BAD drivers


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Do you have to deal with them often? Do you have any type of road rage? What do you do when someone cuts you off nasty style, by this I mean you have to slam on your dang breaks or eat his bumper.. do you scream? give them the finger? speed up, pass them, then return the favor? how do you handle it?!

Where i'm at, lovely Miami, there are a buttload of jerk drivers EVERYWHERE. I got cut off really nasty this morning... i had no kids in the car, i was down the street from work.. and let me tell you.. anyone listening would say I was a sailor with the amount of trash coming out of my mouth! THEN, i got over it and went on my merry way lol!

SIDE NOTE* Got to see this awesome double rainbow, and the little pickup in the picture, yea, thats the a-hat that cut me off.. <^> :D



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I just drive defensively. In Los Angeles we have plenty of bad, distracted, impaired drivers.
Being that you never know who or what your dealing with, in this crazy world, I don't react at all. I just continue driving in amazement that you don't see bodies scattered all over the road. I see the worst on freeways.
Nice rainbow!

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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Love that rainbow.:)

You can find foolish drivers everywhere, I can assure you. :( But please take it easy whilst driving, whether you have children on board or not.;)


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I live in chicago, lots of traffic, but for the most part the bad drivers here seem to be mostly out of state. Driving to Michigan is where I get most of the bad drivers. I let them know with flipping them off or any other form of communication needed to let them know they are an idiot. I don't let them drive half in my lane either, I will swerve to get them out of my Lane. Truck drivers seem to be really bad at using more then their lane, I will take them on too. I am a good driver, but I do have road rage when there are idiots on the road that don't care about others out there. Yep, you mess with me, I will let you know you screwed up.
OH, an FYI, buy a Jeep Wrangler, they are mean looking and many won't mess with ya. Love my Jeep.


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Being a motorcyclist I have to dodge bad drivers daily. My typical response is to stare at them (helmet on) and if I get a look back just give them a exaggerated shake of my head.
Driving the car I am more passive aggressive. I just happen to block drivers that are cutting in and out of lanes. I am not bragging. I hate drivers that plant themselves in the fast lane if the freeway yet don't move faster than the flow of traffic.


The Dog Trainer
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Idiots and inconsiderate people are just a fact of life that have to be dealt with nowadays. I just get around them whatever way I can and leave them behind.

I've given lots of merge lessons in my big work vans.

I also can't stand people who camp in the fast lane, or jump into your lane despite seeing you coming up faster than they are.

Anyone notice the new trend of how when someone cuts you off or does something atrocious in traffic, they now give YOU the finger. I just shake my head...

I just went to Germany over the summer. Now those people know how to drive correctly. I didn't see one bad driver the whole trip. You can't physically pass someone on the right, because they are all the way to the right before you get anywhere near them. Every new driver should be taught by the Germans and spend their first month learning to drive in Germany. The world would be a better place of that happened.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 17, 2013
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san diego
Idiots and inconsiderate people are just a fact of life that have to be dealt with nowadays. I just get around them whatever way I can and leave them behind.

I've given lots of merge lessons in my big work vans.

I also can't stand people who camp in the fast lane, or jump into your lane despite seeing you coming up faster than they are.

Anyone notice the new trend of how when someone cuts you off or does something atrocious in traffic, they now give YOU the finger. I just shake my head...

I just went to Germany over the summer. Now those people know how to drive correctly. I didn't see one bad driver the whole trip. You can't physically pass someone on the right, because they are all the way to the right before you get anywhere near them. Every new driver should be taught by the Germans and spend their first month learning to drive in Germany. The world would be a better place of that happened.
It is a pleasure to drive in Germany. You are so right.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
This is one reason I am glad not to be driving a semi truck any more. Car drivers would cut you off, to make that exit your half past or to stomp on their breaks. Folks, semi trucks can not stop on a dime.

Or the famous one where the sign says this oooif that lane closed in a mile. Think folks might want to move over? Nope, let's wait until we get to the closed section then cut over.

