Tortoise in distress at Canadian Zoo - PICTURES

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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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bobbymoore said:
the owner doesnt care it just makes him money

I can't imagine folks paying money to see such a sorry site. Does he actually do a brisk business?


5 Year Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Worcester, MA
Forget the owner, who is in charge of the reptiles?

I once wrote an email to a local zoo, it wasn't anything serious it was just an observation. I got emails from several people who worked for the zoo, the exibit and the veterinarian who cared for the animals. Thanking me for my obervation and telling me how they were going to fix it.

3 months later I recieved a free pass for me and my family asking me to inspect the changes. I know this is above and beyond, but you would figure someone from thsi zoo would care.

This whole thing makes me so sad. The poor turtle.


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Sep 25, 2011
The owner is, unfortunately.

The only person who takes care of their 500+ animals on a daily basis is the 70 year old owner of the zoo. His son is also there, but he is very sick at the moment so he doesn't work right now. The daughter in law is in charge of financials but doesn't like doing dirty work. So in addition to Lynn, the owner, the only other people doing dirty work are two volunteers that can go out most weekends.

The only people you can actually speak to, and the only people in charge, are Lynn, the son Bill, and the daughter in law Irene. None are receptive.

They don't make much money from the gate but they make a lot of money through selling exotic animals, both living and dead. They have a fur farm license as well and taxidermize animals like Lynx that they breed. They breed anything that they can... primates, big cats, wolves, etc, and they always have babies.

The owners are not receptive. They believe that they know best, that animals were given to them to what they will and this is what they've decided to do with them, and that as long as they are breeding they are fine. They don't care if something dies because they just feed it to another animal.

This is a link to the government investigation reports and what the investigators saw:


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Sep 12, 2011
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Let's reach out to the U.S. SPCA for help. Also have the conversation that you could be the one to care for this animal and take it in, etc. I did that when a place was being shut down -- they gave up and gave the turtle to me. I ended up with many and most we saved and let go! My Herbie was a result of such neglect-- More than 25 years ago and today she is my baby and healthy. But I told them if they needed to get her off their hands I could take her...they were happy to get rid of her... Just saying....


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
There lies one of the major problems, not enough staff.

Okay I know you guys want to shut this place down, BUT how can you all just sit back and not do anything to actually help the animals out today? I am sorry, but my first concern would be to help the animals, to end their suffering today not just hoping for an end to it in the future. Am I making sense?

Why not all of you just for a week try to look past your different thoughts and feelings about this place and it's owners and instead work one weekend (or whatever it takes) to get this place up to livable standards and then step back. See if by coming in being helpful rather then as enemies if you can not only help the animals today, but get into the owners minds to see what they need to do and for them to either step up to the plate and do it or hopefully to give up the place.

Now if they don't keep it up, that should you give even stronger grounds I would think to fight them with. To show the courts, the humane officials that they are beyond help.

Just an idea.... but I know I could not turn my back on those animals, just to make a point or to win the war.


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Atrocious. I have sent an email as you suggested. I can't imagine how frustrating this must be.
Humans can be the most repellent creatures.


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Sep 25, 2011
Trust me, people have done that. Because of this, volunteers have come together at the zoo in a stronger force then ever. But they can only do so much because the majority of the animals are animals they legally cannot work with and the owner won't allow them to do a lot due to insurance. They have had giant work weekends and the ASPCA is ensuring that all of the animals have shelter, food and water while the court proceedings go on. The problem is, is that by helping them it helps them pass inspections and remain open. They have been open for over 20 years and at some point someone has to put their foot down and get them closed once and for all...and that is happening. Due to the media and the public outcry, people HAVE stepped forward and are helping at the zoo, so not only have we accomplished getting the government moving into action, we have united Guzoo's volunteer force and they are volunteering and fundraising more then ever.

I put my money towards my own rescued animals and legitimate charities whose job is made more difficult because of places like Guzoo. Guzoo needs much more then a single weekend or even an entire summer of hard labour.. the government determined it impossible to bring up to standards with the money available.

It says specifically in the investigative report that the owner of the zoo is not interested in hiring staff/paying wages and does not want to work with volunteers as that requires a safety and training program and insurance to cover it.

All money raised for the zoo right now, even in zoo fundraisers, goes towards lawyers. That was even the case before this exploded earlier this year...they were fighting a case against the owner of a rescue in Calgary who described them as a "concentration camp" and they were suing them for defamation.

Also, we have arranged placements for the majority of the animals at the zoo and are in close contact with the government about this, as they are with us. We have also secured full funding for the transportation, health care and any related costs of the zoo animals by Zoo Check Canada and Bob Barker.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Okay, thanks for the added information. Those were things I did not know. Have homes been found that will take in all these animals, if the court and other officials would have the balls to do the right thing and totally shut it all down?


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Sep 25, 2011
The vast majority of the controlled animals, including the cats and primates, have homes available. However, by law they are his property and unless he is charged by the ASPCA and has the animals seized under the animal protection act, then he will have a certain amount of time to disperse the animals as he sees necessary. The government is determined to have them placed and is very receptive of our suggestions and is in close contact, but when it comes down to it the owner of the zoo could even taxidermy them if he wanted to, and he has threatened to. So we are urging the ASPCA to press charges so we can do these animals justice and get them into proper facilities rather then sold to the highest bidder, to other substandard zoos, or even killed.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I just find it amazing, that these animals simply have not been taken into protective custody. Then that a judge won't quickly determine that the owner should not get them back.


