new hatchling, no appetite

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She/he (Lucy) arrived 2-1/2 days ago. Apprx 8 weeks old (2-1/4", 30 gms.) She is active, likes to climb, and sleeps well in her hide. drinks and stands in water, but has no interest in eating. She has pooped a little. How long should I expect it to take for her to get used to her new environment? Temps are kept at 80 night and 95 day, with UVB light day and che at night, wet cyprus bark with sphagnum moss every morning. Have soaked her twice a day. Everything is up to par with all the advice on the forum....but still no appetite. I give her spring greens (fed by breeder) twice a day, chopped up. Have tried adding moistened Mazuri tortoise food, organic baby food sweet potato, rose petal, yucca interest. Tonight took her outside for a walk around and she liked it, but she had no interest in eating weeds either. I am beginning to worry. Should I be concerned?


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It Can Take A Couple Of Days To Weeks, To Get Comfortable


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Jacob, that is some relief. How much would be a normal amount of greens a day for a tortoise this size?


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My Little Sulcata Took A Couple Of Days To Used To?

What Kind Of Tortoise Do You Have?

this would help


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Some times they do need to adjust. Offer the food and the tortoise should begin to eat soon.


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Jacob said:
My Little Sulcata Took A Couple Of Days To Used To?

What Kind Of Tortoise Do You Have?

this would help

She/he is a Leopard babcocki

Some times they do need to adjust. Offer the food and the tortoise should begin to eat soon.

okay, i'll try to mom syndrome I guess, haha


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Hi Joy,

Who was the breeder? Do you have any photos of your little one?

It sounds like you're doing the right things. When you say "arrived" is it safe to assume your little leo was shipped? I got all my hatchlings locally and have been fortunate that they all took to the transition very well. That being said, my youngest hatchling gave me a bit of a worry over the last 24 hours. They're usually fed in the morning and evening and Dori didn't eat anything last night. Then, this morning she seemed a bit lethargic and didn't eat. She would sniff at the food but wouldn't take a bite. I happened to be feeding a mix of turnip and mustard greens with cactus. I also tried mazuri which none of my hatchlings have touched yet. When it warmed up I let her out and she walked around but didn't nibble any grass.

I went to the grocery store this afternoon very worried and bought dandelion and bok choy along with baby food and pedialite. I soaked her when I got home and offered dandelion and she started chowing down. She ate for about 15 minutes straight. I was so relieved. Hopefully she's over whatever got into her. I have no idea what happened -- perhaps she just wasn't fond of the turnip & mustard greens.

I'm no expert ... I'm sure others will chime in shortly ... but I would say if she's drinking and is active then you probably don't need to worry. I would keep trying a variety of different foods and eventually something will spark her appetite. Dandelions seem to be a favorite of my little ones and you can actually find that in many grocery stores -- I get mine at Albertson's now that the local farmers market supply seems to have gone out of season. If you haven't tried cactus yet that would also be good and is easy to obtain in Arizona.

Good luck & keep us posted!



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OllieInAZ said:
Hi Joy,

Who was the breeder? Do you have any photos of your little one?

It sounds like you're doing the right things. When you say "arrived" is it safe to assume your little leo was shipped? I got all my hatchlings locally and have been fortunate that they all took to the transition very well. That being said, my youngest hatchling gave me a bit of a worry over the last 24 hours. They're usually fed in the morning and evening and Dori didn't eat anything last night. Then, this morning she seemed a bit lethargic and didn't eat. She would sniff at the food but wouldn't take a bite. I happened to be feeding a mix of turnip and mustard greens with cactus. I also tried mazuri which none of my hatchlings have touched yet. When it warmed up I let her out and she walked around but didn't nibble any grass.

I went to the grocery store this afternoon very worried and bought dandelion and bok choy along with baby food and pedialite. I soaked her when I got home and offered dandelion and she started chowing down. She ate for about 15 minutes straight. I was so relieved. Hopefully she's over whatever got into her. I have no idea what happened -- perhaps she just wasn't fond of the turnip & mustard greens.

I'm no expert ... I'm sure others will chime in shortly ... but I would say if she's drinking and is active then you probably don't need to worry. I would keep trying a variety of different foods and eventually something will spark her appetite. Dandelions seem to be a favorite of my little ones and you can actually find that in many grocery stores -- I get mine at Albertson's now that the local farmers market supply seems to have gone out of season. If you haven't tried cactus yet that would also be good and is easy to obtain in Arizona.

Good luck & keep us posted!


Yes she was shipped, guess that must be pretty traumatic for such a little one. I will get some dandelions at Albertson's tomorrow. Didn't know they carried them. Are they in the produce isle? Will also try some prickly pear, think I can skin mine with a knife. I will post a pic. Glad to hear your me hope!


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Just give it some time, like everyone has said every tort is different and can take a little shorter/longer to become adjusted. When you say it's 95 during the day, is that the whole enclosure?? From what I know if it's to hot the tort will stay hidden to try and beat the heat, that could be something if your temps are staying that high all over...Pics of your tort and enclosure may help, and we all love to see them...;)


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ticothetort2 said:
Just give it some time, like everyone has said every tort is different and can take a little shorter/longer to become adjusted. When you say it's 95 during the day, is that the whole enclosure?? From what I know if it's to hot the tort will stay hidden to try and beat the heat, that could be something if your temps are staying that high all over...Pics of your tort and enclosure may help, and we all love to see them...;)

It is 95 on the hot side during the day, but stays 80 on the cool side of the enclosure. At night the che is on a thermostat so it stays 80 on the cool side and 80 on the hot side too. Does that sound okay?

ticothetort2 said:
Just give it some time, like everyone has said every tort is different and can take a little shorter/longer to become adjusted. When you say it's 95 during the day, is that the whole enclosure?? From what I know if it's to hot the tort will stay hidden to try and beat the heat, that could be something if your temps are staying that high all over...Pics of your tort and enclosure may help, and we all love to see them...;)

Will take photos with my cell tomorrow when it is light enough and post them.

