Outdoor Palace for Teo eventually


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5 Year Member
Jul 30, 2013
So we likely won't be able to invest much into building Teo's outdoor enclosure (other than saving for it) until we move to our own house, which likely won't happen until at least around next year sometime. But I want to start thinking about it now, especially since Teo is still relatively young, by next year he will be around 5 years old if I am correct. So I want to spoil him as long as possible. I don't plan to hurry with the building of his outdoor enclosure, because his indoor works at the moment and we have an temp outdoor that he gets exercise and outdoor sun in. I just want to make sure I make his 24/7 outdoor enclosure as perfect as possible, a tortoise palace <3 I know I want a more natural wallowing pool... so I was thinking about sinking a small kiddie pool for him and making some sort of ramp or something that made it easy for him to get in and out. I plan to plant some safe weeds for him (and ones mom won't hate) in his enclosure. And a bunch of safe plants for him in general so he could pretty much browse and get a better diet that way, and maybe I would add a couple veggie meals and pellet meals if needed? (any ideas here?) As far as doing it all the time, I am well aware that if need be I will have an indoor enclosure in case of frost or too hot days that even certain build won't help. I plan on providing a nice heated hide with a heat... (can't think of the words it's not a heat mat...) heat panel? providing heat and make it insulated for colder weather. As far as hot weather I plan on making a nice digging area filled with maybe a 25%/75% sand?soil mixture so it holds it's shape better that he can make a nice burrow in. It's either that or I will provide the cooler burrow and make it myself in a safe insulated way that keeps heat away. I am definitely giving him lots of space 2 feet in width at least, likely 5-6 feet in length, and the depth with change depending on where he is. I will sink the fence in with whatever I end up using and probably use a small holed chicken wire or something to deter digging farther down.

Anyone have any advice? Changes? Thanks so much ^^