Set my quit date!

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Aug 24, 2009
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Orange Tic Tacs are the bomb!!! Love those little buggers......


5 Year Member
Mar 30, 2013
I don't get on the forum much, but I just read the last 2 pages and... Great for you! I quit cold turkey over 20 years ago, knowing I would be the better for it. My one not saving and/or investing the $ I saved, I would be rich! My advice to you is to watch your bank account grow as you also watch your health improve :) congrats and keep up the good can do it!


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5 Year Member
Sep 10, 2013
Well done! I think you've already noticed it, but the first thing that made me stay free of cigarettes was the total change in taste. Food just tastes sooo much better! And the world is so full of smells and sensations that we just miss when we're busy sucking on a cigarette.

I would suggest you go cold turkey and not depend on anything. It's hard, I know. I've "quit" several times too, but I finally did, and so can you. The cravings never go away. It's been more than a year now and I still get pangs sometimes. But I believe it's worth it.

Just don't give in. Even if it's a vacation or the best time of your life, don't smoke it. You'll only end up ashamed.

All the best.

TL;DR: It ain't easy, but you can do it. Plus, everything tastes better.

Yvonne G

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Way back in the dark ages, my husband's doctor told him that he was going to have emphysema if he didn't quite smoking. So I quit thinking it would help him to quit. It didn't. He had to go to a hypnotist to be able to stop the habit. I quit cold turkey. Every so often I would crave a cig, like when we played cards, or went fishing, but have been able to leave the habit behind me for over 50 years.

Now I'm trying to cut back on my eating. I've gained a bit of weight. So I've discovered Tropical Twist flavor Trident chewing gum. The flavor is pleasing, sweet enough to satisfy my craving for food, and lasts a very long time.


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5 Year Member
Aug 1, 2013
I quit many times, but the final time I did it right(at least for me). I cut down slowly. I used to spoke 1 pack a day. I dramatically dropped to 10 per day, then dropped 2 per day each week. When I was at 2 per day for a week, the next week i went down to 1 a day. I found I was even having trouble finishing that one cigarette everyday, then monday morning, I quit for good and it was easy. I have never looked back. I really enjoyed smoking. But cancer sucks and my mom and grandmother died of lung cancer, but they both smoked until they passed, so I am determined not to die of lung cancer, if I can help it.
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