Trevor's first time outside

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Dec 18, 2008
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Well, it finally broke into the 60s here yesterday so I took Trevor out for a few minutes. He's a hatchling and I don't think he's ever been outside, at least not ever since I got him in December. I let him walk around on our driveway since it is blacktop and warm with the sun shining on it. He got a little freaked out and was just running around wildly. So, I took him back in and he hid the rest of the day.

I'd love to build him a pen on some grass, but I'm in an apartment and I'm sure they treat the grass.

I think I realized what was wrong--he didn't feel secure. I have a small rubbermaid I bought for him for emergencies (like we need to leave and take him with us quick, or he has to go get tort sat at a friend's house). I put some substrate in it, and I'm planning to introduce him to the container so he feels safe in it. I'll probably put a hide in there, but he's not so into those as he just likes to burrow.

The container will work better because I can put him out on the balcony to get some sun and watch him from my couch and be within 10 ft! I think he'll feel safe too. I was just hoping the driveway would do him well to wear down his nails a little since the slate hasn't been helping too much. Don't want them to get out of hand.

Maggie-Have you been able to let Bob out much yet? It's sure sunny out in Washington today.

Anyone else's torts getting to enjoy some spring weather? I was so excited to finally take the little guy outside, even if he wasn't excited about it himself. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was talking to myself though since he's so little they probably couldn't see him (but I was watching him really close since we have dogs nearby us).


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Mar 31, 2009
It’s going to be pool weather here today as well. I’ll take my little Sulcata out and let him get some real sun. I have to keep him in a container as well or he drives me crazy following him around as he searches for something to munch on, things he shouldn’t eat of course.


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I was able to get all of mine outside yesterday today it is suppose to be 81 today and about that tomorrow so they will be outside for 3 in a row. :D but then into the low 60s and rain for a couple days but we are moving to the sunny warm warm days more and more. :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:p :p Okay I am envious. We have sun (in between great banks of clouds) and wow! lookee there the temp is now up to 36!!!! Heatwave! Oh well couldn't take any body outside today, because in this wind they would be blown down to Kansas. :D


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Ok those of us in So Cal and AZ are really mean to post our temps right now. (Sunny and 80+ :D) BUT wait until July and August (105-120+ :( ) when we are hoping for the March/April weather and wondering where we can run away to that is cooler. :p



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Apr 2, 2009
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I'm in WA too. Great weather today, no rain for once. :D We too live in a condo and it is difficult to take them outside. If you have a balcony, you could let him wander outside monitored of course. That is what we do in the summer especially. I would suggest growing a tray of Russian Tortoise seed mix that you can buy on Carolina Pet Supply website. My tortoises love to graze in the buffet and it gives them the feel of being outside in nature. Enjoy the weather and your hatchling(Trevor)! I too may just let one of my tortoises out for a few minutes.


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Well, it was looking up here in WI and then it snowed this morning for 2+ hrs. :( I'm supposed to get my hatchling on the 13th, but not if this keeps up! Ick. Lucky dogs! 60 degrees sounds like heaven!

I'm glad that Trevor got to go outside though...get that new cam yet so you can post some more pics of him? I want to see how big he's getting :)

Maggie Cummings

tortoisenerd said:
Well, it finally broke into the 60s here yesterday so I took Trevor out for a few minutes. He's a hatchling and I don't think he's ever been outside, at least not ever since I got him in December. I let him walk around on our driveway since it is blacktop and warm with the sun shining on it. He got a little freaked out and was just running around wildly. So, I took him back in and he hid the rest of the day.

I'd love to build him a pen on some grass, but I'm in an apartment and I'm sure they treat the grass.

I think I realized what was wrong--he didn't feel secure. I have a small rubbermaid I bought for him for emergencies (like we need to leave and take him with us quick, or he has to go get tort sat at a friend's house). I put some substrate in it, and I'm planning to introduce him to the container so he feels safe in it. I'll probably put a hide in there, but he's not so into those as he just likes to burrow.

The container will work better because I can put him out on the balcony to get some sun and watch him from my couch and be within 10 ft! I think he'll feel safe too. I was just hoping the driveway would do him well to wear down his nails a little since the slate hasn't been helping too much. Don't want them to get out of hand.

