hi im new here


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
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grand terrace ca
substrate question what substrate should i use i was thinking of using garden loam or some soil from the ground but im not sure what to use


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
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grand terrace ca
iv checked other forums and the care sheet is out dated but i still can use ground soil so i might use that

Yvonne G

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What? Are you saying our care sheets are outdated? They were both just written within the last two years and contain all the up-to-date info on Russian tortoises...and because they were written by our members here on the Forum, they will be updated if and when more up-to-date info is discovered.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
What? Are you saying our care sheets are outdated? They were both just written within the last two years and contain all the up-to-date info on Russian tortoises...and because they were written by our members here on the Forum, they will be updated if and when more up-to-date info is discovered.
no no im not saying that i guess i didn't read it right my mistake :confused:

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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iv checked other forums and the care sheet is out dated but i still can use ground soil so i might use that
This is the best place for up to date information so if there is any contradictory information elsewhere then I would always go with this site first. The caresheets are based on tried and tested methods from experienced keepers all over the world. Some of whom have been keeping torts long before you and I and they were also taught the old ways but have since changed because up to date information has given them better results and healthier torts.

Its your tort and your decision to follow which advice you choose but I know which source of information I would trust!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
how much dose coconut coir cost because its ether that or soil from the yard and or a mix of both and i'm using one of the lids from the bins to cover one of the bins to keep humidity up a bit and i drew a russian tort on it to give it some color and i drew gamera the bets tortoise/turtle everHNI_0066.JPG HNI_0067.JPG HNI_0069.JPG the holes are to let humidity out but theres more now


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
oh and i was reading some post a bout diet and i saw aloe vera and we have two of them or more like one million theres one thats a lone plant but then theres one thats got out of hand so i know that i have some thing marked of the food list and im going to be having the tort inside more often but with outside trips on the week days because the dogs go out on the week ends thy go out on week days two but starting at 6pm and my mom owns a day care but they aren't allowed in the rooms oh and my local pet store is geting more russians over the corse of the next couple weeks [ they get torts that people cant keep and captive breed young torts so no worrys there] also im going to the pet store tomorrow to get some substrate thinking coconut coir and if you have quistions for me just ask ok:):):):):):):):):<3::tort::):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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How are you planning on housing your light/uvb and heat sources?
You must have those because
too cold +humidity = sick tort
right temps + humidity = healthy tort

The mercury vapour bulbs (MVB) give light heat and essential uvb in one bulb so are easy to use DON'T buy any sort of coil or long thin loop cfl type though as these damage torts eyes. I is better to hang this so you can adjust the temp by raising or lowering it and
the clamps have been known to fail and cause fires. Also I've read that the uvb/heat distribution is affected and the lifespan of the bulb can be shortened if the bulb is at an angle.
For night heat a ceramic heat emitter (CHE) run through a thermostat will keep the temps nice and even and stop it from getting too hot or cold. CHEs just give heat as torts need darkness to sleep. I use wide dome hoods with both of mine so I don't lose heat.


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
yes i am going to get the heat lamps today and thanks for giving me some tips on heat i am reading this just before im going to head out


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Oct 20, 2015
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grand terrace ca
ok so we went to petco to get stuff and hears what i got : two eco earth coconut coir bricks one lamp [without bulb couldn't afford it right now] and some thermometer strip thing [witch will be used with another thermometer and hydrometer when i get them] HNI_0071.JPG HNI_0073.JPG HNI_0074.JPG HNI_0075.JPG HNI_0077.JPG and yes the lamp is a clamp but most all of them where and we went to petco because we where close to it at the time and i got to see the torts they have there and they had a male and a female in the tank the female was active but the male was motionless and i could tell they where wild caught because the female had some scrapes on her shell and even though my tubs look smaller but i could tell it has more floor space witch maters most for torts and there torts cost 139.99 while at the other pet store they cost 129.99 $10 less and thats not including the posible parasite removal because as you know petco's torts are wc while the pet stores torts are cb and if they get recuse they give them vet care and deworming/parasite removal so that saves about $50 and or more in money again feel free to ask questions or give advice because i am still new to this ok thanks


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Apr 20, 2015
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That text wall was a bit hard to read but, in the future, always check out hardware stores before pet stores for things like thermometers and fixtures. While you'll have to go to the pet store for a UVB bulb, pretty much everything else is carried by hardware stores at better prices.

