Meet Rex - is he healthy?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
Cold and damp is fatal. That's why proper temps are important. However, they absolutely need humidity in their substrate. They need to be able to burrow into a damp microclimate. Utterly dry is deadly.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Central Michigan
Ok, I thought it was a pet store of some kind where they get shuffled in and out quickly. it's hard to tell the size of the tort in a picture with nothing to compare it to but a smaller tort. But I'm gonna predict him to be a girl.............get back with me on that in a few years when you can tell. LOL.

Humidity is VERY important for young Russians especially. There are a ton of photos on here that show young tortoises that had very little humidity while young and you get the pyramiding issues. I'm sure there will be people who know way more than I do to confirm the importance of proper humidity along soon. He already has started to pyramid so the cause of that (I think most will agree lack of humidity along with some possible other factors) needs to be addressed asap.

Rex looks like a nice little fellow and you are doing a great job as his mum asking questions and doing research. I did the same thing as you did, I spent months making sure everything was perfect before I got my 3. It was a shock at first when I joined this forum and had people telling me that this and that were wrong and I needed to make changes. I don't like being wrong and I don't like making changes. But I found out a lot of the information out there is old and out dated and the people here on this forum have been doing this for most of their lives and made the same mistakes. They are just trying to help us newbies take the best possible care of our torts and try not to make the mistakes they did along the way. The help I've gotten from Tom and Yvonne and the many other here are what I think has made the tortoises I got into the happy and healthy guys they are today. Good luck and keep us updated on him........or her.;)


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jan 3, 2015
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And outdoors (in the UK) is probably too cold for him (at the moment anyway) as it hasn't got higher than 20 degrees c yet and probably won't.
Have you thought about getting a cold frame? It warms up even on cloudy days.
My tortoises are outside today even though it's only 15°C. From time to time they go inside their cold frame (25°) to warm up.


New Member
May 16, 2015
Thanks everyone. I am so worried about him!! I am looking into humidifying his enclosure :)

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