Very Sick Marginated Tortoise- Please Help!


New Member
Jun 25, 2016
We are looking for someone to help us save our tortoise!!

Randy is a marginated tortoise we bought may 3rd at the 2015 Buffalo Reptile Expo. About a month ago, we noticed Randy was not eating as much as normal and was less active. He has not eaten much in about 3 weeks, he was originally drinking but recently this has also decreased :( He is getting worse everyday

We brought him to a vet who specializes in exotic animals where they discovered generalized red translucent spots under his shell (Randly is on the left in the picture). Randy's shell otherwise is very healthy, he has no soft spots or pyramiding. The vet has never seen anything like this and there is no information on the web. We were lucky we had Mort, our other Marginated Tortoise that we bought at the same time (per the person we bought them from they are part of the same litter) to compare Randy to. Mort does not have these spots and is about twice as big and very healthy and active. We started Randy on a broad spectrum antibiotic (given IM).

Picture of Randy:

He has received 3/10 doses so far but he has not gotten any better ... does anyone have any ideas what this could be?? He is not stooling so we are unable to get a stool sample at this time. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas of what is going on we would really appreciate it!! We want to do everything we can to try to help Randy get better.

Thank you so much!!

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I'm so sorry to hear you have a sick pet. I think I have read something about red spots on plastron being corelated with septicemia in which case the antibiotics would be very appropriate. I know a lot more about human than tort medicine. I do know that sick tort needs to be kept warm so bump up his temp, warm soaks are the golden standard. Not sure who keeps your species but @Yvonne G knows a lot about dealing with sick torts in general, hopefully she comes online soon and give you some helpful tips. Hang in there


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Just re-read your post and would add in case you didn't know to do it, is get Pedialyte and Gerber Baby food- carrot and do those carrot soaks. Some of it will potentially absorb through the cloaca. If the animal is indeed septic, he's feeling VERY poorly, so lots of supportive care, and warm hydration. Keep his environment at around 85F inside of his hide and very humid. That's really all I can think of for now. Also be in touch with the vet. What did the vet say about the diagnosis?

Cheryl Hills

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There was another person on here a while back, with red spots on their tort. It was septicemia. Maybe have your vet do some blood work because it has to be the right antibiotic to fight this. Sorry to say, the other tort did not make it. It was just a baby though. Good luck and hope your tort gets better.


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Jun 21, 2016
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The separation from the other tort and the right antibiotic - those and the correct temps and humidity seems to be the keys right now!

Good luck Randy!