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  1. Lindsey28

    Three year sulcata owner moving to North Carolina.

    What did your indoor housing look like? How did you set it up?
  2. Lindsey28

    Indoor Winter Basking Ideas

    Thanks for the tips and warnings @Tom! I've only had them inside for a couple weeks so I could find a way to help keep them sufficiently warm during the next couple months. This post I found a while ago and is what I modeled the outdoors hidey hut after...
  3. Lindsey28

    Indoor Winter Basking Ideas

    They do have a great set up with substrate, sand and a big heated (as best I can with door openings) hidey-hut (with different sections for them to be separated) out on the balcony, it's just been so cold I don't want them to linger out there. But they get direct sunlight outside on the balcony...
  4. Lindsey28

    Indoor Winter Basking Ideas

    I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for an indoor basking area for my two 2-year old sulcata torts? I live in a 1/1 apartment that's mostly carpeted but I made sure to have a huge balcony for the them. I live in NC so the weather has been in the 40's lately - too cold for them to just...
  5. Lindsey28

    Yellow balls in poop?

    Yeah, I realized that the neighbor's palm tree reaches over the habitat and it's dropping these seeds.
  6. Lindsey28

    Yellow balls in poop?

    I know this is pretty gross, so I apologize for that!
  7. Lindsey28

    Yellow balls in poop?

    I noticed today that my smaller tort was passing some yellow ball/seed looking things and I have no idea what the cause of them are? She's not had any food that resembles or contains this kind of shape. Mostly lettuce/grasses some apple slices and that's about it. Has anyone experienced this or...
  8. Lindsey28

    What caused this bumpy layer growth?

    Hmmm that COULD be it, but is there anything else could it be? I don't know when the bubbles first started, but the heat lamp hasn't been really on lately.
  9. Lindsey28

    What caused this bumpy layer growth?

    I know it's definitely not normal but I can't think of what it could be? My other tort doesn't have this and she has the same living conditions. And I can see a white layer underneath where that crusty/bumpy layer is.. Here's a better pic:
  10. Lindsey28

    What caused this bumpy layer growth?

    I noticed this the other day and thought maybe it may have gotten a little too dry? But I'm not sure what else it could be. Does anybody know?
  11. Lindsey28

    Update on Loo & Loretta

    LOO: - 12" circumference - 7" length top shell - 7.5" width top shell - 5" length bottom shell - 4.25" width bottom shell LORETTA: - 9.5" circumference - 5.5" length top shell - 6" width top shell - 4" length bottom shell - 3.5" width bottom shell
  12. Lindsey28

    Update on Loo & Loretta

    Some recent photos taken within the last month. They're now 1 year, 2 months - happy as can be! They're starting to come to me when I talk to them and just hang out by me :)
  13. Lindsey28

    Sulcata Shell Question?

    Her shell layers seem to be almost glued together? Is this ok/normal?
  14. Lindsey28

    Summer Habitat for Loo & Loretta :)

    Yeah this is just temporary for a couple months while I'm gone and my parents are taking care of them - they're still pretty small and definitely have a LOT of space to adventure. Even though it's hot, I made sure that where they're placed is more than half in the shade and with usual cooling...
  15. Lindsey28

    Summer Habitat for Loo & Loretta :)

    They absolutely love it!
  16. Lindsey28

    Food Question...

    Also, do tortoises eat Timothy Hay? If so, at what age?
  17. Lindsey28

    Food Question...

    What is one or a couple of good resources to buy these pads at?
  18. Lindsey28

    Food Question...

    What are the health benefits to these?
  19. Lindsey28

    Food Question...

    At what age can sulcatas start eating cactus pads? Mine are about 10 months now.
  20. Lindsey28

    Morla's new home... suggestions?

    How do you have the hose on a timer? I've been wanting to create a humidifier but I don't know where to begin. I was thinking something with a hose but I don't know of timing it except for the sprinkler system.