My redfoot family


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10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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Hello there! Im just wonderinf what u have planted all your plants in???

Some plants are in plastic pots but most of them are planted directly in the substrate. Substrate consists of cypress mulch, coco coir, top soil, and a soil-less mix. Long fibered sphagnum moss is mixed in from the torts dragging it around. Hope this answers your question!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Jul 11, 2011
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I second that! Beautiful animals, beautiful set up. You are as lucky as they are!!!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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Last question, which plants have you got in there??
Beautiful setup btw and tortoise, i have the same ones!!!

Spider plants, Christmas cactus, Nepenthes (hanging), Tradescantia (Wandering Jew), Pothos, Bird's nest ferns, Wax begonia, Norfolk pine, Prayer plant, Lipstick vine, Dracaena marginata, and various weed seeds (broadleaf plantain, dandelion, chickweed, sow thistle). Every once in a while, I transplant my window grown plants (lettuces, full grown weeds) into the enclosure. Most newly introduced plants are eaten fairly quickly.


Active Member
5 Year Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Chilliwack, BC
Your enclosure is absolutely amazing, and it shows with your tortoises! This is what I would personally say is the perfect captive environment for these guys, just fantastic. :D
Your enclosure puts mine to shame, hahaha. This is something I aspire to with my girl's home. ^_^


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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Your enclosure is absolutely amazing, and it shows with your tortoises! This is what I would personally say is the perfect captive environment for these guys, just fantastic. :D
Your enclosure puts mine to shame, hahaha. This is something I aspire to with my girl's home. ^_^

It's never my intention to post pictures that might make others feel worse about their enclosures.. more like hoping to inspire by giving ideas of the use of plants and "furniture". I know what you mean, though. I've seen pictures from people like @terryo that make me wish I was just plain better. Plus, you know I make use of the "good" angles when I take my pictures ;)

I can take current pictures (like this instant) to show how wild and scraggly things are in there with the half eaten plants, the poop, the wilted food that was set out in the morning, and the dirty water dishes :p


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5 Year Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Chilliwack, BC
I get that! It inspires me more than makes me feel less worthy, hahaha. I've only had my girl for 2 months so I'm still figuring things out as well, and she isn't in her adult enclosure quite yet so I have a bit of time to plan! Really glad I found your thread before starting the build of her adult enclosure though, so many ideas. :D


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10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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I decided to go out back and hunt for worms. I replenish the worm population in the indoor enclosure every once in a while. I don't really know how well they do after they're thrown in. However, I did find a pillbug in the water dish a couple days ago (and it's been at least 2 months since I put in pillbugs) so there's hope that beneficial bugs can survive the transfer.

These are the times when the more timid torts come out to play. Sunny hides the most in her corner but turned into a real predator once those worms hit the dirt.

Other pics:



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5 Year Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Chilliwack, BC
<3 Your Tortoises make me so happy with how smooth and perfect they are, lol. Love seeing these updates ^_^


New Member
Jan 13, 2015
What an incredible enclosure and little family of torts you have there :) I talked with Vicki Hale already and am going to be getting a Cherry Head baby from her in the very near future and am so excited about it. Crazy how quickly yours are growing. Do you know who the parents (mom) of yours are? Are they considered to be Cherry Heads or no? Just looking at her many tortoises on her website and wondering which lines yours came from. I am planning on doing an indoor planted vivarium also. I will only have one tortoise though, so nothing this large but I will take many ideas from your set up as I build mine.


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10 Year Member!
Mar 28, 2013
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Hey Bryan! Glad to hear that you'll be joining the redfoot community soon. Vicki Hale is a good person to talk to and she helped me quite a bit. When I got my little ones, they were sold to me as "Northerns". However, Vicki wasn't sure about the father's history because he was a rescue. But he had to have been part/all cherryhead because I see a bit of the CH characteristics in all of my guys.

The mothers-

Sunset: Mrs. Slowcome
Loki: Louie
Jingle: Sal
Punch: Mrs. Slowcome

They all very much looked different (which I deliberately chose so I could tell them apart) despite same or different parents.

When you get your little one, definitely start a thread. This is my go-to place to keep records of my guys. I have a separate notebook that I kept for the first 6 months with tons of details and I still keep their growth charts going in it. This place, though, has the pictures and the peer pressure to keep my husbandry skills sharp :D


New Member
Jan 13, 2015
I started back at the beginning of the thread and I felt like I just grew up with your tortoises over the past (almost) two years of their lives :) One of the things I love about the planted enclosures (except the look of them) is the ease of maintenance when compared to using other substrates that aren't planted. I know you still spot clean daily and I am sure that helps a lot too, but does the enclosure have an odor to it at all? From what I have heard they don't really smell but it would be nice to hear from you on this.