As for what tortoise to buy - how big is your enclosure again? Generally the enclosures they keep them in in pet stores are temporary so they are quite small. Yours shouldn't be held against those for size comparison.

Captive breed is much more desirable than wild caught, so if you have the choice between the two, pick captive breed. If they've already seen a vet, all the better. You'd also likely be looking at very different size tortoises - the wild caught ones will be adults, the captive breed ones will be hatchlings. Hatchling care is more difficult, but also allows you to start with a smaller enclosure and move up in size.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
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Jul 22, 2014
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You will have to be very careful with that clamp lamp the clamps have been known to fail and cause house fires or burn torts, If there is any loop you can attach a length of chain or a long lace etc. then hanging is better because you a bigger area of uvb in the beam rather than only a small area of uvb at an angle. I believe the DIY stores in the US sell brooder lamp hoods for half the price of pet store hoods - you just have to remove the wire guard below the hood. You will also get more accurate thermometers and hygrometers from stores like Home Depot or Walmart at a fraction of the price,
Pet store staff aren't always familiar with tort care and just want to sell you things for profit, so before you waste good money on expensive and maybe unsuitable items always check here first (e.g you don't need an expensive steep sided fancy water dish when a cheap terracotta plant saucer will be safer. A humid hide can be made out of an upturned tub/bowl with a door cut in it much cheaper than bought hides)


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
That text wall was a bit hard to read but, in the future, always check out hardware stores before pet stores for things like thermometers and fixtures. While you'll have to go to the pet store for a UVB bulb, pretty much everything else is carried by hardware stores at better prices.

As for what tortoise to buy - how big is your enclosure again? Generally the enclosures they keep them in in pet stores are temporary so they are quite small. Yours shouldn't be held against those for size comparison.

Captive breed is much more desirable than wild caught, so if you have the choice between the two, pick captive breed. If they've already seen a vet, all the better. You'd also likely be looking at very different size tortoises - the wild caught ones will be adults, the captive breed ones will be hatchlings. Hatchling care is more difficult, but also allows you to start with a smaller enclosure and move up in size.
i was thinking about my enclosure last night to i think im going to have to attach another bin or two to be able to house an adult with little problems, but keep in mind i will take him/her outside when ever i can (keep in mind that i have dogs (collie pit mix) that i don't trust with a tortoise, but are under lock and key during the weekdays)the thermometer was about $2 and i will be getting more from home depot or lows and even though my enclosure looks small there is more floor space than any thing but yah its around 29in x19in so its kind of small and if i add one to the back of both it would be 29in x 36in and if i add two to the back it's 42in x 29in so what do i do


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
grand terrace ca
You will have to be very careful with that clamp lamp the clamps have been known to fail and cause house fires or burn torts, If there is any loop you can attach a length of chain or a long lace etc. then hanging is better because you a bigger area of uvb in the beam rather than only a small area of uvb at an angle. I believe the DIY stores in the US sell brooder lamp hoods for half the price of pet store hoods - you just have to remove the wire guard below the hood. You will also get more accurate thermometers and hygrometers from stores like Home Depot or Walmart at a fraction of the price,
Pet store staff aren't always familiar with tort care and just want to sell you things for profit, so before you waste good money on expensive and maybe unsuitable items always check here first (e.g you don't need an expensive steep sided fancy water dish when a cheap terracotta plant saucer will be safer. A humid hide can be made out of an upturned tub/bowl with a door cut in it much cheaper than bought hides)

yes i know the dangers of owning a clamp lamp and i might ether hang it put something to put it on so it faces downward and thanks for the hide tips i wanted to make one but im still clueless on how to do it


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Apr 20, 2015
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Toronto, Canada
29"x19" is not nearly enough floor space for an adult tortoise of any species. If connecting bins together is your only option, connect as many as you have room for.

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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if i attach two more would it still need to be bigger or no
4' x 8' is often quoted as the minimum space required for small torts.
They are wandering animas by nature so need space to do that.

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