Supplement advice


May 6, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Virginia, USA
We had our first vet appointment yesterday. He didn't have too much to say, but he did tell me George was illegal due to his size which I wasn't aware of since I've seen so many places selling hatchlings (he hatched May 7th).

He also said that I should be sprinkling calcium powder everyday as well as a multivitamin with beta carotene in it. I have tent from Carolina pet supply ( but he wasn't familiar with it, would this be acceptable or do I need to get the calcium and vitamins? How often should I be using either?

Nicole M

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5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2016
We had our first vet appointment yesterday. He didn't have too much to say, but he did tell me George was illegal due to his size which I wasn't aware of since I've seen so many places selling hatchlings (he hatched May 7th).

He also said that I should be sprinkling calcium powder everyday as well as a multivitamin with beta carotene in it. I have tent from Carolina pet supply ( but he wasn't familiar with it, would this be acceptable or do I need to get the calcium and vitamins? How often should I be using either?
As far as I'm aware, that hatchling size rule applies to turtles--not tortoises. What's species is your little friend?

TNT is a great supplement, and you should be set with that!


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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the rule applies to All Chelonians but only to businesses selling them it's not illegal to own one under 4 inches if that's the law were talking about.

Nicole M

Active Member
5 Year Member
Jun 8, 2016
the rule applies to All Cheloniansns but only to businesses selling them it's not illegal to own one under 4 inches if that's the law were talking about.
Gotcha! And yes, that's what I was referring to.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
10 Year Member!
Aug 15, 2008
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depending on the diet a multivitamin is probably not necessary as for calcium lightly sprinkle twice a week put too much on and the smell makes them not want to eat. of course calcium is useless without UVB.


May 6, 2016
Location (City and/or State)
Virginia, USA
Thanks everybody! That makes me feel better, I will probably get some calcium powder just to be safe. He does have a cuttlebone but the vet didn't seem to approve.

Would anyone have an idea of how to get him to eat a bigger variety? He'll eat some grocery greens like spring mix, kale, and escarole but if I've been putting things from the garden in including: hosta leaves, hibiscus leaves & flowers, bellflowers, and much more (all checked with to make sure they were safe). He will drag them out of the food dish so that he can get to the grocery greens underneath and if I just give him things from the garden he won't eat or not much at least


Well-Known Member
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Feb 17, 2016
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Grocery store food tastes much sweeter, so it's only natural he'll prefer it.

Cut small amounts of a single new food very finely with scissors; wet the foods he does like; and mix them together. He should get some when he's eating the tasty foods.

As he gets familiar with the taste, you can increase the amount and add something else.

Prepare to be patient. He can go without food much longer than most people can go without caving in!

I did mix up the new foods if mine continued to ignore or eat around something. There are some foods she still doesn't care for, even though she only gets weeds and "safe" foods now. Warm weather and exercise also increased her appetite greatly.


The Dog Trainer
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Ugh… I hate it when vets present themselves as experts and then clearly demonstrate that they have no idea what they are talking about and give bad advice…

Federal law states that no chelonian can be sold when they are under 4". HOWEVER, right there in the law it says that private hobbyists are exempted, and there are other exemptions for "research and education". This law was meant to prevent commercial breeding operations from selling baby turtles because of a perceived salmonella risk. Small time hobby breeders are exempted from this law. In addition to the federal law, some individual states have their own laws. Check your own state laws to be sure you are in compliance.

Calcium should NOT be given daily. Calcium interferes with the absorption of other important minerals and trace elements. Giving calcium every day will eventually lead to a deficiency in one of these other things. Two to three times a week in small amounts is more than enough, especially with a good diet. I like vitamins once a week. A tiny little pinch or either calcium or vitamins is all you need.

About the diet. Tortoises are creatures of habit and they can be picky. They eat what they have eaten before. If the breeder didn't introduce hibiscus leaves and other good stuff, then your tortoise won't recognize it as food. It is usually not hard to get a little one to eat healthy. It takes a little time and patience, but its easy. Mince up the favorites into tiny little pieces and spray it with water. Then mince up a very small amount of the new stuff and mix it all up throughly. If the tortoise skips eating that day, don't worry about it. Use the same thing the next day and the next day, until the tortoise eats it all. Eventually the tortoise will get used to the new smell, taste and texture. A hungry tortoise is not a picky tortoise. Gradually up the ratio of new stuff to old favorites. In time, your tortoise will eat anything you offer it.

Please let your vet know that he has strayed "out of his lane" and needs some continuing education. Invite the vet to come here. He can be an anonymous member and we will gladly give him the education he is lacking. Be careful about any other tortoise advice that he offered you. Vets do not get any education about tortoise husbandry in vet school. There is no semester on "tortoise nutrition" either. They simply can't know every thing about every single species. The vets that DO know their stuff with tortoises know because they keep them, just like we do here on TFO.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2015
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St. David Arizona
Speedy always has cuttlebone available , in addition to supplying a natural source of calcium it also helps to keep his beak trimmed by wearing it down naturally. He also eats grape leaves and cactus , also high in calcium . I have never given supplements as I feel that a well rounded diet will give all the needed vitamin and mineral requirements ! :)


Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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You have cuddlebone?
Use a dull knife and scrape a cuddlebone over the food. The powder that scrapes off should be good.
I also use the brown REPASHY powdered supplement because all my tortoises have eaten it without fuss.

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