In some trucks, such as the company my husband drives for his truck records those hard breaks. He ends up getting chewed out for not hitting the jerks, but instead slamming his breaks.

His truck also will do an automatic slow down, if somebody cuts in too close. I know when driving, there were a few times I felt like I was getting whiplash.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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being a motorcyclist I have to deal with bad drivers all the time. I just throw kittens at them, that usually gets my point across


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Do you have to deal with them often? Do you have any type of road rage? What do you do when someone cuts you off nasty style, by this I mean you have to slam on your dang breaks or eat his bumper.. do you scream? give them the finger? speed up, pass them, then return the favor? how do you handle it?!

Like an adult. If you do those things then you are part of the problem.

Kapidolo Farms

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Nov 7, 2012
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You know I find if I just worry about how I affect other drivers and not get to excited about what they are doing I have a better day. Sometimes I fail at this. I can't wait for auto cars that are linked to some sort of math formula that get everyone every where with greater efficiency. My car could then takes it's own self to the service center in the middle of the night, while I sleep.

I pull to the margin of the lane when a bike comes up from behind, in California lane splitting is legal, and most bikers are cool with it, frankly it makes the whole of traffic move better, and there are few long term bad bike riders.

I am also the guy that takes the lane wide as the merge gets smaller preventing those "one more car ahead" jacka$$es from ruining the concept of a merge. When I merge I stake out a spot well before the merge lane ends, but stay in the merge lane, the cooperation I get from the people in the main lane is 100%, it's how a merge is meant to happen. Match speed and a space somehow magically occurs, I know crazy talk.

I say all kinds of things that should not be heard when I see people doing really foolish moves, they are the ones who get in a wreck and screw the traffic for hours behind them. I really don't like these people. The utilitarian good has much positive impact of traffic. The 'me first' ideology screws it up.

Yeah, all auto cars with a maximum efficiency algorithm, No inch worm stop and go on the interstate, many fewer wrecks, and I can eat my breakfast on the way to work in the morning and feel comfortable using my phone to follow-up on things. In this sense Elon Musk is my hero.

Nice rainbow image, without the segway regarding a$$hole drivers, the whole thread would have been different, good spin.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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self driving cars link to some sort of massive computer network sounds good until of course the machines take over and crash all the cars and kill everybody sounds kind of bad


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Apr 15, 2010
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I've been a bad driver. I used to deliver pizzas and was on the road for several hours each night. I was the idiot that had to get out in front of everyone no matter what it took. Of course it only ended up with me being the first in line for every red light. I was lucky I didn't harm myself, or worse, someone else. I was always angry and didn't hesitate to flip people off or otherwise let them know how I felt since I was so cool and tough and a much better driver than anyone else. People would flip me off and honk or yell at me. Didn't make any difference whatsoever.

Now I drive more cautiously. I yield to aggressive drivers and's pretty easy to identify those types here. If someone does something I don't like I will usually distance myself from them usually by slowing down or even changing my route. It's hard to hold my breath when someone cuts me off or does something I don't like, but at least by doing so I know I'll make it home safely every night. There are so many stories of road rage situations ending in someone's's hard for me to find the sense in that. I don't think flipping someone off, or something like that, teaches them a lesson or makes them feel bad.

You never really know about the person you're flipping off or trying "teach a lesson" to, so I think the best practice is to avoid those types of drivers at all costs and move on with your life. It's better to arrive to your destination a couple minutes late than not at all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Let me tell you, I work in a VERY industrial area, just about 80% of all vehicles are trucks, dump trucks, semi's, just all trucks!

I have been in 1 accident (with me driving) my entire driving life. It was an 18 wheeler, the really really big ones. He claims he didnt see me and literally side swiped my entire car, from front to back, squished my car up against the cement guard rail, damaging my door so badly that I had to crawl out of the passenger window (my car was squished between him and the cement rail). I was so damn scared! You know what he did when he got out of his truck? He checked his damn truck for damage, didnt give a crap if i was dead or alive!! I was 7 months pregnant too, on the way to a doc appt, i'll never forget it... ended up completely screwing me because he had FAKE INSURANCE. UGH.

