Fears/Phobias, what are yours?

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Aug 28, 2011
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Seen as AnthonyC seems to target my fears. I thought it would be cool to find out what fears some of you have.
I have a few fears but full on Phobias (as in physically-start-shaking-and-have-been-known-to-pass-out-its-that-scary phobia!)

Cotton Wool. (I can't even go into the same room as it. The thought right now is making my skin crawl and me feel sick. If i see it at a friends house I full on freak out! It's not cool!)

Needles/Hospitals. (You know i'm seriously sick when i voluntarily walk into the hospital but no word of a lie I'm normally passed out or knocked out when you bring a needle near me! It doesn't bode well with me always being ill do to my illnesses!)

Dentists (I'm working on this one. I love my dentist now, she talks fluent spanish and latin, whats not to like? And I can now go and sit in her chair and have things done without too much stress but I've been known to pass out in waiting rooms I get that anxious about going to see the dentist. All because I had a horrible dentist as a kid)

(Seriously, don't even kid about this one. My boyfriend decided to put a zombie film on once. He's never seen someone freak out so much or keep him up all night freaking out. I get that worked up about them, like I can talk about them now but the moment I think too much about it I will seriously freak out! I don't mind pretend ones, like seeing pictures on a computer screen but once you go 28 days later. You have to give me calmer to get me to calm the hell down! It really scares me!)

Fears, as in I-can-sort-of-deal-with-this-but-i'm-not-happy-and-am-going-to-freak-out fears are;

Spiders, mainly Trantulas.
If I see one, LIKE I SAW A PICTURE TONIGHT, you can garuntee I will dream about it and freak out and then be like. "Its ok, its just an over-sized spider, I can kill it with my boyfriends over-sized slipper!" and I can now be in the same room as them when they are in cages, the moment they are out of that cage I'm gone!

I'm ok when we're up in the air and ok coming back down but taking off scares the hell out of me! Once I'm in the air I love it and often go to sleep or spend the time looking out the window going "oooh... cloud.... oohh.... earth.... oohh... water..." You get the jist, lol!

Ok... so we've proved I'm a complete wuss. I'm actually pretty good at keeping calm and being a good leader but what fears i do have are proper fears.
Everyones scared of something, whats yours? If you say nothing you are a liar.


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I am clausterphobic and do not like elevator's. I got in trouble after I had knee surgery for using my crutches to climb up and down 3 flights of stairs. I have a ten flights of stairs rule. If it is under ten floors I walk. Over ten floors I ride but not happily!


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Not a full on phobia,but I have a strong dislike for needles and mimes.

Mao Senpai

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I fear.. most bugs... some more than others but I dislike them all.
The dentist... not cool, don't like the idea of not knowing whats going on in my mouth.
I'm scared of heights and sorta clausterphobic but I can usually suck it up and deal with it.


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Sep 21, 2011
I HATE elevators I went on the tower of terror in Disney world and never again!!! I try to take the stairs in hotels or malls!


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I have probably the weirdest one here. I have a phobia of people staring at me and saying nothing for a really long time. It makes me all nervous and I'm like "WHAAAT!" and they would just keep staring! It just makes me so uncomftorable and I just HATE IT! Even if teachers stares at me I just...it's so hard to explain! My second phobia is I'm claustophobic my brother caused that because when we were little he would always sit on me so I can't breathe and each time I'm in a tight space like that I just scream as loud as I can. Last time I went in a blanket and rolled in a ball by accident and couldn't find the way out and I was like "HELP HAAALP!! I CANT BREATHE!! AHHH HEEELP!" and that is my phobias

Mao Senpai

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Speaking of elevators, don't you hate it when you get the stupid moron jumping on it, thinking they are cool or whatever... usually I give them the death stare ... and if they don't cut it out I threatened them with something fierce :)


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Mao Senpai said:
Speaking of elevators, don't you hate it when you get the stupid moron jumping on it, thinking they are cool or whatever... usually I give them the death stare ... and if they don't cut it out I threatened them with something fierce :)

:( I jump in it but then I start getting scared and I would stop


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jjbird60 said:
I HATE elevators I went on the tower of terror in Disney world and never again!!! I try to take the stairs in hotels or malls!

I could not even look at the tower of terror!!! My 4 year old went on it with my husband in July and loved it!!! Crazy kid!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I have a fear of heights, but only in certain situations...like when on a ladder or a ferris wheel. Tall buildings, mountain top lookouts into deep gorges, and airplanes are all fine and dandy.

In just the last couple of years, I became claustrophobic, but only in the sleeper of a semitruck. I know when it started. I was having a dream of being buried alive and woke up in the sleeper, with the curtain drawn shut letting no light in. It made it totally pitch black in the sleeper. Jeff was sleeping on the outside, so I felt trapped. Now I usually leave the curtain open a little and will not take the back wall side of the bed. I have no problem any where else, such as a cave.


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Spiders both little and big. Or anything that resembles a spider. Ugh or just the thought of them, like now. Ewwww!


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exoticsdr said:
Four more years of Obama.....almost wet myself at the thought.
I forgot about that one! I guess I repressed it to the back of my mind.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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constant alien abduction and gang anal probing.
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