New weight seems a little heavy red foot??

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5 Year Member
May 8, 2013
Mario and peach both seem like they super grew within three weeks is this normal? Both about a year

Peach - 142.8grams 4inches
Mario - 112.5grams 3.5 inches

Peach - 143.2grams 4 inches
Mario - 112.8grams 3.5 inches

Peach - 155grams 4 inches
Mario - 122.6grams 3.5 inches

Only thing I did different today was measure and weight on a Tuesday instead of Monday which meant I fed them mazuri before the weigh in, instead of the regular greens and veggies... So maybe the weight from the extra mazuri they ate???? Or should I be worried

My tortoise Peach hates apples
Mario loves Peaches
0.0.2 redfoot


5 Year Member
Sep 17, 2012
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Manchester, UK
It isn't a massive weight gain, I wouldn't worry about it. And the Mazuri probs did add the extra weight.

I would say maybe your weighing a little too often though. I too used to weigh that often but it made me worry too much at every little number change. Now I just weigh every 2 weeks so I notice a clear weight gain/drop.



New Member
5 Year Member
May 8, 2013
Thanks both and yeah that was what I was thinking... Maybe it'll be different if I do it twice a month

My tortoise Peach hates apples
Mario loves Peaches
0.0.2 redfoot


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5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2012
That is a fine weight gain. I measure and weigh weekly and my guy gains about 8 grams a week. I bet if you measure more closely you'll see them growing too. Mine grows about .07 inches a week, which really adds up pretty quickly when talking in inches lol

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Also make sure you weigh and measure at the same time every time. I always measure before feeding and soaking because eating and pooing really add/decrease weight. Upwards of 5 grams sometimes lol

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Did you think that they would remain the same weight? The only time to be concerned is if they weigh LESS than before.


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5 Year Member
May 8, 2013
I just thought it was such a big jump from about half a gram a week to 8-10grams a week and these are my first tortoises so I am concern... And no I was not lookin for weigh lost, but concern because data seems to have a gap ... But yes I did measure and weigh them different time so maybe it does matter because they are still young and small and a bit of mazuri might make a difference.

My tortoise Peach hates apples
Mario loves Peaches
0.0.2 redfoot


5 Year Member
Apr 7, 2013
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United States
I think it should be fine. Just like with people, if we ate a bunch of food and got weighed, we'd be heavier than if we didn't eat at all during the day. Why else would wrestlers starve themselves and exercise like maniacs to stay in their weight class? It all depends what your eating, what your exercise is, and how much your eating. I think your torts are perfectly fine :D


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5 Year Member
Jul 7, 2012
Re: RE: New weight seems a little heavy red foot??

haidao88 said:
I just thought it was such a big jump from about half a gram a week to 8-10grams a week and these are my first tortoises so I am concern... And no I was not lookin for weigh lost, but concern because data seems to have a gap ... But yes I did measure and weigh them different time so maybe it does matter because they are still young and small and a bit of mazuri might make a difference.

My tortoise Peach hates apples
Mario loves Peaches
0.0.2 redfoot

Exactly! Torts are similar to humans in that they have growth spurts. I have weeks where my tort gains half a gram and I have other weeks that he gains 15 grams. Same with his lengths. Some weeks he'll grow .01 cm and others he'll grow .2 cm. I always measure right before his soak and breakfast every Tuesday and I still get variations. As long as he doesn't loose 5% body mass in a week, your tort is doing fine!

Ps I always notice larger gains when I fed Mazuri more frequently that week.

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