Pretend Chat 2.14


Maggie Cummings

Not hardly. I am getting Bob's shed ready for Queenie to go back in there. And I'm thinkin the 2 yr old Daisy Mae is so active and bad, maybe I'll just let her be an adult Sulcata and let her live in the shed and sleep in Bob's sleeping box on the pig blanket or she can burrow in the hay. The ambient temp, can be kept at 90. Queenie lives in a tort table, but I'm thinking Daisy Mae is too active, too hungry, too mean, (she rams the hand giving her food) and just too busy. I don't really have anything that's right for her, so what's wrong with giving her the shed and running a humidifier 24/7. Well, it's raining 24/7, so it all works out. I know she's little (3 lbs) but she needs more room and she's curious, busy, pushes heavy rocks, moves her heavy wooden hide, she continually pushes things over to the edge of the stock tank and climbs on them, and tries to climb out. I think she's too little to have the freedom of the doggie door of the shed or unsupervised freedom outside in her pen. But I think she needs more room to be bad than she has now. So, I've been working all day after church and the race, God I hate the 2 car. NASCAR and church are 2 different things. Anyhow working so the tortoises are more comfortable and I can tell Ginger the box turtle wants her stock tank back. That's where she sleeps at night. So I'm changing everything around. Less clutter. Getting rid of a lot of clothes to the homeless womens shelter, so I can get new ones.....hahaha

mike taylor

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Oct 28, 2012
Sounds like your buzzing like a bee . Work ,work ,work you need more play . Take your car to the track and run a 1/4 mile .

Maggie Cummings

I do that on the hiway I have to take to my house. There's one last light, then it narrows from 2 lanes to one. So I always need to be first and at times I run into another me. I was recently beaten , just freakin barely, inches, I backed off cause we was just racin, not was a damn Tundra! Lordy, watch out for them, they're quick. I've now raced 4 of them, only lost that once. Hell of a truck I'm thinkin. My friend showed me all the electronics he has. For one, he has a button that goes to the computer and increases his RPMS. Heck, I do that by tromping on the throttle.....hehehehe. His is a 2015 that does everything but wash dishes. Hate to say it but I was really impressed. Next week end we're supposed to have sun and he and I have a race bet. We've been getting into each others face, so we're both looking forward to it. If I lose, I'll never be able to hold up my head in the neighborhood again. The bets are flyin.
So far the money's on me, but that comes from civilians who don't know a Tundra from a hot rock. They are a fast darn truck, and I do believe if I spin my tires, I'll lose. He has no weight in the rear either, that helps me too....I'm hoping he DOES spin his tires. He's not allowed to use any of his fancy controls. Just the engine and his throttle. I'll let you know how it ends. Maybe...
Would it be cheating for me to put a couple of cinder blocks over my back tires for better traction????

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I wonder how long a dog can go without peeing. It's raining and when I take Misty outside she won't venture off the porch. She hasn't pee'd since last night.

I broke down and made a fire in the wood stove this a.m. It's really not that cold outside, but, dang it! I'm tired of not being warm enough.

I vacuumed and dusted yesterday. I also took in three water turtles. I'm a sucker for a sob story. When I told the guy I don't take them anymore he told me he's on dialysis and his nephew has offered to donate a kidney, so he's going to be up in San Francisco at the hospital there for tests, etc. It's a large female RES, and two smaller other species. I think one of them is a painted, but I don't have a clue what the third one is. Naturally, they're used to living in an aquarium in the house. This means that I also have to keep them warmish. I don't have room in my house for water turtles. So I set them up outside in a trough with an aquarium heater. I hope that's good enough. The weather here really isn't all that cold - 70's during the day and 50's at night, but for a turtle used to living in the house, it might be a bit of a culture shock. The guy has a Boy Scout troop and he was going on and on about getting the boys over here to help out. I really don't know what kind of help they can be. Once the poop is picked up and the waterers cleaned and filled, all there is left to do is not tortoise related - repair fences, mow, trim edges, (rake leaves off the garage roof!!!), but I can't afford to buy lumber to fix fences at this time. Well, maybe he'll forget he made the offer now that he's found a place for his turtles.