Maggie-Have you been able to let Bob out much yet? It's sure sunny out in Washington today.

Anyone else's torts getting to enjoy some spring weather? I was so excited to finally take the little guy outside, even if he wasn't excited about it himself. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was talking to myself though since he's so little they probably couldn't see him (but I was watching him really close since we have dogs nearby us).

Actually Bob went outside today. This is just the second time he's been out since winter. The sun is shining beautifully today and it has just now hit 64. I filled up Bob's mud hole thinking he'd drink first but he just walked around the perimeter all day. I ran out and checked on him during the last yellow flag and he was still just walking around. Because the ground is so wet still he has made Sulcata tracks all around the fence line...muddy tracks...


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Dec 18, 2008
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Rich-I was petrified some dog would walk by and think he was a chew toy. My balcony is rather safe so it's a better plan.
Robyn-Even though I grew up in sunny places, since moving to WA I like the clouds more and more. The sun bothers me now. The only reason I hope for it is for the little guy. He's spoiled!
Jacqui-hehe 36! Today we used the A/C in the car for the first time of the season. Our apartment doesn't have any so we'll be roasting soon.
Dawna-Luckily it won't ever be too warm for him here. We top out in the low 90s probably.
Katie-I grow all sorts of yummies for him, and hope they will take off once I can put the trays outside.
Meg-No new camera yet, but here are some new pictures! I think my camera troubles awhile back were user error because these came out a bit better. Not too much longer now for Anouk.....even with weather delays. Trevor is up to 68 growing like a weed with a huge appetite. He was just 34 when I got him. Not too much growth in length, but a ton in width and height, and he has some muscle and the slightest bit of baby pudge now. He looks much healthier.

Trevor didn't make it outside today because my balcony isn't getting any direct sun, and it's only in the 60s with a breeze. I'm sure he'd think that's cold after being in the 80s in his enclosure mostly. He's napping anyways. I did get his container set up so it'll be easy to put him out. Still need to find a good storage location because it's just a tad too big to fit in his cabinet (he has his own dining room buffet to hold all his accessories, and his table sits on it).





One more note: I finally stopped changing things around in his enclosure. I think that's a sign that both of us are happy with it. :) He loves his aspen bedding, and I haven't seen any pyramiding yet even though he doesn't have a humid hide.


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Mine can come and go at their own will. and they DO! Loving the weather.. its perfect.. I even ran a sprinkler yesterday, and they loved that as well. One of my smaller Sulcatas only wanted to drink from the puddle caused by watering her area. Everyone is happy go lucky. :)


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I won't post temps, but all of mine have been out 2 days ago it was really windy so they were in, but 10:30 or so they go out and back in around 2:30 - 3:00 for the babies, and the big guys hang out until 6 or so, just before the sun goes down. One of the boys has decided it is spring enough to be in the mood, but give it a month and I'll be running east for a few weeks.


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Mar 31, 2009
I think we both got enough sun today. Here is me with a few friends and of course Henry my little Sulcata.




Of course he always has his own lounge chair.



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Ahhhh Henry.. too cute.. be sure when it gets hotter that he has a shade source to get to if he gets too hot. and a good soaking after his sun bathing!


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Mar 31, 2009
Thanks Laura,

I'm going to soak him now before dinner.

After it got a bit too hot I put his container half under the chair but he stayed in the sunnier part most of the time :)


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That container looks like it was a drawer in another life...

I was stoked when I found the perfect size Rubbermaid for Trevor. Most of them are way too tall, or the huge under the bed ones. Mine is about the same size as yours, Rich.


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Mar 31, 2009
tortoisenerd said:
That container looks like it was a drawer in another life...

I was stoked when I found the perfect size Rubbermaid for Trevor. Most of them are way too tall, or the huge under the bed ones. Mine is about the same size as yours, Rich.

It was. Perfect size for him to soak in and take him out for a little sun. :)


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Trevor is a very cute little RT :D.
Last year, I used to put Hermy outside to let him roam in my yard (3 times maybe) under my supervision of course :) . He was going crazy, I think he was really scared. So that is why this year, I will build him an outside enclosure. I really hope he will like it because he is the nervous kind.
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