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Sep 25, 2011
I imagine that part of it is that they won't have anywhere to put them before the point of sending them to new homes... no holding facility. I think the logistics of it may be a factor.


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Sep 16, 2011
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I read the website they really knows how to put on a niceguy mask. A little research and what he stated to the news showed him to be a horrible person.

He is breeding, "New Guinas singing dogs" a very rare breed. At least there should be a group who is responcible for this species to seize them.
He is a Breed shelter for Basset hounds, someone should be able to take them all away. he stated he was going to kill and stuff all him animals that should be plenty to shut him down.

I feel so powerless.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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sounds like a puppy mill, but for all species.


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Terry Allan Hall said:
dmmj said:
sounds like a puppy mill, but for all species.

Pretty much...and the SOB apparently has found a legal loophole to exploit. :(

I'm asking many organizations for help with this- I've been emailing everyone (to get more attention brought to this). I will keep you posted. This is tough to just pass by and not try to do something about it... stay tuned...


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Jul 24, 2011
Is there a website I can direct people to in order to spread the word? I'd like to get this out on my google+ page, I have a ton of reptile lovers on there that would love to help out.


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Sep 12, 2011
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Chester County, PA
This is tough- really need help from folks who reside in Canada. Heard from a few. But there are so many legal issues with the zoo being in Canada!


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Sep 6, 2011
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How incompetent and cruel can people be? You can't have Zoo Keepers who do not care for their animals! Shut them down!!


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Sep 25, 2011
This has been a major thing in Alberta and has made national news throughout Canada. All of the groups that can be involved are basically involved and we have overcome most of the major hurtles in this battle. We pressured the government into forming a investigative team and the team determined the zoo unfit.

They were given 30 days to decommission the zoo. During this time, the zoo owners tried many stall tactics, including claiming the zoo is a church and protected by the constitution and claiming that he is a "free man on the land" and not bound by Canadian laws (and blocking the authorities from the property). They finally applied for a Judicial Review, which is merely the process of going over the case and making sure that all of the i's were dotted and t's were crossed. It is not redoing the investigation just making sure it was done properly.

So, until the Judicial Review is over, they are allowed to stay open as a zoo. The Judicial Review is set to go to court in January, postponed from this year because their lawyer is pregnant.

Basically, we have gotten the zoo shut down, but the animals are not yet safe.

The most important people to contact are the Sustainable Resource Development ministers/directors and the ASPCA. The ASPCA MUST press charges so that the animals can be seized and removed from his possession, otherwise he can do what he pleases to get them off the property and will be allowed to keep the uncontrolled species.

Here is the governments FAQ in regards to Guzoo

If you go to our website, you can read all about the history of the zoo and the entire process of having them shut down this year.

PLEASE VISIT THIS PAGE IN PARTICULAR AND SEND THIS FORM LETTER: After 21 years, animal welfare oversight bodies in Alberta took the brave step of ordering the closure Guzoo Animal Farm, a "roadside zoo" notorious for its inadequate care of animals housed there. Despite having his zoo license revoked by the SRD, Guzoo owner Lynn Gustafson has stated he intends to keep the zoo open at the expense of the animals he can keep. That means the suffering of these animals is far from over and they still need your help. Please take a moment to tell senior management and ministers overseeing Alberta's animal welfare and zoo legislation that you support Guzoo's closure, and that GuZoo needs to be charged under the Animal Protection Act and should not be allowed to acquire more animals. Guzoo must be closed for good.

It is still helpful to send it if you aren't from Canada... Alberta has been spending a tonne of money on trying to improve our reputation due to the oil sands, the last thing they want is more public attention due to a shitty zoo too!

This is our form letter that kind of explains where we're at now with this:

Honourable Ministers and Directors,

I am writing as a citizen who supports the aims of Concerned Albertans for Animal Welfare and Public Safety (CAAWPS), and are extremely grateful for your dedication to addressing the concerns surrounding GuZoo, and for assisting with the investigation involving third party experts. I understand that this has been a difficult issue for all parties.

Despite the progress made in recent days, I am still very concerned about the future of the animals at GuZoo. The owner of GuZoo, Mr. Gustafson, both during and after the investigation, has threatened to euthanize many of the animals at GuZoo for taxidermy purposes in order to recoup his investment. The slaughter of these animals is not only unnecessary, but morally reprehensible, as many organizations including the Alberta Government, ZooCheck Canada, and CAAWPS are committed to relocating them to sanctuaries and rescues. ZooCheck Canada has even generously offered to pay for all transportation costs associated with relocating the animals. Surely in light of the recent Whistler sled dog massacre and the public outrage which ensued, the Alberta Government would do anything in its power to prevent a similar type of incident within its borders.

I believe that there is adequate evidence to justify laying charges against Mr. Gustafson under the Animal Protection Act for keeping animals in a state of distress, by failing to provide adequate food, water, shelter, space and care. Given these violations of the Animal Protection Act and Section 446 of the Criminal Code of Canada we feel that seizure of all animals from the Guzoo is an appropriate course of action. I hope that the government and the Alberta SPCA will take action and ensure that all of the animals at the facility have a secure future. Mr Gustafson has expressed his desire to reopen the zoo with non-controlled species. Given that he has failed time and again to provide adequate care for this animals over the past two decades it would be short-sighted not to seek the full enforcement of all relevant laws in this case. For this reason, I am requesting that charges be laid under the Animal Protection Act and that a recommendation be made to the court that, if/when convicted, the penalty include a prohibition of keeping animals by Mr. Gustafson and other parties responsible for the APA violations.

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

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