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I wonder how long a dog can go without peeing. It's raining and when I take Misty outside she won't venture off the porch. She hasn't pee'd since last night.

I broke down and made a fire in the wood stove this a.m. It's really not that cold outside, but, dang it! I'm tired of not being warm enough.

I vacuumed and dusted yesterday. I also took in three water turtles. I'm a sucker for a sob story. When I told the guy I don't take them anymore he told me he's on dialysis and his nephew has offered to donate a kidney, so he's going to be up in San Francisco at the hospital there for tests, etc. It's a large female RES, and two smaller other species. I think one of them is a painted, but I don't have a clue what the third one is. Naturally, they're used to living in an aquarium in the house. This means that I also have to keep them warmish. I don't have room in my house for water turtles. So I set them up outside in a trough with an aquarium heater. I hope that's good enough. The weather here really isn't all that cold - 70's during the day and 50's at night, but for a turtle used to living in the house, it might be a bit of a culture shock. The guy has a Boy Scout troop and he was going on and on about getting the boys over here to help out. I really don't know what kind of help they can be. Once the poop is picked up and the waterers cleaned and filled, all there is left to do is not tortoise related - repair fences, mow, trim edges, (rake leaves off the garage roof!!!), but I can't afford to buy lumber to fix fences at this time. Well, maybe he'll forget he made the offer now that he's found a place for his turtles.

We all know you have a big heart! This summer can you put them in your pond?

The Boy Scouts may never make it over:)

Do you ever use a heated pad in your recliner? I have been on one all weekend and it does keep you toasty!

We have had rain but today it's really coming in with some wind. We'll see! Poor Misty:( will she go out if you use an umbrella and go out with her?

Maggie Cummings

DSCN1040.JPG DSCN1043.JPG Look at what I woke up to this morningDSCN1043.JPG Look close to the right on the first pix and you can see the second rainbow, 2 rainbows, it's beautiful....
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Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
We all know you have a big heart! This summer can you put them in your pond?

The Boy Scouts may never make it over:)

Do you ever use a heated pad in your recliner? I have been on one all weekend and it does keep you toasty!

We have had rain but today it's really coming in with some wind. We'll see! Poor Misty:( will she go out if you use an umbrella and go out with her?

I DO go out with her. I walk out into the yard with my umbrella and she cowers on the porch looking at me with doe eyes.

No, I won't put the turtles in my pond. I know a guy with a 2 acre pond that will take them, but I'll have to acclimate them to foraging and living outside before I give him a call.

I've used a heating pad in my recliner when I had a back 'twinge' but never thought about using it to warm up. Thanks for the tip.


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Oct 20, 2015
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grand terrace ca
Dang I was just about to let gamera out and then the amber alert went of heavy rain and then it poors for 30mins I thought they said el Nino was over


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My Faithful Companion, Misty, followed me outside when I went out to turn on lights, give fresh water and food and open shed doors. So she was finally able to pee. The poor cats are yowling and telling me they're not happy with all this wet stuff. It's a nice, steady rain, but much flooding. Quite a few stories on the news about folks' trees falling over on their houses. Also we've got a pretty nice snow pack on the mountains. They figure it's about 80% of normal.

As for the dog peeing...I've never seen a dog crossing its legs or hopping around saying, "ooo, ooo" trying to hold it in. Why are dogs so much different from humans? If I have to go, I have to go. I can't hold it indefinitely like Misty seems to be able to.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Your ears aren't floppy enough.

Oh, that's the secret, huh? I thought it was all in the wrist! ;)

Interesting that Jeff proposed under a double rainbow. You're just an old sentimental at heart, huh?

Sunny today? No wind? How unusual.

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