help for the winter months


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Mar 19, 2015
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Hello everyone!

I have posted on here a few times- I have a golden greek tortoise named Speedy. He has always been quite the active fellow (hence his name) but in the past two months or so he is not as active as he used to be. I've also noticed he doesn't eat as much as he used to. (He DOES eat just not the huge quantity it seemed he used to eat.) I've already taken him to the vet (she said his eyes were a little swollen and I think I figured out it was his non-basking side wasn't warm enough). But other than that she said he looked great.

He is about 5 years old so I didn't know if this just an "aging" thing. He basks then goes in his little home. I'm not sure if he's depressed or if that's normal. I'll pass by his cage and sometimes he gives me this "Mommy I want out of this cage" look. Which leads me to my next question. During the summer I take him out almost every day for at least a half hour. It works great for me because I can do yard work and let him bask and run around. However it is way too cold for him now to go outside. So I was wondering what you guys do for your tortoises in the winter for them to get exercise.

I'm so sorry if I rambled or if something isn't clear. But I just worry about my poor baby. I am not a reptile person in the least to be honest; Speedy is my brother's pet, but my brother is in that "X-box" phase so he isn't completely into taking care of him. But I don't mind because I've grown to love Speedy :tort:

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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A very warm welcome to the forum!:tort:

Whereabouts do you live and what's the weather like nowadays? Torts do lose appetite in Winter, and cold weather. He may want to hibernate if it's cold. I have a Greek tort as well, and when it's sunny I take him out for a walk in the hot sun, which he really enjoys.:)

Please post pics of your tort as well as his enclosure. This will enable us to help you more and give you better advice.;) How about reading the "Beginners Mistake" Thread and care sheets? And do NOT hesitate to ask ANY question when in doubt. Good luck!:D


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Hello Gillian! Thank you for the reply!

I live in the Midwest of the USA. The past few winters have been brutally cold but luckily we haven't had any snow or extreme cold weather yet! But that is good to know that they tend to lose appetite in the winter. I thought that Golden Greeks didn't hibernate but I could be wrong.

Here are pictures of his enclosure right now. I will go through those threads and care sheets again!
File Nov 19, 1 47 45 PM.jpeg File Nov 19, 1 48 04 PM.jpeg

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
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Hello Gillian! Thank you for the reply!

I live in the Midwest of the USA. The past few winters have been brutally cold but luckily we haven't had any snow or extreme cold weather yet! But that is good to know that they tend to lose appetite in the winter. I thought that Golden Greeks didn't hibernate but I could be wrong.

Here are pictures of his enclosure right now. I will go through those threads and care sheets again!
View attachment 156166 View attachment 156167
What is the enclosure made of? :tort: Those made of glass are NOT recommended as torts do not understand the concept of glass. Therefore, these cute little animals keep struggling to get out! :rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Haha, yes that is his little home :) Though little is right! I'm going to need to start looking for a new house for him!
Here is a picture of Speedy (because at the moment he is napping):
Speedy.jpg :<3::):tort:


New Member
Mar 19, 2015
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Yes it is glass; we attempted to block the glass he could see through with liner used for pantries, but my mom and I are looking to get him a new enclosure now. So yes, I will be sure not to get a glass enclosure.

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