
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good Morning Good Folks.

I hope everybody is safe and healthy. The panic is starting here now as well and if we go into the shops then the shelves are bare. It is completely crazy and people are mad. I now have to go and try and get tp just because I might not be able to get it when I need it due to panic buying.?‍♀️
Our petrol is still the same and lots of places have in fact raised their prices. This morning I saw an ad for santizer 500ml for R149. Which is 3 x the normal price we would normally pay. The sad thing is that you cannot walk into the shops and just buy it off the shelves because there just isn't any.

Okay rant over and here is something funny for you to read: This was forwarded to me, and it is so good I feel that I needed to share the laugh.

????Just been to DisChem. Saw a guy who's trolley was full to the brim with hand sanitizers, baby wipes, toilet roll soaps, everything that people need!!

So I told him off and gave him a low down about the elderly and mums to be who need these types of things. Told him he should be fking ashamed of himself!

He said: “that’s all well and good but I work here, can I carry on filling the shelves now?” ??


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
Good mornooning all. The UK Is quietly closing down. We have been told we should distance ourselves, but they’re not instructing restaurants and theatres to close. And schools are still open. It’s contradictory and weird.

JoesDad and I are in some sort of weird post-travel bubble. The world shut down in our wake with first NZ announcing a 14 day quarantine for arrivals, then Australia and today Hong Kong.

We decided to keep our distance on our return just in case we had picked up the lurgy and it seems we must just carry on doing so. With neither of us working we are just carrying on life largely as before without going to the theatre and restaurants... I do wonder how we would be feeling if we had been working at this time.

We are going out for a walk every day regardless of how bad the jet-lag is. We are also planning a pond for our garden and some birdwatching trips. When we filled our Volvo yesterday the petrol station had no unleaded fuel, only diesel... panic buying I suspect.

I am desperate for a haircut. My hair is very thick and 6 weeks is as long as I can go between cuts. It’s been 8 weeks since my last cut! I shall call my hairdresser today and hope she is still in business at the end of this week.

Look after yourselves wherever you are x


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5 Year Member
Jul 30, 2018
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Richmond, VA
Subaru? Is the 'state car' here in Oregon...they say that 90% of all the Subaru's sold are still on the road...over the weekend I rode in my DIL's brand new many bells and whistles..a tv back up screen... so instead of using her mirrors or windows...instead of turning your head a little and looking out the damn windows...
I am a retired OTR trk driver and a hot rod driver.. my car doesn't even have cup has hand crank's all set up for an actual driving experience...I"m sure TV's and other stuff in cars makes for good selling, but it does NOT improve driving skills...the further dumbing down of Americans...just sayin
You are correct I love my backup camera, but I am trained to get my butt up out the seat and look where I am going. The more electronics means more wires-ugh! But a do-all Outback with a turbo is what my dreams are about. To be honest my first car was a 1977 AMC Hornet station wagon- so it is in the dna!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Basically I am a loner...I venture out only to get supplies and go home...I went to town yesterday for cat litter, bird seed and bread...When I got to my local store...I was stunned, shocked and mad...There was so much tension was in the air, shopping carts were full to overflowing, shelves were empty. I expected some empty shelves, but not to the extent they bread, no cat litter, a fist fight in the meat department between 2 women over a $46 Tri Tip that was $20 last week...This real fight in front of their kids...neither one was very good so no one was hurt...
I've been making jokes about hoarding t-paper...but I'm thinkin now that it's because the powers that be are asking for a 2 or 3 week stay home quarantine...with lots of places closed. USU is closed, fast food closed...schools closed, where are the kids who get breakfast and lunch at school gonna eat...? the Senior Center is closed...where are the seniors who depend on the senior center for food gonna eat? I don't mind staying home, that's fine with me...but those same people with full carts complained about OTHERS HOARDING...frankly...I had a sort of a melt down in the produce lettuces, no pkgs of Spring freakin potatoes. No berries for my box turtles...I was talking to the produce manager (a friend) and ended up on a kinda loud rant...I was scared and mad...but I used the f word a lot combined with mother*****, stupid mf'ers...and so on...I was escorted to my car, which was rather embarrassing...and...on my way home shaking and afraid I realized that the virus was not what I was afraid was the panicked people who looked like normal people...and I thought ...if they are panicking...maybe I am not taking this seriously enough...
My son who I stopped speaking to last year showed up at my door with my granddaughter...who I also hadn't seen, and my DIL who was carrying, t-paper (lol) coffee, Mt Dew ...shampoo, conditioner, and tincture made for neurological pain. Ya can't beat that...
My church closed, sermon will be on-line only, no bible study...the the very worst and horrible NASCAR.... There are 10 confirmed cases at the Veterans Home abt 30 miles from here, and now 1 death..

If there are any Oregonians here that need me...I am available to help...541-231-1366... call and I will be there...I pray for us and I sure hope all my friends here stay safe..
And here is something to take your mind off the virus...View attachment 288116View attachment 288117 to take your mind off the virus...
The hoarding is terrible, but that is the sense of greed that has taken over the world. In all aspects of life.
Happy you got reunited with your son and grandchild.
Thanks for flipping the script with the pics. Made me chuckle I like that kind of humor.?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Ray good thing you pulled a permit, no way to sneak that beast into the yard. Can’t wait to see you set it up!
Thanks, a lot of people don't pull permits. If I didn't that would be another thing I would worry about being caught. How times have changed. Before I would have had the F you attitude and welcomed the controversy. I have softened up I guess.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Is this going to be 1/3 for you, 1/3 for Opo and 1/3 for the in-laws? Lots of room in there to work with.
whats the grand plan?
I was thinking about making part of it Opo's night box with another entrance for him. I thought about fumes from gas,fertilizer and bug sprays. Even if I sealed the night box, I am not sure I could eliminate the fumes.