Self-regulating temperature when asleep?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Taos, NM
Small update. Feeling more confident

- monitoring temps during the day, late evening and early morning. Midday to 2pm when sun is shining most directly on Eugies enclosure (hottest) Im getting 100 in the sun to 80 in the shade (ambient is about the same at 80). Early morning and late afternoon sun are obviously lower at about 80 in full sun. Ambient throughout day (without windows open as would happen when I'm at work) doesn't drop below 78. Very grateful for the temp gun to measure ground temp and use it in conjunction with two thermometers measuring ambient. Of course, my temps, enclosure warm and cooler spots will change over the winter/year as the earth's position tot the sun changes and I will have to keep up.

-lowest nighttime is about 68. I have the heat mat under her nighttime hide set to go on at 4am which warms it up into the morning before the sun is out strongly. The mat goes off at 9:30, when the sun starts to have more of an impact on the enclosure.

- UVB goes on at 6am and off again at 6pm (i is a mini compact - I have researched and I'm happy with this choice. I will change it if I have problems). I will still aim to get her outside for 30 mins every once in a while throughout the winter if the ground temp in full sun is adequate - VS ambient - the sun is a powerful force at 7200 feet in New Mexico :)

- working on a propane heater for those limited cloudy stretches we have on the winter here (ie. she will have no basking sun). We have already been through one day of snow with no sun and she slowed down a little and stayed close to her heated hide (mat stays on all day when it is cloudy) but still ate and moved around. Her hide area did not drop below 75 on this day.

- she ("she" is what I determined is the real sex) is doing well. Active and eating. She wakes at about 8:30. Sits until about 9:30-10 and then goes to her food. Sleeps a bit midday and then gets up again for a short time. Is asleep by about 3:30-4 for the night. Enjoying head scratches and approaches when she recognizes me.

- I have a humidity monitor in there that is telling me about 41%. I have read between 30-50 for adult "golden greeks". She is apparently about 5 years old. My arid climate makes for normally lower humidity. But I do wonder about what age pyramiding becomes less of a concern? She already had some pyramiding when I got her and I don't want to cause more. If I need to add water to her substrate more often I will. Advise on this would be good.

- I have taken her weight and am considering this her base weight. I will monitor it for any major changes over the winter. I found out that actually there is a vet in Taos that does exotics and more importantly has had tortoises of her own. She has a vet appointment next friday and I will make sure I'm on track with her.

Anyhow, feeling more confident. And thank you for all the info these forums have provided.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Small update. Feeling more confident

- monitoring temps during the day, late evening and early morning. Midday to 2pm when sun is shining most directly on Eugies enclosure (hottest) Im getting 100 in the sun to 80 in the shade (ambient is about the same at 80). Early morning and late afternoon sun are obviously lower at about 80 in full sun. Ambient throughout day (without windows open as would happen when I'm at work) doesn't drop below 78. Very grateful for the temp gun to measure ground temp and use it in conjunction with two thermometers measuring ambient. Of course, my temps, enclosure warm and cooler spots will change over the winter/year as the earth's position tot the sun changes and I will have to keep up.

-lowest nighttime is about 68. I have the heat mat under her nighttime hide set to go on at 4am which warms it up into the morning before the sun is out strongly. The mat goes off at 9:30, when the sun starts to have more of an impact on the enclosure.

- UVB goes on at 6am and off again at 6pm (i is a mini compact - I have researched and I'm happy with this choice. I will change it if I have problems). I will still aim to get her outside for 30 mins every once in a while throughout the winter if the ground temp in full sun is adequate - VS ambient - the sun is a powerful force at 7200 feet in New Mexico :)

- working on a propane heater for those limited cloudy stretches we have on the winter here (ie. she will have no basking sun). We have already been through one day of snow with no sun and she slowed down a little and stayed close to her heated hide (mat stays on all day when it is cloudy) but still ate and moved around. Her hide area did not drop below 75 on this day.

- she ("she" is what I determined is the real sex) is doing well. Active and eating. She wakes at about 8:30. Sits until about 9:30-10 and then goes to her food. Sleeps a bit midday and then gets up again for a short time. Is asleep by about 3:30-4 for the night. Enjoying head scratches and approaches when she recognizes me.

- I have a humidity monitor in there that is telling me about 41%. I have read between 30-50 for adult "golden greeks". She is apparently about 5 years old. My arid climate makes for normally lower humidity. But I do wonder about what age pyramiding becomes less of a concern? She already had some pyramiding when I got her and I don't want to cause more. If I need to add water to her substrate more often I will. Advise on this would be good.

- I have taken her weight and am considering this her base weight. I will monitor it for any major changes over the winter. I found out that actually there is a vet in Taos that does exotics and more importantly has had tortoises of her own. She has a vet appointment next friday and I will make sure I'm on track with her.

Anyhow, feeling more confident. And thank you for all the info these forums have provided.
I absolutely knew you could do it. I saw a bunch of small usb rechargeable humidifiers on Amazon as long as your critter can't climb it. Mr.Buddy has a great propane heater that can do 1 or 2 1lb canisters. I keep one in my home because the electricity can go out easily in the winter. I can't take all my animals and my developmentally disabled deaf mute brother to a shelter. Besides that we live in a house that was built to be tornado why leave?

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Joma...I was just wondering how you guys and gals are doing.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Taos, NM
@Cathie G Sorry for the slow response I didn't get a notification. Yes! We are doing great. I have a little more work than some I think because I have to more closely monitor the position of the sun (as the source of basking temps) as it relates to the enclosure. I move things around in his enclosure periodically so that there are basking spots and cooler areas - these change as the season changes. Oogie always finds the spot he needs to warm up in the morning. He is eating well and moving about swiftly. I will post an update after we clear the winter :)

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
@Cathie G Sorry for the slow response I didn't get a notification. Yes! We are doing great. I have a little more work than some I think because I have to more closely monitor the position of the sun (as the source of basking temps) as it relates to the enclosure. I move things around in his enclosure periodically so that there are basking spots and cooler areas - these change as the season changes. Oogie always finds the spot he needs to warm up in the morning. He is eating well and moving about swiftly. I will post an update after we clear the winter :)
I'm so happy for you. I knew you'd do great. If I'm not mistaken, I wallpapered a house like yours in the mid 80"s. The man that built it said there was only 7 others in the US. It was a really interesting home.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
@Cathie G Sorry for the slow response I didn't get a notification. Yes! We are doing great. I have a little more work than some I think because I have to more closely monitor the position of the sun (as the source of basking temps) as it relates to the enclosure. I move things around in his enclosure periodically so that there are basking spots and cooler areas - these change as the season changes. Oogie always finds the spot he needs to warm up in the morning. He is eating well and moving about swiftly. I will post an update after we clear the winter :)
That's ok. It's just really nice to see that you've been able to keep your tortoise even with your challenges. It appears that Oogie understands and doesn't mind the changes too much either. Taking care of your home probably gave you insight into the changes needed for a happy tort.??