pooping scare!!!!

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if they are outside in the sun, they dont really need D3 supplement.. Is the grass damp when you sprinkle it? does it stick?
I would dampen the spring mix and sprinkle it on that.. just a little, as too much will make them not want to eat it.
I would do it daily at this age.
You can also take the grass hay, cut it up in tiny pieces and sprinkle that over the dampened spring mix as well. That way they get that as well, and get used to eating it.


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Mar 17, 2011
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Ok!! Now when.I was soaking herman he started bubbling from the mouth and nose!!! I called.the best herp vet in the area(that I know of) and got an appt. For monday at 3pm. What should I do till then? My local pet store guy said to male sure it stays at least 85 and keep the humidity around 50. He said to soak them for 10 min 3 times a day. I bought fresh kale in addition to.the spring mix and they didn't even touch it!! Im freaking out!! Their bellies seem.softer... maybe because they are empty.
I have electrolize I got for my blue dumpy tree frog.a while back. Should i use that to stimulate their appi

Sorry my phone does whatever it wants sometimes. To stimulate their Appetite was the last. Sentence. I haven't seen any bubbles since 2 and it is now 4
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