Another time... my husband was parking at Walmart, he actually got a really good spot, pulled in and we were happy (I was big and pregnant again lol, with my 2nd child this time, weird!) WELL, this man got out of the car and literally went off on my husband.. my husband smiled and nodded, he actually stalked us throughout the store, finally we were leaving and my husband couldnt take it anymore and it just about got physical, THEN, the man pulled out A GUN and pointed it right at my husband, I SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER, he claimed to be a cop and said WE were going to get arrested. drove off and i got his plate #... Long story short we went to the cops and have no idea what happened after that..

People are freaking crazy. I am not willing to lose my life over a parking spot or some jack cutting me off.. its not easy though, we have so many bad drivers!!!!

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
This is the USA and not a doctor country if you want to drive slow get over to the right lane and drive slow . If the person in front of you wants to drive slower pass it but then get back to the right lane . If you want to drive fast go to the left lane but if you are pulling a horse trailer go to the right lane . Don't go to the left lane and say " if they want to go fast let them pass me . Remember when you got behind that slow driver .
Don't slow down 1/2 mile before your exit ,the exit is for slowing down !
Fast drivers don't make crashes , that's why a lot of states give tickets to slow drivers ( up to $1000.00 ) so let slow drivers get to the right , and fast drivers go left . And they will not raise our taxes to widen roads before needed ! If some drivers use their heads we would have less problem drivers !
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The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
This is one reason I am glad not to be driving a semi truck any more. Car drivers would cut you off, to make that exit your half past or to stomp on their breaks. Folks, semi trucks can not stop on a dime.

I encounter these same problems when driving stock in a truck and trailer. Most CA drivers are horrible in this regard and seem to have ZERO concept of the capabilities of the vehicles around them. Trying to allow a safe following distance while hauling my camel is an invitation for 15 people to cut in front of me and slam on their brakes.

Sometimes I really wish I had a big solid bumper and I could teach them a lesson. Sadly, that is not allowed, so I have to tolerate their stupidity and inconsiderate behavior. {sigh…}


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I encounter these same problems when driving stock in a truck and trailer. Most CA drivers are horrible in this regard and seem to have ZERO concept of the capabilities of the vehicles around them. Trying to allow a safe following distance while hauling my camel is an invitation for 15 people to cut in front of me and slam on their brakes.

Sometimes I really wish I had a big solid bumper and I could teach them a lesson. Sadly, that is not allowed, so I have to tolerate their stupidity and inconsiderate behavior. {sigh…}

That is one of my personal pet peeves.


Well-Known Member
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Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Idiots and inconsiderate people are just a fact of life that have to be dealt with nowadays. I just get around them whatever way I can and leave them behind.

I've given lots of merge lessons in my big work vans.

I also can't stand people who camp in the fast lane, or jump into your lane despite seeing you coming up faster than they are.

Anyone notice the new trend of how when someone cuts you off or does something atrocious in traffic, they now give YOU the finger. I just shake my head...

I just went to Germany over the summer. Now those people know how to drive correctly. I didn't see one bad driver the whole trip. You can't physically pass someone on the right, because they are all the way to the right before you get anywhere near them. Every new driver should be taught by the Germans and spend their first month learning to drive in Germany. The world would be a better place of that happened.
That's why I can drive so well, the German in me. You know Tom, you rode with me. Okay, never mind, you may have been in fear of your life:p:D


Well-Known Member
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Nov 2, 2013
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I encounter these same problems when driving stock in a truck and trailer. Most CA drivers are horrible in this regard and seem to have ZERO concept of the capabilities of the vehicles around them. Trying to allow a safe following distance while hauling my camel is an invitation for 15 people to cut in front of me and slam on their brakes.

Sometimes I really wish I had a big solid bumper and I could teach them a lesson. Sadly, that is not allowed, so I have to tolerate their stupidity and inconsiderate behavior. {sigh…}
Try a "camel on board" sign :)

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