Fire Ant Attack


New Member
Apr 23, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Garzón, Huila, Colombia
Greetings everyone.

I recently was gifted two baby red footed tortoises by a neighbor who breeds them. Maybe about two months ago. They are named Kiki and Pepa.
We live in an area of dry tropical forest, about 730 meters above sea level most days are in the 80s-90sF, in South America so this pretty much their natural habitat with equatorial sun.
I have an organic garden with all sorts of weeds and use a small pen to not lose them while they are small. The pen is moved around daily to different areas so they could feed. At night I put them in an enclosed area because they are very small and local cats and possums may try to eat them. They eat local cactus fruits, papaya, guava, figs, hibiscus flowers and leafy "weeds" from the garden.

A week ago we had a fire ant attack and both tortoises were bitten by various ants. At first they both were in shock, would not come our of their shells and did not accept food. Since then, Kiki seems to have fully recovered, is walking around and accepting food as she was prior to the attack. Pepa does not come out of her shell and does not accept food. I´ve tried submersing her for short periods of time (1-2 minutes) in room temperature tea of Mexican pepperleaf (Piper auritum) and a little of panela (a natural, unprocessed sugarcane sweetner), which is a local medicine here, but it has not worked in terms of returning to her normal behavior prior to the attack. When submersed she walks around until she is able to get out of the dish but will not bring her head out all. Please, any recommendations on how to help Pepa recover.


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First they should not be kept in a pair, ever
Second, they need to be in a closed chamber enclosure with 80% humidity.
Short time outside daily, about 1/2 hour for now more as they grow.


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Jun 21, 2016
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Hi and welcome. Sorry your little tortoises were bitten by fire ants. I can't think of anything else you can do apart from lots of soaking in slightly warm water, maybe adding Pedialyte to the soak will help revive the worst affected one, Pepa. I hope he recovers. Also, they would really both do much better in terms of health, growth and comfort of you keep them separated as Wellington said.

Yvonne G

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It might be that there are still ants on her and still biting her. also, you probably know from experience, that even though you've gotten rid of the creatures off the tortoise, the bites still sting for quite a while afterwards. Once you're sure there are no more ants on the skin inside the shell, just give her time to forget about it and get back to normal.
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