Shell Curl And White Ring


New Member
Apr 3, 2014

So I got my Russian Tortoise a couple months ago and have enjoyed watching him eat and live. But have come along some problems. We keep my tort in a glass aquarium (about 20 gallons.) (reccomended by the pet store.) and keep him under 2 lights....not sure what they are called, but will find out if needed,

Recently, he started to lose skin, his shell started to curl, and he has a white ring around his shell. In the pictures provided you can see him eating (what used to be frozen) tortoise mix, with calcium powder (also recommended.)

I am worried about his shell and it's recent behavior. We keep him on a diet of Romaine Lettuce, Cabbage, and Vegetable mix. It's not much, and I understand that you have to give him more of a variety....can you please tell me what?

-Thanks...A tort owner in worry. :-(




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Please please please read this link asap. I can not open your pics but your diet and enclosure are not good at all for your russian and I'm guessing your lights are bad too if all the info came from the same place. This would be an ergant situation as torts matabalize slow and by the time they show damage its pretty late. Good luck. Lots of helpfull info on this forum, please read up and ask a lot of questions. Soak him asap, it sounds like you might be keeping too hot and dry!!!!! What are you temps?


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Yvonne G

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Hi Alina, and welcome to the Forum!

Your habitat is not nearly big enough for a Russian tortoise. And don't waste your money on frozen tortoise food. A russian tortoise will eat most any kind of greens you can get in the produce market.

Please try to post your picture again so we can see what you're talking about.


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Alina said:

So I got my Russian Tortoise a couple months ago and have enjoyed watching him eat and live. But have come along some problems. We keep my tort in a glass aquarium (about 20 gallons.) (reccomended by the pet store.) and keep him under 2 lights....not sure what they are called, but will find out if needed,

Recently, he started to lose skin, his shell started to curl, and he has a white ring around his shell. In the pictures provided you can see him eating (what used to be frozen) tortoise mix, with calcium powder (also recommended.)

I am worried about his shell and it's recent behavior. We keep him on a diet of Romaine Lettuce, Cabbage, and Vegetable mix. It's not much, and I understand that you have to give him more of a variety....can you please tell me what?

-Thanks...A tort owner in worry. :-(



Romaine and iceberg give them no nutritional value. They can have romaine but just not it alone. They need to have things like mustard greens, some kale.. i think that the Dole spring mix that you can find at about every grocery store. It has all the good stuff they need. I add mustard greens and some kale to it and feed it everyday. Spinach is also good for them just not all the time every day. You are supposed to give it to them every other week if you feed it to them.


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Romaine has nutritional value. It has quite a bit actually. But iceberg lettuce is pretty worthless except for some micronutrients.


Two cups of romaine:


Having pointed this out, I by no means am saying that it should be a significant source of sustenance for torts but I'm just saying it does have nutritional value.

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Dorrie Siu

Mar 6, 2014
tortoisemommy79zx said:
Spinach is also good for them just not all the time every day. You are supposed to give it to them every other week if you feed it to them.

Just wondering, how is it good? I was led to believe that we should avoid Spinach at all times if possible.

Common name : Spinach
Latin name : Spinacia oleracea
Family name : Amaranthaceae (formerly Chenopodiaceae)

spinach contains a high level of calcium, but it also contains oxalic acid which binds with calcium in the diet and prevents the tortoise from absorbing and using it. In addition, it possesses a high level of calcium oxalate crystals which contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Some of the calcium oxalate is in the form of needle-shaped crystals called raphides, and when consumed in large amounts these can irritate the skin and mucous membranes in the mouth and throat.

So although spinach is not toxic as such, and small amounts are unlikely to cause a tortoise any great damage, given the potential it has to limit calcium intake and cause internal irritation, we do not recommend that people feed it to their tortoises.


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Mine won't even eat spinach. Or chard.



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Spinach is a good source of Vitamin A as well as good levels of also has a variety of minerals that are beneficial....this being said, as previously outlined, spinach as part of a BALANCED diet is a beneficial food item....not a main staple---but part of a diet.

Kale is also a food that you will find on some of the no no lists, just as dandelion is---again, these are both good food items to put in the mix....they have many other beneficial factors, so much so that to remove them entirely is not necessary...

Also, keep your torts well hydrated---this is a HUGE beneficial dietary aid as well as necessary for a healthy tortoise...:D

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