for those of you on PPI stomach meds


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2012
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Sorry if this is too irrelevant

This is mosly related to nothing and sure there's probably other communities I could tell, but people everywhere have stomach problems so I feel I should get the word out!
3 years ago I started taking prevacid consistently due to a GERD diagnosis (but the endoscopy only showed some red... probably not GERD at all) I'd been suffering stomach pain for a year at that point and jumped on them telling my to take prevacid- Lansaprazole (I've also taken omeprazole, which is marketed Prilosec and many others, and also nexium, theyre all PPIs-proton pump inhibitors, stop acid from being released.)
I started being told the only warning that it will deplete calcium-potential for early onset osteoporosis. Went to the doctor recently and she said I should stop because it would also lower my iron and make me anemic, it annoyed me since she obviously didn't know how I felt off them. But after I decided to try in spite of her so next appointment I could at least say I tried. 3 weeks later I'm still off (longer than I've ever gone!)
Only in the process of stopping them have I learned how unhelpful they are.
Heres an interesting article: for those of you who've read this far and may not take PPIs regularly like me, know solutions like these are temporary and will send you more symptoms after stopping! Imagine those like me on it for years!! actually though, somehow I've only had a couple of rebound days off and on. I've been exercising so may have to do with that.
The one thing for any of you who may be on them to treat GERD should probably know that they virtually don't. They stop acid, stop the pain you feel, but since GERD specifically is the breaking down of the muscles that hold the bottom of you're esophagus shut, isn't reversible. Medication can actually allow mild GERD to get worse since you don't have symptoms but breakdown can still be occurring.

I'm not saying anyone here who may be on a PPI should stop, since I had very mild GERD if I even did at all. I probably shouldn't have even been on the medication. I just want everyone to be aware, since I had no idea, and like to be aware of reactions to medications I put in my body.
If one of you learned something or told someone about this I've done my job, because I wish I'd known before.

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