very sick sulcata

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Mysulcata Franklin

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Mar 17, 2009
My lil Franklin is acting weird, not eating and no movement, so this friday he had a visit to the vet. They said he's is pretty bad shape, his shell is really soft & has one of his eyes shout & weight is low. They actually didn't tell me what he has but has symptoms of MBD....which Im really worried about. He gave me liquid calcium & antibiotic but still has not eaten, Im not giving up on him. Any suggestions please??


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How big is your tort? Do you have a uvb bulb(at least 5.0 kept on for 10 hours a day min).Try soaking him in water with a little gatorade or pedialyte a couple times a day and turn the heat up a bit.I would really try to keep him hydrated.Good luck,tom.

Mysulcata Franklin

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Mar 17, 2009
How big is your tort? Do you have a uvb bulb(at least 5.0 kept on for 10 hours a day min).Try soaking him in water with a little gatorade or pedialyte a couple times a day and turn the heat up a bit.I would reaaly try to keep him hydrated.Good luck,tom.

He's about 6 months old & very tiny. UVB bulb is 10.0 for 12 hrs a day but I have him in direct sun light now. I soak him about 3 times a day but I'll try gatorade.
The problem is that he is not eating & I've tired force feeding but too weak.
Thanks Tom


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Gatorade is good for an animal that is dehydrated, but may not be the best thing now.
I'd go with a liquid vitamin, specificly Vitasol for birds. You can mix this with the liquid calcium when you soak him. You can also soak in some diluted squash baby food.
This things should help. :)



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I am really sorry to hear your little one is sick :(
I hope he will feel better soon. Please keep us updated.

Maggie Cummings

I am very sorry your little one is so sick, but I still would not soak him 3 times a day. Once a day for about 15 minutes is enough. I would soak him everyday. How is the humidity in his habitat? I also wouldn't have a UVB light on for 12 hours a day. More like 4 hours a day and use a regular incandescent bulb the rest of the time. Was he eating good before? Can you make a small tort salad out of new baby lettuses and maybe entice him to eat?

spring pace

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sorry to hear that franklin is so sick, i can only wish the best for him. i know what its like to have a sick baby. its sounds serious, i hope he pulls thru.


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I too am sorry to hear Franklin is ill. It's tuff on the tort and on you when one is so small and so sick. I too have a sick baby Greek. So I do understand as do a lot of others. I would soak him. But watch him in the soaking as sick little ones have a tendency to fall asleep and you do not want him to drown. What type of antibiotic do they have him on? Baytril will also put him off his feed. (decrease his appetite). I am giving mine garden greens organic baby food and when she eats she loves it. Sometimes I just put it on my finger and irritate her until she opens her mouth and I can get a bit in. I figure every little bit helps.
Good luck with Franklin and know you both will be in my prayers.

Mysulcata Franklin

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Mar 17, 2009
egyptiandan said:
Gatorade is good for an animal that is dehydrated, but may not be the best thing now.
I'd go with a liquid vitamin, specificly Vitasol for birds. You can mix this with the liquid calcium when you soak him. You can also soak in some diluted squash baby food.
This things should help. :)


Thanks, he is too weak to eat & open his mouth. Im actually buying some baby food and gonna force feed.
Is vitasol sold anywhere?

Crazy1 said:
I too am sorry to hear Franklin is ill. It's tuff on the tort and on you when one is so small and so sick. I too have a sick baby Greek. So I do understand as do a lot of others. I would soak him. But watch him in the soaking as sick little ones have a tendency to fall asleep and you do not want him to drown. What type of antibiotic do they have him on? Baytril will also put him off his feed. (decrease his appetite). I am giving mine garden greens organic baby food and when she eats she loves it. Sometimes I just put it on my finger and irritate her until she opens her mouth and I can get a bit in. I figure every little bit helps.
Good luck with Franklin and know you both will be in my prayers.

I soak him often and of course will fall asleep, while being soaked. He just isn't strong enough to eat or move. They gave him calcium glub & Enrofox, I have a very difficult time even getting him to swollow the meds. Thank you very much for your advice & prayers!!!


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Vitasol is sold at just about any pet store.. Its a bird vitamin.
Use it to soak, not force feed.
good luck.

Mysulcata Franklin

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Mar 17, 2009
maggie3fan said:
I am very sorry your little one is so sick, but I still would not soak him 3 times a day. Once a day for about 15 minutes is enough. I would soak him everyday. How is the humidity in his habitat? I also wouldn't have a UVB light on for 12 hours a day. More like 4 hours a day and use a regular incandescent bulb the rest of the time. Was he eating good before? Can you make a small tort salad out of new baby lettuses and maybe entice him to eat?

The humidity is at 45 to 55. I think the last time he ate was early last week & is very weak when it comes to opening his tiny mouth. I've chopped up lettace for him & trying to feed baby food but still too weak. Im scared that he's not gonna make it but I want to do my best but I was told it's too late.
Thank you Maggie

Laura said:
Vitasol is sold at just about any pet store.. Its a bird vitamin.
Use it to soak, not force feed.
good luck.

I'll try it. We need the luck right now.

Stazz said:
Awww i'm sorry to hear Franklin is sick. We are all rooting for you, will pray for him!

Well Thank you so much. can't believe how helpful everyone is, this is very comforting.


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If you are thinking of force feeding you may want to add water to the babyfood. As it is so easy for them to dehydrate too.
Here is what I found out about the antibiotic.

Is the antibiotic Enrofox or Enroflox?
I could not find anything on Enrofox but here is what I found on Enroflox (I had not heard of it) (oops thanks Yvonne, guess I have heard of Baytril)
enrofloxacin (Enroflox)
It’s a third generation flouorquinolone antibacterial in a long acting vehicle, for the treatment of infectious diseases cased by gram positive and gram negative bacterias: and mycoplasmas. Mostly the reparatory, gento-urinary and digestive track, auditive conduct and skin. Including Bovine reparatory disease, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, mycoplamosis, dermatitis, among others.
intramuscular or subcutaneous route.

Mysulcata Franklin

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Mar 17, 2009
My sulcata passed away on Friday. Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers & for all the good suggestions.


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Mysulcata Franklin said:
My sulcata passed away on Friday. Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers & for all the good suggestions.

O nooo :( I am so sorry to hear about Franklin. You are in my thoughts.


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Sorry for you loss, pets really do become a part of the family.

Yvonne G

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Crazy1 said:
Is the antibiotic Enrofox or Enroflox?

Robyn: Enroflaxin is the "real" name of Baytril.

I'm so very sorry to hear of Franklin's passing. I know you loved him very much. This is a hard thing to have to endure.



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I am sorry to hear of Frankln's passing. You are in my thoughts.

Thank you Yvonne for the info.
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