Hello from the uk


New Member
Oct 23, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Bradford uk
Hello to all from here over the pond in england. I am a recent tortoise convert and acquired a baby horsfield about 4 months ago. I did all the research online & got a couple of books on the subject before I purchased as I intend to keep the tortoise indoors, and, with luck I've got the setup and the living conditions ok for the little guy/gal, I'm not sure what sex it is yet?? Not that I'm bothered. Tortoise settled in well, eating fine, temps up to what is required, he tends to sleep under a lot bridge rather than burrow down into the substrate. I'm not sure if he got something in his right eye recently? It's quite runny & he tends to rub it on occasion? He also has gone off his food, become inactive & just wants to bask all the time. It's getting cold here in the uk, so maybe his body clock is calling hibernation??? Even tho he is too young & small to hibernate, but I am worried about his eye, anything I could do for him? Anyway he/she is dead cute & I am looking forward to many years together

Yvonne G

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See if your pharmacy sells sterile saline in a squeeze bottle. You can usually find it in the contact lens section. Then flush the eye with the saline.


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Oct 23, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Bradford uk
Hello yvonne, thanks for your reply, I have some saline in the first aid box so will give it a go? The way he 'face plant's himself into the substrate by sliding down his bridge on his shell does not surprise me that he will get something in his eye? He also gets calcium dust around his mouth when eating which he then rubs around his face as well ! He,a certainly a fascinating little reptile, thanks again


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Hi and welcome. What kind of light bulb do you have in his enclosure? Some of them will affect and hurt his eyes. Just checking.


New Member
Oct 23, 2019
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Bradford uk
Hello, the bulb is a 100 watt halogen uvb mercury vapour type from a company called reptispa that I got from a reputable pet supply store that specialises in reptiles. It's been in use for the last 4 months. I have flushed his eye with saline solution so he is in bed sulking now!! So will see what happens?

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Hi Steve and welcome to you and your tort from me and mine in Wales.
What sort of substrate are you using?
Sometimes if it's sandy or too dry or has sharp bits in it can irritate the eyes.
When you soak him gently dribble some of the clean water over it to dislodge anything stuck there and the saline solution will help too.
Have a look at the caresheet to see recommended substrates https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/russian-tortoise-care-sheet.80698/
Some of the other sources of information are old but you'll find all the up to date info you need here from very experienced keepers.
You're right - it's best not to hibernate him if he is quite new to you and as long as you keep his temps up he'll be fine, but may sleep longer. MIne does and I think it must be something to do with the light levels.
If you post a pic of his viv/table you'll get good advice on any changes you may need (or not) to make sure your tort is as happy and safe as possible.


New Member
Oct 23, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Bradford uk
Hello lyn, his eye is fine now thanks, I think he might have got some calcium dust in it as he wiped his face with a front leg & got it all over him. I have started a new thread on the help section entitled lethargic horsfield as the little critter is determined to hibernate!!! He is far too young, too small, & only weighs 25grams

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