Pretend chat 2

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
It is just so neat to walk outside and see green leaves and blooms!!


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
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SF Valley, SoCal
I wish it was cold and overcast here. Its bright and beautiful, but I'll be stuck in the office all day know how gorgeous it is outside.

Had the weirdest dream last night. Dreamt that the little tort I've been nursing died and was replaced by half a dozen albino greek tortoises. Very strange. I think I'm spending too much time with my torts.... :rolleyes:


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
mctlong said:
I wish it was cold and overcast here. Its bright and beautiful, but I'll be stuck in the office all day know how gorgeous it is outside.

Had the weirdest dream last night. Dreamt that the little tort I've been nursing died and was replaced by half a dozen albino greek tortoises. Very strange. I think I'm spending too much time with my torts.... :rolleyes:

Hmmm albino greeks. :D How is the little tort doing?


5 Year Member
Oct 17, 2009
Location (City and/or State)
SF Valley, SoCal
Do albino Greeks even exist? I've never seen one. LOL!

He's doing about the same. He's a fighter. He gained a little weight, about 5 grams, but that could be water retention. The vet thinks his livers shot and he's a bit swollen. Right now, we're keeping him warm, hydrated, and getting calories into him as best we can. We'll see if he pulls through. I still have hope. He's lived this long already and some liver damage is reversable, so he could make it. Time will tell.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
*fingers crossed* I hope him the best of luck.

Was sad this morning, as the dogs and I were walking. It rained last night, so there were still some worms out on the road, which I kept stopping and tossing them back onto the dirt so they could escape. Then we came across a toad. Poor guy looks like he got hit by a car and maybe had a broken front leg. I tried to be gentle picking him up and placing him off the road. Hope he makes it, but really doubt it. :(


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Jul 15, 2012
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Woo, house is termite free! Had an inspector out there earlier today (landlord pays for it) to prevent roaches and termites.

They might be re-sodding the front yard, which would be nice because it's literally dirt and tree roots...


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
I think I saw three heads sticking out of the BeSnapped pool, which means all three made it though the winter just fine. :( I wished I could have taken some thawed fish out to feed them, but knowing the rest of the week is going to be cold I didn't. :(

Did find a skeleton of some animal out near their pool in pieces. Not a cat and looks smaller. Seems to have bulges where the eyes would be. Sorta making the skull remind me of a bullfrogs. Has more rodent like teeth it seems. Wonder what 'possoms actually look like under their fur as we have those around.


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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
tortadise said:
It happens unfortunately. You never know what animal was exposed to with other keepers. Just hoping its not a very nasty virus. Even though she was kept alone in quarantine its still a scary thought. I am very optimistic in life though. All I can do is move on and utilize the best of the scenario. It wont stop me from my ultimate goals. On another good note. The Ft.Worth zoo wants to come out and see my facilities and the organization. Kinda cool. They are a huge AZA zoo with a world renown reptile facility. Would be a great milestone to work with this zoo. Also homebase for TSA. So karma in a way showed me not to get down or give up. I also got more Chacos so now my male wont be lonely and can spread his rare seed. (After quarantine of course on the females).

That is really awesome news and I am also sorry for your loss. :(

Jacqui said:
It is just so neat to walk outside and see green leaves and blooms!!

I am soooo sooooo jealous of you all. Today has been um.. typical crazyiness. Not so much of it has been ugliness so there's that. Also I haven't been yelled at today.. by any clients. I did however scare some developers. Why are people scared of me? It makes no sense.

Erin I love your new shoes. I would want them to stay pretty. :D
So I am back on the fence again about the mustang... ugh... can you imagine having to actually live with me. I am like but it's a lot of money.. and I have a truck.. and my truck is nice.. and my truck is so vroom vroom... :p If I get snuffed out in my sleep tonight you all know what happened. :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
I am soooo sooooo jealous of you all. Today has been um.. typical crazyiness. Not so much of it has been ugliness so there's that. Also I haven't been yelled at today.. by any clients. I did however scare some developers. Why are people scared of me? It makes no sense.

Erin I love your new shoes. I would want them to stay pretty. :D
So I am back on the fence again about the mustang... ugh... can you imagine having to actually live with me. I am like but it's a lot of money.. and I have a truck.. and my truck is nice.. and my truck is so vroom vroom... :p If I get snuffed out in my sleep tonight you all know what happened. :p

Because you aren't afraid to say what you feel and to show emotions while you do it. :p

I always have figured for me, if I am on the fence, it's something inside warning me to step back and wait. Usually a heart and mind disagreement. So have you tried writing down why you should and should not get the car? I think a lot is you just have not really found a car that speaks to you. It feels like your sorta settling for the 'stang, not that your really loving the idea of owning it.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Finally! Huge clump number three of the tall grasses is trimmed down. I love my clumps, especially in the winter when you can watch them dance in the wind. I do not however like having to cut them down in the spring. Only about half of the last one left to do and then that job will be done for the year. :D


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Mar 25, 2011
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Jacqui said:
It is just so neat to walk outside and see green leaves and blooms!!

I agree with that, I love seeing everything green and blooming....


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2011
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West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Kerryann said:
I am soooo sooooo jealous of you all. Today has been um.. typical crazyiness. Not so much of it has been ugliness so there's that. Also I haven't been yelled at today.. by any clients. I did however scare some developers. Why are people scared of me? It makes no sense.

Erin I love your new shoes. I would want them to stay pretty. :D
So I am back on the fence again about the mustang... ugh... can you imagine having to actually live with me. I am like but it's a lot of money.. and I have a truck.. and my truck is nice.. and my truck is so vroom vroom... :p If I get snuffed out in my sleep tonight you all know what happened. :p

Because you aren't afraid to say what you feel and to show emotions while you do it. :p

I always have figured for me, if I am on the fence, it's something inside warning me to step back and wait. Usually a heart and mind disagreement. So have you tried writing down why you should and should not get the car? I think a lot is you just have not really found a car that speaks to you. It feels like your sorta settling for the 'stang, not that your really loving the idea of owning it.

I think thats why I am afraid. I am not sure if I really don't want it, don't want to compromise, or am just being cheap.
Mike does all of the crazy lists.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Dude and I started working on destalking the hollyhocks. He seems like all my other tortoises, not interested in eating the leaves.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:
Dude and I started working on destalking the hollyhocks. He seems like all my other tortoises, not interested in eating the leaves.

You should have taken pics :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
:D If I started taking pictures, then no work would get done. :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...

Today I came across something interesting in the yard.... a grasshopper! Alive and kicking and jumping too. :D He was about an inch long. I don't know if he survived out there during the winter or what. I don't recall ever seeing one so early in the year.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Dec 31, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
West Bloomfield MI
Jacqui said:

Today I came across something interesting in the yard.... a grasshopper! Alive and kicking and jumping too. :D He was about an inch long. I don't know if he survived out there during the winter or what. I don't recall ever seeing one so early in the year.

He hid in a warm spot.
I had to do log reviews. Ugh.. Another night of that...

Jacqui said:
:D If I started taking pictures, then no work would get done. :D

What? There is always time for pics.
Tomorrow I'm single.. I should either find pants or a bf

I forgot to post this. Having my intern write my quote made me sound as blind as I am.
Also the pic of me is one of my peeps


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Hey hipster kids!
This summer, Kid Rock will be on tour and all ticket prices will be $20.00! No more $40,$60 or $500 special ones…all of them will be $20.00.

Of course, warm, flat beer will be $25 but you know…
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