My Greek's outdoor enclosure

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Sep 17, 2012
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I do not have a yard (just a measly deck) so here is my improvisation to let my baby girl get some rays during the day while I'm at school/work. I also have a problem with squirrels digging out my gardens so I made Petra her own little rooftop garden that neither she, nor the pests can get to - that way she'll have some greens to eat in a month or so!

Underneath the "rooftop" garden is a little burrow for her. So far, the first two days I put her out, she's nibbled only a little of her greens and hidden in the burrow the rest of the time. I'm hoping she will be more adventurous, has anyone had a similar problem?

Next year I hope to have a legitimate yard for both her and my dogs. It's top on my list of requirements when house hunting!

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