Giving up on the torts

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Jun 19, 2013
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These tortoises are around 2 years and their Russian. They were bought from a local pet store that we requested for them to order for us ... They came from the south of London to Glasgow .. There was sandy and rocky... Rocky was a pain in the neck , he scratched the wall, bit sandy , and never ate so I decided to give him back ... To the pet shop for exchange of another tortoise that they had on... He was a good eater and poo'd a lot ... But ever since we brought him home he has also been not eating , just sleeping , not pooing , and sandy is biting him, I have a ridiculous enclosure that my auntie decided to give from her previous torts , which isn't even a enclosure it is an outdoor pen/run ... Here is the link ...
No-one ever seems to listen to what I have to say about them, they see me as someone who doesn't understand the tortoise ... My auntie doesn't even have tortoises she has a bearded dragon but she always seems to make my decisions for me...
I only want what's best for the tortoise and not what's best for me...
I wanted a bookshelf enclosure split vertically for both tortoises to have a separate enclosure ... I am seriously stuck on what to think/do.. It makes me feel horrible knowing that I'm letting them live on something like that ... I don't know what to do should I just give them in since nobody actually seems to listen to what I have to say ? ...


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Jun 13, 2013
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So I am no expert by any means but what I have learned in my short period of time on the form is that russian torts do not like to be together. I would venture to guess this is causing them both lots of stress which is most likely impacting their eating habits.

Do you have them inside or outside? What are you feeding them?

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I keep them inside and feed them dandelion leaves and various types of edible flowers

Leopard Tortoise Lover 16199

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Jun 30, 2013
How long have you had the tortoise? Getting only one would've been the best idea, tortoises are mainly SOLITARY animals that as they get older dont typically enjoy company. 2 girls would get along better than 2 boys or 1 of each, but there are no guarantees. But, now that you're stuck with the 2, you'll need a very large enclosure either split or with lots of hideouts & sight barriers, they are not getting along, Sandy is just being territorial its the natural instinct. You'll have to work out the family problems on your own, but good luck anyway!! :)


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Your two Russians need to be housed separately to stop the bullying and fighting. If you read this forum, you will see that these torts are solitary and do not want, or need, company. A solitary Russian is a happy Russian.

Your bookcase is idea is good for the short term, but in the next couple of years term each will require an enclosure around 2.5 x 1.5m in size. Russians are probably the biggest roamers of the Testudo tortoises.

You need to convince your family that you have done your research and show them what is best for your tortoises. If you cannot house both of them properly, maybe you can rehome one? The one that is left will be far happier and healthier without company.

Tortoises live for at least 50 years in captivity.... maybe 100. We have had our Greek for 43 years already. You need to think about the future hard.


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That's not a bad enclosure. However, a Russian can dig out of that quite easy if you don't have some kind of wire fencing buried under it. Put one in that enclosure and build another. Kiddie pools will make a good enclosure for now too. Kiddie pools are cheap, like 6-15 dollars. Get the biggest one you can find. They look like this and come even bigger. Most big box stores sell them. I would get one for each if you can.
Also, tell Auntie that the things she may have done back in the day, we have found out now to be wrong and not good for the tortoises. The biting is because they should not be together in such a small enclosure. Let her know that you are doing your research on the right way to house, feed and raise them. That you aren't just guessing on what to do. I would then, just do it my way and ignore what Auntie says. Good luck. And no, I don't think you should give up on them.


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Re: RE: Giving up on the torts

wellington said:
That's not a bad enclosure. However, a Russian can dig out of that quite easy if you don't have some kind of wire fencing buried under it. Put one in that enclosure and build another. Kiddie pools will make a good enclosure for now too. Kiddie pools are cheap, like 6-15 dollars. Get the biggest one you can find. They look like this and come even bigger. Most big box stores sell them. I would get one for each if you can.
Also, tell Auntie that the things she may have done back in the day, we have found out now to be wrong and not good for the tortoises. The biting is because they should not be together in such a small enclosure. Let her know that you are doing your research on the right way to house, feed and raise them. That you aren't just guessing on what to do. I would then, just do it my way and ignore what Auntie says. Good luck. And no, I don't think you should give up on them.

He is British, wellington... pounds not dollars!

