Smoking Marijuana in the same room


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Jun 28, 2018
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Just switch to vaping your weed no smell and you can do it outside of your apartment without getting a second look. It is so easy to come by these days and just as acceptable as someone walking down the street with a cigarette.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
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New Jersey
Just switch to vaping your weed no smell and you can do it outside of your apartment without getting a second look. It is so easy to come by these days and just as acceptable as someone walking down the street with a cigarette.

If someone is not going to use tobacco outdoors, then they will not use THC outdoors.

Vaping is as health-damaging as smoking, as there are just as many (if not more) aerosolized toxins involved.



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Jul 30, 2018
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If someone is not going to use tobacco outdoors, then they will not use THC outdoors.

Vaping is as health-damaging as smoking, as there are just as many (if not more) aerosolized toxins involved.

I have a buddy that vapes he has also had walking pneumonia before and vaped. His Doctor called him a dumba$$ for introducing water vapor into a moist and inflamed lung.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 28, 2018
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Philadelphia, PA
If someone is not going to use tobacco outdoors, then they will not use THC outdoors.

Vaping is as health-damaging as smoking, as there are just as many (if not more) aerosolized toxins involved.

Thanks, I would hope anyone partaking would know and understand the risks. I was offering the OP a solution for their stoner den/tort enclosure dilemma. Easiest fix = move the moon cabbage outside.


New Member
Aug 22, 2021
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East Sussex
Hey all, seen quite some debate about this topic. Found this earlier and may be useful. Some testing has been done and marijuana had no I'll effects on a tortoise, nor other reptiles. However the smoke will cause issues.... The tortoise was a 10 pound Sulcata. Here is the link.


Jan A

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2021
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Boulder, CO
Hey all, seen quite some debate about this topic. Found this earlier and may be useful. Some testing has been done and marijuana had no I'll effects on a tortoise, nor other reptiles. However the smoke will cause issues.... The tortoise was a 10 pound Sulcata. Here is the link.

I would point out both torts ingested marijuana, not inhaled the smoke. I have no idea which is more potent.


New Member
Aug 22, 2021
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East Sussex
I would point out both torts ingested marijuana, not inhaled the smoke. I have no idea which is more potent.
On humans, normally ingesting THC will have a higher effect, however it would have to be decarboxylated first to activate the THC otherwise it has little to no effect. Smoking however does this in the process, so the fumes contain active THC thus having a effect. I would imagine the same can be said for torts, ingesting had shown no I'll effects. Quite possibly but more probably due to not being decarboxylated before consumption, therefore I would say it is safe to assume inhaling the smoke would have an effect, and should probably be done someplace where torts are not going to breath the smoke.


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If someone is not going to use tobacco outdoors, then they will not use THC outdoors.

Vaping is as health-damaging as smoking, as there are just as many (if not more) aerosolized toxins involved.

I normally would not respond to a post like this because it is so off topic for a tortoise forum. . But whenever I read or hear someone say "vaping is as bad as smoking" I have to respond.
As a a smoker for over 35 years who switched to vaping back in 2013, I can say that vaping saved my life.
I have done more research than the average person because I really wanted to know if it is indeed the right thig to do.
Without going into great detail ( I could write an entire article on the subject) I will tell you that the real reason there is so much negative press about vaping is in a nut shell, Big Pharma. They control everything all the anti vaping organizations says about it. Vaping Bad! Our Nicotine gum, Patches, anti depressants, lozenges, etc. (which by the way, have a very low success rate) Good! They stand to loose billions of dollars a year if people knew the truth about vaping. The same can be said about the government's position on it. They stand to loose billions of dollars a year on cigarette taxes.
Everyone wants to blame Big Tobacco. They too were threatened by the vaping phenomena because it threatened their cigarettes' business. They actually came to the game late, and since they have the money for advertising they want to take over the vape business.
The old adage "follow the money" certainly applies here.
Sorry for the ramble.
I think that if a big pharmaceutical company had invented vaping, we would be bombarded by commercials on tv about how great it is.

jeff kushner

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Jul 24, 2020
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Really? "OK Jeff, it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round"

For a forum that I've found to be so talented, this sure took a dive...

This did not need to be asked, anyone over 5 years old knows, Someone just wanted to say they smoked weed. Wow

Want to impress people, tell us you did AFTER you completed a career and after raising a family to a high standard, then we'll be impressed...till then, you're just another "head" who freezes their own personal development.


PS.I love how folks project to know what an animal is feeling, as if anyone here "knows" how ANY other animal feels. We talk of aliens, 1st contact...heck, there still isn't a single species we can communicate with here on Earth in THEIR language, but folks know, right?

ok, rant over...I'll be good now, promise.


The Dog Trainer
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PS.I love how folks project to know what an animal is feeling, as if anyone here "knows" how ANY other animal feels. We talk of aliens, 1st contact...heck, there still isn't a single species we can communicate with here on Earth in THEIR language, but folks know, right?
I have to disagree here Jeff. You can't tell when a dog "feels" afraid? Or a tortoise even? You don't look at a turtle or tortoise splayed out in the sun or under its heat lamp and think, "That animal feels content."

And an animal's language is body language, posture, pheromones, voice volume and intensity, eye contact, physical contact, etc... Wouldn't you agree? I can't think of one day where I am not communicating, and being communicated with, by a dozen or more animals, both wild, captive and domestic.

I can list examples if you want. Let me know what you think? I don't do the wacky weed thing, so you can't blame it on that. :)

Jan A

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2021
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Boulder, CO
I have to disagree here Jeff. You can't tell when a dog "feels" afraid? Or a tortoise even? You don't look at a turtle or tortoise splayed out in the sun or under its heat lamp and think, "That animal feels content."

And an animal's language is body language, posture, pheromones, voice volume and intensity, eye contact, physical contact, etc... Wouldn't you agree? I can't think of one day where I am not communicating, and being communicated with, by a dozen or more animals, both wild, captive and domestic.

I can list examples if you want. Let me know what you think? I don't do the wacky weed thing, so you can't blame it on that. :)
Houdini doesn't look at me directly if he's peeved with me. He turns his head & looks at me with one eye.

Jan A

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Boulder, CO
I get the hey A-hole feed me and leave me alone look. But the little tort is sure happy when I finish the soak and transport him back to food dish🤣
Houdini likes his meal late afternoon before the sun sets. Now that we've lost daylight savings, I'm always getting that side eye look.


New Member
Nov 9, 2023
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USA, Kansas
Animals and smoke are not the best combo. I've got a furry friend, and I noticed even incense bothered them
Concerns about your tortoise are legit. Animals and smoke are not the best combo. I've got a furry friend, and I noticed even incense bothered them. Better safe than sorry—maybe a designated chill spot away from the green cloud? Vape pens can be fantastic for humans but not the best for animals. Keep him safe!

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