Pretend chat 2

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New job is, you know, new. Lots of room for improvements, but I need to take baby steps. Otherwise, you all know how people are about change. Today was day 3 and I spent the better part interviewing employees to get a feel for what they feel their needs are. These guys are opening up to me to the point of share shop floor politics, which tells me they are excepting me.

As far as the fires go, understand I'm 200 miles or so from Grants Pass. We're just getting smoke from random smaller fires.


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

Kerryann said:
pugsandkids said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
CtTortoiseMom said:
Thank's:) I am taking this as good news. ASD's are usually found AFTER the child suffered a stroke they are amazed that my pediatrician heard it!!

Send your pediatrician a bottle. Or good chocolate!

I plan too, but more because I called him to thank him after I found out and was kind of a mess!!!!

Scary, but yes, so awesome that they caught it! I will be sending extra love ya'lls way.

Sibi I'm glad you are going home. Do not overdo it!

Smoke pic?

Out my office window, and by my mailbox

Can you see the cell tower?

We lost a 19 yr old firefighter, driving water tender to switch out and take a break. He rolled it down the hill...Awful.

More lightening yesterday started more fires. Biggest fire is still only 17% station is even handing out masks.

Oh my goodness. I have been writing about you and Ken. I'm sad to heart about the firefighter.

Worrying not writing


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Aug 23, 2012
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Erin, I'm so sorry about Rand. My goodness, I hope the baby has a full recovery. After they repair the hole, there shouldn't be anymore problems, right? I mean, he doesn't need to take a medication for the rest of his life, does he? The good thing is that once they address this heart issue, his lungs should get stronger with less respitory problems, right? My prayers are with you and your family. It seems like we're having medical emergencies on Chat! Someone ought to write a series for TV on us. Keep us posted.

I'm home, but in pain. The doctor never took off the bandage. He said I have to keep it on until Monday. I don't have a heavy duty painkiller. It's only Lortab 5/500. It doesn't numb the pain. I just hope I begin to feel better. I can't believe the heavy duty antibiotics I was put on. It's as though I was fighting MRSA. It's a bit scary because if this infection doesn't clear up, what the heck am I fighting? And if it continues, what can I expect?
What's important now, though, is Rand. Positive waves are going your way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xoxoxo,


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

sibi said:
Erin, I'm so sorry about Rand. My goodness, I hope the baby has a full recovery. After they repair the hole, there shouldn't be anymore problems, right? I mean, he doesn't need to take a medication for the rest of his life, does he? The good thing is that once they address this heart issue, his lungs should get stronger with less respitory problems, right? My prayers are with you and your family. It seems like we're having medical emergencies on Chat! Someone ought to write a series for TV on us. Keep us posted.

I'm home, but in pain. The doctor never took off the bandage. He said I have to keep it on until Monday. I don't have a heavy duty painkiller. It's only Lortab 5/500. It doesn't numb the pain. I just hope I begin to feel better. I can't believe the heavy duty antibiotics I was put on. It's as though I was fighting MRSA. It's a bit scary because if this infection doesn't clear up, what the heck am I fighting? And if it continues, what can I expect?
What's important now, though, is Rand. Positive waves are going your way~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ xoxoxo,

The stronger the better for the Antibiotics. We came to the dogs to find that cicis toe seems to be broken. :(


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Yes, stronger is better, but what if the strongest doesn't cure it? Aw, sorry to hear cici's toe is broken. How do you think it happened?


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You'll just have to give it time to work sibi!

Poor Cici, I think my dogs have broken a toe before but never got it X-ray'd. They seemed to forget about it after a few days. But if she's suddenly limping, always good to get it checked out,

Back to work tonight in a few hours!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Erin, how's your lil guy doing? There's so much going on in your life. If it wasn't the kids getting sick, it was selling and buying a house.If it isn't shopping and contracting work for your new home, it's Rand getting sick. Now it's this news on his little heart! i feel bad troubling you and all my friends here with my little thumb. I appreciate all your kind words from everyone on chat, but this news on Rand is big. Know we are with you all the way. We'll be praying for all your family, and Tuesday, we'll be on pins and needles waiting for news. Know we are here for you 100%.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I echo all Sibi has said!!!

Thank you Sibi & Ken! Sibi, your thumb is a very big deal! Just imagine if you did not treat it!! You would be worse off than Rand is!!

I think it is actually a good thing that I have a lot to do in a short period of time to prepare for Tuesday. It's a great distraction. Rob was able to take a leave of absence for the next ten days and he has been working on getting the best OR team for Rand since he used to work in the OR at the childrens hospital. My inlaws are driving here and should be here on Sunday to stay at our house and take care of the kid's while we are in the hospital with Rand. I have my big meeting with the cardio thoracic surgeon's tomorrow and it is overwhelming the amount of doc's that are attending to support Rand. They called me to tell me that they had to switch rooms to accommodate all of the specialist that Rand see's that want to attend. They said he is quite the VIP patient. So i feel lucky to have everyones support and cested interest in the best pissible outcome!! In truth I think they might feel a little guilty for missing it but they really shouldn't.

Then my daughters 14th birthday party is Sat. I didn't want to cancel it because I just want things to be as normal as possible and I thought it might be a good distraction for the kids but my heart really isn't in it.

