transition to outdoors

mark davis

New Member
Jun 3, 2014
Hello all. Second post here. Have had two grown Carolina box turtles for several years and finally have a place where i can build a covered outdoor enclosure with depth to dig, shelter, etc. Question: these guys have been indoors for several years and I plan to bring them back in when weather turns cool to brumate as they have in the past. I live in Virginia and am waiting for nights to stay above 55-60 degrees. What is best process for transitioning them to outdoor enclosure for warm weather months; ie., outside during day and in at night while still cool and then 24 hours a day, or, just wait until nights get warm and stay warm? Also, what is lowest night time temp they can stay comfortable in?
Thanks in advance for your responses!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 27, 2012
Don't waste good days waiting for warm nights. Bring them out for the day whenever possible. They like rain, so don't let that stop you.

I've gotten up at 6 to see happy active boxies in their pens when it had dropped to 55 degrees. That was after a warm day, at the start of another warm day. I assume a margin of error in weather predictions, and I check for how long it will be cold. All night? Bring them in. The hour before dawn? They can stay out. Cold day and night and inactive turtles? Bring them in.

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