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Last one!
We ride out to the Jeep training center and watched this guy trying to maneuver through this obstacle course his wife was so calm and collected I would’ve freaked out.
We watch for an hour but he finally got thru with a little help from a friend.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Daughter’s homework from last year:

View attachment 265308

That's made me laugh!
I love it!
When my nephew was young he was asked on a SAT paper what the flat teeth at the fromt of the mouth were for.
His answer - for smiling with!
He was also asked on another occasion to give an emergency contact number - he gave 999!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Good morning all. The sun is back out and we are forecast unseasonably warm weather for the next week or so. Just what I need to help my recovery :)

I am aware of what needs to be done to catch up with the chores backlog that has built up over the last few weeks. However, I am just going to have to resist the temptation to get stuck in and attempt to fix it all now. My energy levels are not ready for that yet.
Take your time Linda, I'm sure the chores can wait a while.
Better to have you completely recovered!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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How many shoe inserts have you tried. I am having my best succes with Powesrstep Pinnacle max- I overpronate terribly. I hope you are not like my friend nothing worked for him and he finally had surgery. It relieved about 40% of the pain so not perfect.
Lots of different inserts and until this the exercises and not wearing flat shoes helped a lot. but I can't hop in heels!!
I think they would try steroid jabs into the heel before surgery and that sounds unpleasant enough!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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You should have heard the line of crap they told me [emoji35] it’s full grown and definitely a female they said. Blahhh blah blahhh.. they were asking $250... what do you think I should offer???

I don’t even know why I’m asking that because I truly do not have a place set up... and I’d have to kiss hubbys butt for a while for this one... [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I tried to read up on our red foot care sheets but I’m not sure about housing a red foot ...[emoji51][emoji51][emoji51]
Ask Ed he'll be able to help you @ZEROPILOT

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Snowing heavily now. All the schools are cancelled, Federal government offices in Washington, most everything - closed.

We just zipped over to REDBOX and picked up two movies. So, birds are fed, we have entertainment, plenty of wood for crafts.

As long as we keep power, we’re good. Solar back up/batteries are fully charged. I guess we’re good.
Stay warm and hope it doesn't cause too much more disruption for you and the area!
We have temps of 17'c forecast for some areas this weekend - it's just not right!

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Well I have finally caught up. Lots going on, in the CDR of late. Snow, glamping, road trips, new redfoots (or potentially new redfoots). So much fun and games. I have been busy with auditors, we have them here for this week and probably next week as well.

And yesterday was my husbands and My anniversary. 25years. I know there are lots of you with many more years, however I am quite proud of the fact that we are still together and happy. Other than that, i have been watching my favorite program (Star Trek voyager) I am still on season 6 so only one more season to go and then on to the next star trek series. It helps with getting my mind to switch off from my work.

anyway going to be leaving the office shortly so will chat later.
Congratulations on your silver wedding anniversary Carol and hubby!
25 years is quite an achievement!
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Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
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Thanks so much, Carol. :):<3:

After 3 days at the vet's, Jacques is suddenly much better although they did no treatment and her labs all came back normal! :confused:
They have no idea what happened to leave her on her back in her tank in 5 inches of water: too weak to right herself or reach the surface and with her entire body puffed up and protruding from her shell.
Although I'm glad she's better, I'm left wondering WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED and will it happen again?
If we have no idea what happened, we have no way of preventing it from happening again. o_O
I wish I could just relax and be grateful, but now I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop...:(
That's great news for Jacques but a shame they can't find out the cause and such a worry for you.
I hope she goes from strength to strength and says well.

Yvonne G

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Happy ANNIVERSARY! I love that you said still HAPPY and together. CONGRATS...

I did not go back for the red foot. I would want to build my heated box first... I’m still in undecided mode...
If you are meant to have it, it will still be available when you're ready.