Leopard Tortoise Lover 16199

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Jun 30, 2013
And NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR TORTS!!! It's your decisions that has made it this way..also, you said the new ones not eating. You must have UVA & UVB. These are absolutely essential for indoors. UVA stimulates them to eat & provides essential heat, UVB is used for proper lighting & is essential for proper calcium absorption. If you have these, there may be something else wrong. But if the tort is brand new, it is known not to eat up to a few weeks after being acquired. If this is the case, soak in shallow Luke warm dish and offer romaine/ other dark leafy greens or dandelion right after the soak, soaking also stimulates hunger. Place it wet in a dish under the light, are your temps correct?? It needs to be correct temps in order for them to eat.


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I dont think you should give up either! I can tell you are very upset about this and I am sorry you are going thru this. I totally agree with Wellington!! Good luck and please keep us posted!

Leopard Tortoise Lover 16199

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Jun 30, 2013
Wishing best of luck to you, just NEVER GIVE UP!!! :) Maybe an outdoor enclosure?? Soo much easier to maintain & sun provides natural rays. Sometimes it can be hard to turn down family members' offers...but, you must do what is right for your tortoises.


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JoesMum said:
wellington said:
That's not a bad enclosure. However, a Russian can dig out of that quite easy if you don't have some kind of wire fencing buried under it. Put one in that enclosure and build another. Kiddie pools will make a good enclosure for now too. Kiddie pools are cheap, like 6-15 dollars. Get the biggest one you can find. They look like this and come even bigger. Most big box stores sell them. I would get one for each if you can.
Also, tell Auntie that the things she may have done back in the day, we have found out now to be wrong and not good for the tortoises. The biting is because they should not be together in such a small enclosure. Let her know that you are doing your research on the right way to house, feed and raise them. That you aren't just guessing on what to do. I would then, just do it my way and ignore what Auntie says. Good luck. And no, I don't think you should give up on them.

He is British, wellington... pounds not dollars!

I don't know pounds, they will have to figure it out, sorry.:D


The Dog Trainer
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Also, the diet is a problem. They need a variety of broad leaf weeds. Dandelions are a great food, but should not be fed every day. 2 or 3 times a week as part of a mixture of other foods is fine. Like wise, flowers should be only a small part of the diet. 5% or less. They should be eating leafy greens and leaves. Grape leaves, mulberry leaves, hibiscus leaves, endive, escarole, cilantro, carrot tops, broadleaf plantain, filaree, arugula, mallow, sow thistle, etc...

Your main two issues are: 1. Your enclosure is way too small, and 2. They should not be housed in pairs.


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Feb 11, 2011
Print some of the care sheets shown on this forum and on Show those to your family.

Have patience and good luck.


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WillTortoise said:
Print some of the care sheets shown on this forum and on Show those to your family.

Have patience and good luck.

I think this is a good approach without upsetting your aunt. Find one that mentions symptoms of stress and being solitary, then they might listen :)
I'm not too far from you (Aberdeen) :)


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Jun 19, 2013
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Thanks for the advice, I've told my mum and auntie that I have already made a decision and have my savings for money to build a new enclosure ... I will build a bookshelf one that is quite wide and long so I can split it in the middle to provide homes for both of them and I have got a UVB floodlight and a basking lamp. , my basking lamp only makes the enclosure 85-90 degrees ... What do I do to raise the temp? Should I get a different bulb with a higher watt ?

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
Sorry for your family problem . But try to remember she has your best at heart. What you might try is print out one of the help sheets . And tell her you don't understand it then she. Will read it and learn it her self by explaining it to you. It's just a thought . Good luck with the torts and the family

Yvonne G

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Grandpa Turtle 144 said:
Sorry for your family problem . But try to remember she has your best at heart. What you might try is print out one of the help sheets . And tell her you don't understand it then she. Will read it and learn it her self by explaining it to you. It's just a thought . Good luck with the torts and the family

This is a great idea. Things usually work best when you can figure out a way to make it seem like it was THEIR idea in the first place.


10 Year Member!
Jul 1, 2013
rocky1998 said:
Thanks for the advice, I've told my mum and auntie that I have already made a decision and have my savings for money to build a new enclosure ... I will build a bookshelf one that is quite wide and long so I can split it in the middle to provide homes for both of them and I have got a UVB floodlight and a basking lamp. , my basking lamp only makes the enclosure 85-90 degrees ... What do I do to raise the temp? Should I get a different bulb with a higher watt ?

You can either get one with more watt or place the bulb lower. I wouldn't place it lower than 30cm from the bottom, I'd rather get a stronger bulb. 100watt is usually enough but you may need a 150watt bulb.

And don't tell them you don't understand. You want them to realise that you do in fact understand. You're the one with the interest and you're the one who cares enough to want to do this right.
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