Reputation points...

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Do we need them?

Do we want them?

Should Mods/admin give them out?

IMO... they cause more hassle than they are worth... i don't really have the time for them... no before someone says it... not because i haven't got many... tbh i don't expect to have many lol

I also think Mods/admins shouldn't give them out... as this can be looked at as favouratism... towards members...

If they are to stay... i think newbies should have to make a certain number of posts before reps can be given... as some people could see a relative newbie to tortoises... who could be giving out not the best info.... and without looking into detail at what they have been given them for... just think they must know what they are talking about...

Don't worry i do not have anyone in mind as i type this thread... but i wasn't allowed to put this on the end of another thread... due to it being offtopic... :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Thank you for starting this thread! :)

I personally also think they serve no real useful purpose and should be gotten rid of. However, I do know a few folks who are very passionate about their points.

I am going to disagree about Mods not using them, if ratings are kept. I give very few out, that I will admit, but still think I deserve the ability to do so if I choose. As a Mod no matter what I do or say, somebody or other takes it as showing favoritism. Mods are not as freely allowed to say things in the forum and now it appears private messages are no longer private. If you also take away the rating ability from Mods (me in this case), you leave me no place to be allowed to make comments, to praise new folks, and encourage people from voicing their thoughts. I already do not allow myself to make friends in here, just because that would appear as major favoritism.


Unknown Member
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Maybe get rid of the points/scorekeeping but still allow comments to be posted.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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jaizei said:
Maybe get rid of the points/scorekeeping but still allow comments to be posted.

Now that is a different idea. Thanks for sharing it!

This question is aimed more toward the newer members....

Do you use those points as a way to decide whose advice to go to or to listen too? Or do you do it by other methods like what "sounds" correct, the number of posts a person has, or something else?


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I personally pay no attention to the points. I also think that just because someone is new to the forum does not always mean they are new to tortoises or reptiles. If a newbie has been keeping a tort for a few years before they find TFO then I think we can learn from what they have been doing. Is the tort in good health? Why is it in good health even though they have not had all the advice? If the tort is not in good condition then we can learn even more from these people because we get to see the way the tort has been kept and effects of the tortoises condition do to the way they have been kept. The way I look at it is, todays newbies are the future experts:)

Yvonne G

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In my opinion, new members to the forum don't even realize there is a point system. I'm all for getting rid of it. It does cause trouble. A while back one of our members encouraged several different friends of theirs to join the forum and give this member reputation points.

It can be abused and I think it would be a good idea to get rid of it.


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jaizei said:
Maybe get rid of the points/scorekeeping but still allow comments to be posted.

I agree with this Idea, I actually do pay attention to the points because I am new to Torts and want to judge who has helped with good info in the past, that is what the points should mean, or maybe thats what I thought they meant to begin with. I thought the points were sort of like on ebay, they help you judge who to trust and who hasn't contributed enough info to help.
Now I see that the points don't really work that way. I guess on a Forum it is hard to know who has the best care info and who doesn't.


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I agee that the comments should stay, but no need for the points. I think it's good to let someone know they are doing a great job on this forum even if it's just a small comment.


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This topic should be taken to a poll, and a decision to remove or keep the reputation points based on the poll.

If someone wants to determine if another is credible or not, they should read through that persons posts themselves and make their own determination.


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May 6, 2011
How about a thumbs up instead? Get rid of neutral and negative! This way the helpful members are still rewarded.

Also how about no comments? This is still gunna allow negativity about other members....

The current points system is being abused. Reminds me of the Eurovision LOL.


LOL @ Eurovision... that is an awfully good way of describing it though...

Maggie Cummings

I think we need reputations points but maybe the system needs to be tweaked a bit. Used in the way it's meant a newbie can tell right away who is a senior member who's advice they can trust. But like I said, maybe it needs to be tweaked some.


New Member
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May 6, 2011
Eurovision is a singing contest for the whole of Europe and its not about the talent... each country votes for their next door neighbour and best buddies. Nobody votes for UK even though our quality is much better than some of the corny east european trash. Its all about Politics!!!! youtube some of the videos. It is terrible....


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Watermelon said:
Eurovision is a singing contest for the whole of Europe and its not about the talent... each country votes for their next door neighbour and best buddies. Nobody votes for UK even though our quality is much better than some of the corny east european trash. Its all about Politics!!!! youtube some of the videos. It is terrible....

:D Okay, thanks for the good visual of what Eurovision is.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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Okay, before I get yelled at for taking another thread off topic, let's get back to talking about those loved, hated, ignored, abused, wanted, not wanted, whatever reputation points. :tort:
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