Sulcata size for sleeping outside?


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5 Year Member
Jun 18, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego, CA
Hi, London size is 11x8 and weights 8.2lbs at 20months of age.
During the summer we move him to another room and that change allowed him access outside and inside by a homemade ramp that was made for him (from outside to his inside hide). We were hoping to make his night box outside after winter. Sadly this pass week we have noticed some changes in his schedule were he stays inside more during the day and he wakes up about 4 am wanting to eat and go outside adding to that he makes a lot of noises. Even though I have tried to help him to be outside more during the day and have a late nigh snack that way he stays inside at least to 6am. But no, this doesn't happen and he wants to go outside, yet he walks around because he sees that is still dark. I have tried a snack at 4am but he still is marching.
We have moved furniture around and we don't want to put him back in the computer room. So, with all this being said my questions is. Is he okay to be outside for his size and age?
We live in San Diego CA.

Please feel free to comment and give me feedback on this.

London my lovely Sulcata tortoise :0))

Yvonne G

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I think he's big enough to live outside now. You just have to provide him with a shelter that will protect him from inclement weather and rain. If he only has access to his outside yard and his outside shelter, you can block the door so he can't come out at night.


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Dec 24, 2010
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Yes, London is big enough to live outside. And, as Yvonne suggested, he will need a proper shelter to protect him. This last week I have noticed that my sulcata stays in his night box more than he did a few weeks ago. Yesterday he didn't come outside until almost noon. It could be the days are shorter, or maybe the cooler weather is the reason. I am not sure why London would be walking around at 4am. My tortoise sometimes moves around in his box at night, but usually when I open the door in the morning he is still sleeping in the same spot he was in when I looked it the night before. Is London's night time hide completely dark?


The Dog Trainer
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He's ready for the great outdoors. I prefer to move them out in spring though. If you can swing it, I'd keep in inside one more winter. You can build his outdoor night box, put it in that room, and let him start getting used to sleeping in it. Being able to lock him in there at night will keep it pitch black and likely stop the walking behavior. Then in spring you put him outside and see where he like to "park" every evening, and put his night box there. This will make the transition as smooth and easy as possible.

Here are some examples to help inspire your own ideas:

And my favorite:


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jun 18, 2013
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego, CA
Yes, London is big enough to live outside. And, as Yvonne suggested, he will need a proper shelter to protect him. This last week I have noticed that my sulcata stays in his night box more than he did a few weeks ago. Yesterday he didn't come outside until almost noon. It could be the days are shorter, or maybe the cooler weather is the reason. I am not sure why London would be walking around at 4am. My tortoise sometimes moves around in his box at night, but usually when I open the door in the morning he is still sleeping in the same spot he was in when I looked it the night before. Is London's night time hide completely dark?
Since the first time I have him he always have lights I have provide him with a dark hide. The times that I turned the lights off the temperatures drop even thought he has a CHE we still need other lamps to keep him place 80'f ( of course we are able to keep the soaking spot at the correct temps)..

London my lovely Sulcata tortoise :0))

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