Introducing Joy : )

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Active Member
5 Year Member
Dec 30, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Saratoga County, New York
Hi everyone,

Got a few pics of our new tort Joy (from my cell, so not the best). After seeing some of your habitats, I am thinking mine is not big enough, so I'm going to start working at that : ) Anyway here she is!



So, a bit about her habitat, if you guys can help me out with getting her setup correctly.

We have her in a 40 gallon glass tank, with a night life bulb, a heating bulb and a 18" uvb (50). I realize she is going to need a bigger setup than this soon, also, she will be housed outdoors when the weather permits. I purchased a thermometer and humidity detector from Lowes for each side. I also got a paving stone that I dug in from there because I thought it would give her a nice basking area and help to naturally trim her nails. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

Her hot side of tank is hitting 99F under the heat lamp, and the cooler side of the tank is sitting @ 76F , when all lights are on. At night , the tank is dropping to 68F.

I had one of the water bowls that came with the tank filled and dug in a bit, but she burrows underneath it, So now I just leave it unfilled and she sleeps under it, she also sleeps in the log hide on the cool side of the tank as well. The humidity in tank is seems to be sitting @ 30% on both sides.

Am I doing anything grossly negligent? Aside from the size, can anyone give me any tips? The substrate is that red mulch ( I can't recall the name).

How often does this substrate, (which is about 3-4") need to be changed out completely? I read once every 2-3 weeks, is that right? As far as feces, she has only went in the tank once, which was able to be scooped out, she usually goes when we soak her, which we have been doing every other day, but i'm sure she is urinating in it.

Sorry for all the questions, and thanks in advance for your time and answers : )


Utah Lynn

5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2011
Hi Laurie. Your setup sounds good. You don't need to worry about humidity for her; that's only needed for newborns.


New Member
5 Year Member
Nov 17, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
colorado springs, colorado
welcome , as far as i can see she has a good home ... might want to make a spot of the substrate a bit deeper maybe about 6 inches then she can dig in real good ... i have a bunch of spots for slowpoke to dig in and he moves from one to the other through out the day
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