So that's all that has been going on except I have been cleaning like a crazy person because my inlaws are staying in the house and i want Rand to come home to a clean house!
I will fill you all in on what the sergeons say. My main concern is PAIN!! I just do not want him to feel any but I fear it may be a very painful recovery.

Here is what Rand is having done in case any of you wanted to know.

Oh and you asked about Rand. He is a perfectly normal happy boy:)
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Ok, I am back. It has been a busy few weeks here! My little girl started kindergarten on monday... and she has already gotten in trouble with the teacher.


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Mar 18, 2010
Rand is adorable, it sounds like he's in the most capable hands around! You Miss need to remember to breathe too. You can't take care of everyone else if you are totally exhausted.

17 new fires started yesterday due to lightening. Nothing near us though, it's actually great right now smoke wise. I drove home with windows down and radio up!


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Melly-n-shorty said:
Ok, I am back. It has been a busy few weeks here! My little girl started kindergarten on monday... and she has already gotten in trouble with the teacher.

I might be laughing because I too have a trouble maker!! The unfortunate thing for her is she has her older sister to be compared to and her sister was always studious and quiet where Lily could care less about school and is never quiet!! I loved being room mom for my oldest and going into eat lunch with her occasionally and I always got complimented on how great she was. Now when I go in to have lunch with Lily I never know if I will be joining her at the naughty table!!


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Re: RE: Pretend chat 2

CtTortoiseMom said:
Melly-n-shorty said:
Ok, I am back. It has been a busy few weeks here! My little girl started kindergarten on monday... and she has already gotten in trouble with the teacher.

I might be laughing because I too have a trouble maker!! The unfortunate thing for her is she has her older sister to be compared to and her sister was always studious and quiet where Lily could care less about school and is never quiet!! I loved being room mom for my oldest and going into eat lunch with her occasionally and I always got complimented on how great she was. Now when I go in to have lunch with Lily I never know if I will be joining her at the naughty table!!

She is brilliant and will be a creative character.


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Reward offered if anyone can track down one of these…ImageUploadedByTortForum1376022501.511409.jpg

For me. Karen won't let me have it, but I want to get one for my niece and her husband.
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Mar 18, 2010
So I search "flasher light switch cover" yahoo makes a big deal about me going into adult content...
I got a bunch of wiring schematics :(

Waldport makes sense. You find the strangest things on the coast!


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Aug 23, 2012
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Erin, you'll be taking Rand to Boston, right? How many hours drive is it from where you live in CT? When Rand gets discharged from the hosp. how will you managed the trip home? I have a question on his procedure. Are the doctors planning on putting a patch over the hole, or are they going to stitch the hole? I realize you'll be meeting with all the doctors tomorrow, and you may not know the answer yet, but I'd be interested in knowing.

CtTortoiseMom said:
Cowboy_Ken said:
I echo all Sibi has said!!!

Thank you Sibi & Ken! Sibi, your thumb is a very big deal! Just imagine if you did not treat it!! You would be worse off than Rand is!!

I think it is actually a good thing that I have a lot to do in a short period of time to prepare for Tuesday. It's a great distraction. Rob was able to take a leave of absence for the next ten days and he has been working on getting the best OR team for Rand since he used to work in the OR at the childrens hospital. My inlaws are driving here and should be here on Sunday to stay at our house and take care of the kid's while we are in the hospital with Rand. I have my big meeting with the cardio thoracic surgeon's tomorrow and it is overwhelming the amount of doc's that are attending to support Rand. They called me to tell me that they had to switch rooms to accommodate all of the specialist that Rand see's that want to attend. They said he is quite the VIP patient. So i feel lucky to have everyones support and cested interest in the best pissible outcome!! In truth I think they might feel a little guilty for missing it but they really shouldn't.

Then my daughters 14th birthday party is Sat. I didn't want to cancel it because I just want things to be as normal as possible and I thought it might be a good distraction for the kids but my heart really isn't in it.

So that's all that has been going on except I have been cleaning like a crazy person because my inlaws are staying in the house and i want Rand to come home to a clean house!
I will fill you all in on what the sergeons say. My main concern is PAIN!! I just do not want him to feel any but I fear it may be a very painful recovery.

Here is what Rand is having done in case any of you wanted to know.

Oh and you asked about Rand. He is a perfectly normal happy boy:)

Lol...I had to look real hard to see WHAT he was flashing. Still not sure, it looks like a scotch tape dispenser. Am I right? Ingenious!!! I've got to get me one of those!
Cowboy_Ken said:
Reward offered if anyone can track down one of these…

For me. Karen won't let me have it, but I want to get one for my niece and her husband.


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I guess there have been talks of increasing pay at work although I doubt it. We had corporate survey us all anonymously about work culture, benefits (ha), and pay (minimum wage + scraps). I guess no one gave above a 1/5 stars for pay that gets part time wages and management is like.. Well everyone always complains pay is too low. Well, when we bust our butts for 7.50-7.89 an hour and you cut hours to 20 a week to avoid any health care of course we complain. I mean, when you make only $800 max a month after tax it leaves no money if living off it. I'm the only employee who doesn't live at home with parents or off food stamps. It's sad because I have a degree, I have intelligence and work hard, but I make less than I did during jobs I had in high school. Just a crappy economy and I'm fortunate my boyfriend makes decent money so we can live comfortably. Although I guess I'm a mooch.

But honestly, would the CEO's really miss a spare million or two to be divvied up across their workers? Lol that'd be a nice bonus.
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