Tom said:
What type of UV bulb are you using?

powersun 100 on a timer. 10 hours each day (7 a.m. to 5 p.m.). I had to raise it so it wouldn't be too hot. She does come in and out of the hide though and moves around. Had rocks in the enclosure but had to take them out because she kept climbing them and falling over upside down. Guess she wants to escape, haha.


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Where in the valley are you? If you go to the Albertsons in Gilbert you can go through my wifes check out line and talk torts with her.

Try to take the tortoise outside for an hour or so in the morning. Do you have an area with grass? If you don't have any means of enclosing the the tortoise in a grassy area you can supervise it as it walks in the grass (assuming you have some). Usually when they roam around they will nibble at the grass here and there as they go. The warm day tomorrow might stimulate it to eat more as well.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Have you tried hibiscus flowers? I often use them on reluctant torts who don't want to eat, but it sounds like readjustment syndrome (I love making up new words) right now time is what you will need and the will to wait out the new guy. I would offer a little bit of food everyday until you see it start to eat.


The Dog Trainer
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That's a good bulb. Your temps sound okay, but where is it 95? Directly under the hottest part of the basking spot or the whole side of the enclosure? Neal is right about the sunshine. Its pretty easy to set up a secure enclosure outside in the yard. You can just build a 4x4 with wood or just get some cinderblocks and line them up where you want them. If you will be there to supervise you don't even need a top. Just make sure there is always some shade available. I like to soak my babies after sunning sessions just to make sure they are good and hydrated.


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Neal said:
Where in the valley are you? If you go to the Albertsons in Gilbert you can go through my wifes check out line and talk torts with her.

Try to take the tortoise outside for an hour or so in the morning. Do you have an area with grass? If you don't have any means of enclosing the the tortoise in a grassy area you can supervise it as it walks in the grass (assuming you have some). Usually when they roam around they will nibble at the grass here and there as they go. The warm day tomorrow might stimulate it to eat more as well.

I am up north close to Cave Creek so will have to try the Albertson's around here. I don't have grass yet, but find a neighbor who does until I can get some planted. will keep trying.

Jacob said:
You Are Doing A Great Job, Just New Mom Syndrome

Yep, probably so...

dmmj said:
Have you tried hibiscus flowers? I often use them on reluctant torts who don't want to eat, but it sounds like readjustment syndrome (I love making up new words) right now time is what you will need and the will to wait out the new guy. I would offer a little bit of food everyday until you see it start to eat.

thanks, don;t have hibiscus. will check out if they are still blooming. my daughter has some.

Tom said:
That's a good bulb. Your temps sound okay, but where is it 95? Directly under the hottest part of the basking spot or the whole side of the enclosure? Neal is right about the sunshine. Its pretty easy to set up a secure enclosure outside in the yard. You can just build a 4x4 with wood or just get some cinderblocks and line them up where you want them. If you will be there to supervise you don't even need a top. Just make sure there is always some shade available. I like to soak my babies after sunning sessions just to make sure they are good and hydrated.

It is 95 at the basking spot under the UVB light, but enough heat to keep the cooler side up to 80 also during the day. At night the che keeps the cooler side at 80 and that flows over to the basking side to keep it about 80 also. She always sleeps on the basking side though. Never goes into the hide on the cooler side, night or day. I put her into it yesterday and she slept for awhile but then left and never returned. Always goes back to her warmer side both night and day.

These were taken when I first got up and the heat light had just come on.


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For your first tortoise I must say, I'm pretty impressed with your set up. How often do you soak the tortoise?

Again, if you can try to get the tortoise some outside time in the mornings before the temp gets to 100. You could just place that enclosure outside if it's easy enough to move (or get another one to put outside. Place it under a tree or partially shady spot and that tortoise should do just fine!


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Neal said:
For your first tortoise I must say, I'm pretty impressed with your set up. How often do you soak the tortoise?

Again, if you can try to get the tortoise some outside time in the mornings before the temp gets to 100. You could just place that enclosure outside if it's easy enough to move (or get another one to put outside. Place it under a tree or partially shady spot and that tortoise should do just fine!

thanks neal for the compliment. I've been soaking her every day. Will get her outside every morning. Today she will get some prickly pear...hope she will eat it. will post again with update. (btw Albertson's was out of the dandelion, but will check the other stores..I plan to plant some outdoors too).


5 Year Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Your enclosure and tort both look great, just give your little leo some time to get adjusted.

I know I let Tico get use to his indoor enclosure for about a week before I even tried to move him to his outdoor enclosure, but then again he was eating from the second he came to me.

Yours will be fine just keep up what your doing and use the tips you've gotten so far.


The Dog Trainer
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I really like Neal's idea of moving the whole enclosure out into partial sun for a short time each day. Then she gets much needed sun, but is still in the comfort of "home".

If she's always over on the warm side and avoids the cool side, it COULD be an indication that its not warm enough. You might want to try lowering the basking bulb a couple of inches and see what happens. Ideally they should want to move around the whole enclosure throughout the day. However, I don't think this minor thing is significant enough to be causing your problem.

I also agree that you've done a fantastic job with the set up. Great work! Do keep us posted.
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