New to looking after Tortoises

Edwina Perry

New Member
Nov 6, 2016
Hi, I have two Russian Tortoises, they are just over two months old. One was 25gms and one 23 grams when we got them. We call them Jack and Jill.

Lyn W

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Hi Edwina and welcome to you and your torts.
There is a caresheet you will find very useful under Species Specific and the Beginners Mistakes thread (link below) will help you avoid common mistakes. The Enclosures thread has lots of great ideas to help you make sure your torts are happy and healthy in their homes. If you post pics of your set up members will give you lots of good advice to make sure your torts are as safe as possible.

Apologies if you already know this but torts are very territorial and don't like competition and company - one tends to become dominant and possibly end up hurting the other. I believe Russians are particularly scrappy with each other so keep an eye on things. If you are keeping the two together you may want to reconsider after reading this


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Hi Edwina and welcome to TFO :)

Like Lyn, I need to repeat that Russians should not be kept as pairs. They are not social. They don't want, need or particularly like company. Another tortoise is competition for territory and food ... not a friend. Russians are amongst the worst bullies both mentally and physically.

Please read the care sheets for your species. They're written by species experts working hard to correct the outdated information widely available on the internet and from pet stores and, sadly, from some breeders and vets too.

Beginner Mistakes

Baby Russian Tortoise Care

Russian Tortoise Care

If you post pictures of your enclosure and lighting we can help you perfect the set up :)

Tidgy's Dad

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Hello, Edwina, and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you, Jack and Jill. :)
Agreed that they will need to be separated. Russians can easily harm or even kill each other, so keep a close eye out, even 'cuddling " up or trying to sleep in the same place is aggressive behaviour beginning.

Yvonne G

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