Spatially Challenged New Member–Enclosure Help Please!


New Member
5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2013
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Hi all!

I bought a cheap garden bed on clearance to use as a table for my Hermann’s hatchling. What I thought was a simple project has turned out to be quite the headache.

Any thoughts, advice, criticism are greatly appreciated.

So, two issues:
1) Sealing the gaps–The cut on the bottom piece of ply is uneven and too narrow, which leaves large gaps around the seams and especially around the legs.


From what I’ve read, plastic liner, vinyl, Drylok, and caulk seem to be the most commonly used methods. However, I can’t seem to figure out how to make these work for my table due to the largeness of the gaps and the weird inner dimensions caused by the legs.

I’ve tried the plastic liner and it was a nightmare getting it to fit around the legs. Do you think linoleum would work? I guess I'd have to cut out little leg pieces as well as the side and bottom pieces then silicone them all together.

I did find a large plastic tray that sort of fits the table. But it falls short about 6 inches length. Because the tray is shallow, with substrate added, the tortoise would be able to climb out and fall into the abyss. Any ideas what to do with this space?

I've tried putting blocks of wood but once again that weird notch where the legs are foiled my plans.

6inch space:

Random side space:

2) Enclosing sides--I want to completely enclose three sides.

The sides look like this:

Is it possible to just nail in a piece of plywood along the outside edge essentially extending the existing sides upwards?

I am starting to think my spatial skills are severely lacking. Or maybe I am over thinking this..


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I think stapling plastic liner is the easiest way. Yes you can attach wood to the outside to make sides taller. If the gaps by the legs don't go all the way through, then you can just fill it with anything or just use the plastic to cover the gaps.
Hello and Welcome too

Yvonne G

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I think a better idea would be to nail the plywood on the inside. If you put it on the outside, the tortoise will eventually use the original wall as a ladder to aid in climbing the side. Just stuff old plastic bags down into that space. I use those plastic grocery bags for almost everything. Almost as good as duct tape for versatility. Stuff the spaces with plastic bags, then tape some duct tape over them in case the tortoise digs down that far. Then use the water proof paint (?) to seal all the wood, then add your moistened substrate.

Welcome to the Forum, Cecely. Whatever you do, please show us pictures.


The Dog Trainer
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Silicone caulking will fill those holes just fine.

Enclosing three walls with plywood should be no problem.


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5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2013
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All great suggestions! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

While reading your responses, I was suddenly reminded of the KISS principle or "keep it simple, stupid". A very useful insight indeed.

By the way, if I want to post updates (and pictures!) of the enclosure, should I post here or would that be better suited in a new thread?

Thanks again,


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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All great suggestions! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

While reading your responses, I was suddenly reminded of the KISS principle or "keep it simple, stupid". A very useful insight indeed.

By the way, if I want to post updates (and pictures!) of the enclosure, should I post here or would that be better suited in a new thread?

Thanks again,

Entirely up to you, if you do choose to add to this thread instead of creating a new one, a moderator can edit the title if you wish.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Actually, CC, as much info as you are willing to impart is the best. It really helps us to help you when we have lots of info. So, be as verbose as you like.

I like to see additional info in the same thread. That way, no one has to look at your past posts to get more info.