New-help please (diet & habitat)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2013
Aim for basking temp directly below the bulb to be 95-100F. The area under and around the basking bulb should be relatively flat, minimizing the chance of the tortoise flipping over under the basking light, which could be a death sentence.

I like how you created hills for tortoise to climb. Some tortoises like to dive of the rocks. If yours does, make sure it can't dive ending up on its back under the basking bulb.


New Member
Feb 3, 2014
I'm reading 100 on the basking side just under 90 on the other side is this too warm or just right also my humidity gauge is read 50 but the coconut coir feels moist is the humidity to low or is the gauge broken when I spray down tank it goes up but then goes back down nit to long later

I saw him slide down he was fine the only way I think he can flip if he walks off the front part of his hide but he seems to be pretty good when walking on my tables he will peak over before trying to jump down


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 16, 2013
Re: RE: New-help please (diet & habitat)

soflo said:
I'm reading 100 on the basking side just under 90 on the other side is this too warm or just right also my humidity gauge is read 50 but the coconut coir feels moist is the humidity to low or is the gauge broken when I spray down tank it goes up but then goes back down nit to long later

I saw him slide down he was fine the only way I think he can flip if he walks off the front part of his hide but he seems to be pretty good when walking on my tables he will peak over before trying to jump down

Your CHE should be set on thermostat. Place thermostat probe in the coolest side of enclosure or where he sleeps and set it on 80F. 90 is too high. At night the enclosure should be at 80F. Day time 80 on cool end and 100F under the MVB.