How much should my tort sleep?

Jun 15, 2017
I have had my horsefield over a week now. He is no more than 8 months old. Hehas a very healthy appetite and pees and poops daily. I am just wondering how much should he sleep? He stays in a vivarium with extra ventilation. One end there is a spot where temp is around 32 to 34 degrees.

When woken up he is happy to eat from my hand and loves his head tickled. He will explore but I think hes quite nervous as he often sticks to the sides and tries to hide but he can move pretty fast as is active.

My only worry is, the minute I put him back in the viv, if theres no food out he literally burrows straight away and sleeps.I try to wake him up in the morn and again in the evening for food and a soak (which seems to stress him out). Once he has has a soak and tried to scramble out he always seems happy to go back in the viv but burrows straight away again. Is this normal for young torts? He will literally sleep from 7pm til I wake him in the morn and most of the day. He only seems to come out when I wake him, not really on his own.


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Babies sleep a lot. I generally take them out and place them in front of the food several times throughout the day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2017
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A week is still pretty new so he is probably still adjusting and getting to know his surroundings. I'd continue to soak and feed, keep the house quiet, and leave him alone for awhile other than that basic care. It's stressful living in a new environment, with new sounds, sights, voices, and activity. Give him time and age.

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