Baby Leopard Tortoise Diet


New Member
Aug 16, 2014
How much and how often should I be feeding my 5 month old leopard tortoise?


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Sep 6, 2011
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As much as he wants too eat. I used to put a big handful in, in the morning, if he ate it all, I would add more. Then I would check later in the after noon and add more if the a.m. food was gone.
Some of Toms threads are also below in my post for the housing and care if raising a healthy smooth leopard. The sulcata threads also apply.

Tactical Tort

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5 Year Member
Jul 6, 2014
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Northern CA
For ours we have 2 feeding spots. One spot has mazuri pellets (soaked with just enough water to make soft at that age) now dry and chopped with chopped hay and grasses and a "salad" feeding area. The salad area has cactus, greens varied by day and seasons and leaves.
This allows us to keep food in front of him full time and fresh as much as possible. Pretty much we keep as much fresh as he will finish regularly in front of him. If we see he's cleaned it up we add more. Keeps fresh from going bad.
He spends a great deal of time outside also so he eats grass (mostly Bermuda) and leaves etc when he's out.
Good luck with your baby! :D