Feel so bad for this pet store baby

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10 Year Member!
Aug 16, 2013
Finally got a taste of what other people are saying about rescuing pet store tortoises. I have a small nicer pet store near my home and I know the owner reads his own reptiles. Obviously goes by the dry method. I was there and and a little baby leopard tortoise was in its enclosure, no water, huddled in a corner. It was already Pyramided badly.it and it is smaller than my sulcata hatchling. It looked So dry, dull and miserable. It had nowhere near the pretty colors that I see here online. Of coarse my first instinct is to buy it and help him feel better, but really what would that solv? Plus I don't have the finances right now to take on a third tortoise in a month. I was considering printing up Tom's bread and sending it to them. And hopefully something would get through. But usually people just want to keep doing what they have always done regardless. I do wish I could save that baby though


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RE: Feel so bad for this baby

No matter what they may keep doing, you need to be the voice for the poor thing. Yes, print up Toms care sheet, he won't mind at all and take it to them, do not send it. Let them know that there has been great improvement in the care that is needed. Give them the care sheet and tell them about tortoiseforum.org. Be very kind and offer help on getting the enclosure right. Keep checking in and seeing if improvements have been made. Keep fighting to get that leopard in a better living environment. When we see things like this and do nothing, we are no better then the person giving poor care. Good luck, keep us posted and when you get things changed for the little guy, you will feel sooooo goood:)

Grandpa Turtle 144

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
I'm sorry about that baby tort but wouldn't it help more if the TFO
Gave letters to the pet stores thanking
Them of the good care they are giving
To their torts signed by the TFO
They would put up the good letters
Witch would also get the name ( TFO )
Out in the years to come


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Can you get a pic of this baby Leo? It may help for some to see him and if they live near, they may want to rescue it. Tom's care sheets is a first step. Who knows what he will do. Can't be any worse then what he doing now. It's worth a try.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 16, 2013
I can try to get a picture on Monday. I am out of town for the next couple of days. If anyone wants him, I can get him and ship him out. He is hundred and $30 at the store


5 Year Member
Sep 16, 2013
I did this at my local pet store they kept a 25 lb sulcata in a 55 gallon his shell was stuck in between the glass. I took him home for 250$ he had pyramiding so bad. He wouldent eat for about 2 months until he died. I went to the pet store and demanded that they take care of their reptiles. And now they have a 25 foot tortoise table for 5 baby leopards and they are not pyramiding at all. Speaking up helps. Just like it does in any other situation. Don't be the one who lets those bastards watch him die. Do something.


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Mar 17, 2013
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Here is what I try to live by. Ghandi said we are accountable for what we do, and for what we do not do. So being the opinionated soul that I am, if it is not good I say something and try to educate also. 9 times out of 10, people are grateful. Sometimes they want to pop me but I just say, "Horse, water." They either drink or they don't.


5 Year Member
Sep 16, 2013
BeeBee*BeeLeaves said:
Here is what I try to live by. Ghandi said we are accountable for what we do, and for what we do not do. So being the opinionated soul that I am, if it is not good I say something and try to educate also. 9 times out of 10, people are grateful. Sometimes they want to pop me but I just say, "Horse, water." They either drink or they don't.

Exactly :)


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10 Year Member!
Aug 16, 2013
Here is the baby pic. She says she thinks he is around. 4 months old. Very small little thing. I did casually talk about changing the care, it sounds like they may know some things but not care too much. She chuckled and said she was supposed to soak him a couple days ago. :(
I am going to print up a care sheet and hope for the best. I sure wish I could bring her home though!

Never mind, it won't let me upload!
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