep my fingers crossed for good news tomorrow. I am really sorry you have to go through any of this. Let us know what you find out. My friend says to always keep good thoughts and to always look for the good things of everything. That positive thinking really works. I don't know if it does or not, it seems to work great for her. Won't hurt, so keep good, positive thoughts and I will too for you, hey can't hurt right:)


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The problem is the bills are out of control

So Chris, don't pay what you don't NEED to survive right now....You can contact the bill collectors (if it will make you feel better---they won't be patient for long) and let them know you have not worked for 9 weeks....you have not set prospect for work in the immediate future...you are simply giving them a courtesy call to let them know you have no prospect of any chunks of money in your immediate future and you are just letting them know so that they can mark their files...let them know if things change for you in the near future payments will pick back up....apologize and dismiss yourself from the phone call....end of story....put those worries away for now...what else are you going to do? you know? Sometimes **** happens and you have to regroup for immediate survival mode....once you do that then take a breath and realize life is giving you a crossroad so be prepared and keep your eyes open.....something exciting is on the horizon...."change". As scary and uncomfortable as that thought may be....it is also very freeing....so my friend, take a breath and let go of the stress for now....things will change and you will make it....how much fun you have during the change is entirely up to you....trust me, I know it is a hard pill to swallow....but once you come to grips that your responsibility is to you and yours first then you can actually look forward to the changes that are going to happen.... :D

Make your calls....let it go...take a breath and look around at what is most important and at what you can not nor wish to do without and go from there..... YOU CAAAAAN DOOOOO IT MAAAAAN !!!!!;)


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Angela, Barb, and Lynne:
Thanks so much for the kind words and your support, it means a lot to me. I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but its the truth! I just feel like I am on my last step of the ladder these days. I filed for unemployment today so I hope that will go through. My ex-employer said they will not fight me on getting it since I have been sick so long and tried to work anyways. But I will believe it when I see the money on the unemployment debit card. Now I have to figure out how to get some kind of insurance cause need help there too. Plus my prescriptions cost a lot and so does my wife's. Just don't know what to do anymore. What kind of plan could God have for me when I have sunk to the lowest point I have ever been in my life? Sorry to whine, I am just a nervous, broke wreck now a days and don't know what to do. Plus I still have not got an answer on if ING is going to pay me for the 9 weeks I was off or not. Its bullsh*t ya know! They got all the stuff they needed from all 3 doctor's and still want to deny it. But my family doc sent in another letter to try and get them to reverse the first decision they made. So we will see.
I hope all my forum friends have a great day, I wish you all nothing but the best!


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I know it might not feel like it, but the employer saying they won't fight unemployment is a very good thing.:D I have no doubt you will get it. As for the ING. Just keep playing the game. That's what they do, they play games, because they know some of the people will give up the fight and that's why they play, so you will give up the fight. then they win. Don't let them win. They won't play forever, just enough to figure out if you are a fighter or not and you are, so stay in the game, you will win. Have you check into medicaid, don't forget to check into that. Stay in the game, don't give up the fight, and it will work out for you. Also, take time each day that you visit your torts and any other animals you have and be lost into them. Giving yourself that little time to forget your worries for the moment and enjoy the day and animals. Everyone needs a break, take that animal time and give yourself and your mind a daily break.
Have a good, great day today.


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wellington said:
I know it might not feel like it, but the employer saying they won't fight unemployment is a very good thing.:D I have no doubt you will get it. As for the ING. Just keep playing the game. That's what they do, they play games, because they know some of the people will give up the fight and that's why they play, so you will give up the fight. then they win. Don't let them win. They won't play forever, just enough to figure out if you are a fighter or not and you are, so stay in the game, you will win. Have you check into medicaid, don't forget to check into that. Stay in the game, don't give up the fight, and it will work out for you. Also, take time each day that you visit your torts and any other animals you have and be lost into them. Giving yourself that little time to forget your worries for the moment and enjoy the day and animals. Everyone needs a break, take that animal time and give yourself and your mind a daily break.
Have a good, great day today.
Thanks Barb. Its just so hard to stay positive when everything has fallen apart. Broke, lost our insurance, more bills thhen I can even understand. And I'm just so pissed off all the time now. I don't know what to do. And not being able to get our medicines Monday is going to be a nightmare. Hell mine alone are close to $450 with no prescription coverage. Well got to get Cooper out of his bath. Thanks for all your positive thoughts!


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Very frustrating for you. But try to keep fighting, lots of good suggestions!
We are pulling for you!


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Apr 10, 2011
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What kind of plan could God have for me when I have sunk to the lowest point I have ever been in my life?

Ah Chris, now you are talking.....this is the most positive thought you have shared...I mean once you have come to this question in your heart---anything is possible.....

Sometimes we are so darn stubborn, we get so caught up in the four corners of the box that we have been taught to exist in, that we forget there is the whole outside of the box, which is space without limits....take a breath and realize perhaps you have now been placed in a position to see the outside of the box....explore man, enjoy the freedom and I am sure you have heard this before, but God(or your spiritual source) would not lead you here to simply leave you....sometimes you have to give up the sense of control you think you have to have-- in order for the next door to be presented to you....these are the moments that matter and that we recall on with each opportunity for spiritual growth....and I am not talking about preaching in the sense of church and preachers....but inner, limitless oneness with all around you...true spirituality man.... (and sometimes when you feel like you have lost it all, actually it is all the crap has simply been removed from your line of sight and now you have a clear open space to move around some).

Here are some resources that you may be able to utilize until you find your new path .....and don't *** yourself out simply due to pride---if you have worked and paid into the wonderful tax pool, then you have paid into these services and are not getting something for nothing.....



and pay special attention to the last item on the list of things
that you may be afflicted with to qualify for their medical assistance...

and this one may actually be something that you can apply for due to your recent health issues....

I hope you find some direction and don't give up--however, I don't see that you are giving up so just let me say to you my friend---YOU CAAAANN DOOOO IT! :D


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Thanks Angela and Lynne! I am checking into your links Angela, thanks so much for looking that stuff up!! I dont know if I will get yelled at for this but I am in need of money in the worst way possible, they deny'd my 9 weeks of short term disability pay, so I have to appeal it but that does me no good now! I am trying to sell my 2007 Arctic Cat 400 4X4 if anyone from around here is interested PLEASE private message me! If this is not allowed on my thread then please delete it cause the last thing I need is to be in trouble on here. I just have to do something, and very fast. And it is on Craigslist in the Indianapolis area. Thanks to everyone for putting up with me..


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Just an update, I am still alive. Dont have internet at home anymore so I can only get on once in a while. Hope you are all doing great! Once we get moved in here I will be back on like I use to be! Take care my forum friends!!!


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Good to hear from you. Things are going okay? Take care and we will be here for when ever you can join us.

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