Really worried, LARGE stone stuck in anus - Horsefield 2.5yo


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May 12, 2018
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Ely, England
Good idea, I'll do that now.

I should say, which makes me doubt necrosis even more actually, that his tail doesn't seem to be inflamed or sore - just stretched. He's even ok with me touching his tail


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Aug 15, 2015
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The dirt probably isn't going to help matters. Can you rig up a hospital tub for a few days? Still has to have heat but newspaper may be healthier on his tail...
I double that...

Tank & Scooter

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Apr 8, 2018
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Im just wondering, do you think it will help to cut a clean shirt in the shape of a pamper? Tie it above his shell. Think that will help keep the substrate from going in his rectum? Like a pamper slash band-aid. Just trying to help, don't know if that will help or make worse, but people on here will knowScreenshot_20180525-234553.jpg


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Aug 15, 2015
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I would keep it on air, when he pees pampers like invention will stick to it and I would say it will not be good on the wound. Get some old shirts and just put it on top of the substrate in his enclosure. It will take you 5 minutes and will keep all the substrate from getting in his bum. When he will do his thing just trow it away and put a new old one. And Vet ASAP! Good luck!


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May 12, 2018
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Ely, England
Hey all

He has been in between his water bath and pillowcase covered table. Unfortunately, that dark bit of skin has come off, it's held on by the healthy bits on the side and seems to be (understandably) painful when touched.

I just had a video call with an reptile vet, and they say as he's eating and stomping around happily they don't feel he needs to come in for an emergency appointment. It's a bank holiday (public holiday) here in the UK tomorrow, so he'll be seeing them first thing Tuesday.

I'll keep you posted, feeling quite sad and worried, but Vet said we had done everything right so far. He'll get a full workup on Tuesday.


Yvonne G

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Hey all

He has been in between his water bath and pillowcase covered table. Unfortunately, that dark bit of skin has come off, it's held on by the healthy bits on the side and seems to be (understandably) painful when touched.

I just had a video call with an reptile vet, and they say as he's eating and stomping around happily they don't feel he needs to come in for an emergency appointment. It's a bank holiday (public holiday) here in the UK tomorrow, so he'll be seeing them first thing Tuesday.

I'll keep you posted, feeling quite sad and worried, but Vet said we had done everything right so far. He'll get a full workup on Tuesday.

That's probably ok. . . just like a scab that comes off as the new skin grows underneath. It'll be tender for a bit.

Yvonne G

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Oh wow! I just now was able to see the picture. That doesn't look good. It almost looks like there's a bit of something from inside that has prolapsed. Prolapsed tissue, no matter if it's a penis or something else, should not be allowed to dry out. If it does dry out, it dies and that's what that looks like. Since you have a vet appointment coming up, I would try to figure out some way to put a moist pad on that area, with some wet sugar paste then tape it on so the area is in constant contact with the wet sugar paste and moist compress. Because the tortoise is still going to poop and pee, you will have to change the compress as it gets dirty.


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May 12, 2018
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Ely, England
Thank you Yvonne.

It's hard to tell from the photo, but it is just the 'flap' that was dark in the other photos, rather than anything prolapsed. That said, I have applied a sugar paste and bandage in case. The vet predicts it could take a few days for that flesh to fall off.

I am worried that if he were to heal ok (god willing), he would now not have a cloaca, because so much of the flesh around it is now missing.

I am feeling so guilty and sad for him, but he is stomping around being his normal naughty escape attempt self.


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in comparison with the previous pics it looks like its not getting worse. It is not the area that will heal easly, probably he will need a stich or two. I dont see the prolapse, just that the bit holding it all in place fell off and its deformed. Did you showed the Vet his bum during the call?

Tank & Scooter

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Apr 8, 2018
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Los Angeles
Hey all,

I have done my searching through the forums (nearly obsessively). We've had nice warm weather in the UK, so our 2.5yo horsefield has been sleeping and digging in his outdoor enclosure for the first time. We left him out there for 3 days, 2 nights. A couple of nights ago we felt like it was getting too cold, so brought him in.

Last night after his soaking I saw that his tail was really swollen and he was straining to push like we've never seen him do before - back legs stretched with bum in the air. He looks really uncomfortable. We could see that he has a white solid blockage. With a little oil on a q-tip I was able to move with stone slightly and he was able to clear some liquid blockage behind it and was a lot happier, but the stone is still there. We read up as much as we could, ordered a microwave heating pad to put under his soaking bowl (he's so little that the water is shallow, and gets cold really quickly), I've also ordered some 100% mineral oil to put on his food, it arrives tomorrow.

I did the same thing today, by really gently pushing the stone to one side and he was able to get rid of a lot of liquidy white substrate - and some gas, blimey that smelt bad. I also managed to get a tiny drop of oil into the canal, to try and lube up the poor guy. The stone is sharp and must be hurting a lot. It's massive, I thought the tail was really swollen, but actually most of the size seemed to be the stone. I can't imagine he's going to be able to get it out on his own, even with help from some oil.


We will be taking him to the reptile vet on Monday (in about 36 hours). Is there anything else I can try? Or anything I can do to ease his pain a bit before then?

Thanks for your help. Sorry I know this is a repeat post, but I'm just desperate for anything else I can do for him.
Hey buddy quick question?

Is that the first time you see white rocks in his poop? Before this you never seen pebble in poop?

I just adopted an 8 month sulcata 3 days ago and found this floating in his water with his poop while taking a bathe. I had just changed water becuase he had just took a poop. So this was fresh.

Just wondering if you seen this with your tort.. I hope it's pebbles he ate and not those dehydration rocks they get.

I forgot, I broke big black peice in half, looks like compressed poop or maybe substrate


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Hey all

Leo has been to the vet, she removed the dead tissue (very easily actually) and has given us iodine to put on him twice a day. He'll go back again in 2 weeks for a check-up.
Glad the little guys doing better!

Yvonne G

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That looks great. Nice, pink, healthy tissue.

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