Please help worried about my tortoise!

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Jul 17, 2011
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Please help me! I am 18 years old and I am from the UK, I have had my hermanns tortoise Narla for a year now and up till now i thought she was happy and healthy! I recently posted a video of Narla on YouTube and had some good comments until someone posted that she looked very unwell... He said her shell has a bad case of pyramiding!! I had no idea about this problem up until now and I really need advice! I took her to a specialist reptile vet and she said she was healthy, she recommended taking her to see an actual reptile specialist so I took her to see one and see what he thought, he said that what i was doing was fine but her shell does have an abnormality. Now i will tell you about Narla, she is very active and has been since i have had her, she was hatched in 09 and i am guessing she is about two years old, she lives in a viv at the moment with a uv light tube that goes across the back of the vivarium and a heat lamp at one end of it, she also has a tunnel which she hides in in the middle of her cage. I use care fresh bedding, i used to use a soil type bedding but it kept going in her eyes and i was very concerned and changed it. She has a shallow water dish which she climbs into now and again and a food bowl, she also has a cuttlefish bone in her viv too and very rarely nibbles at that. Now her diet which is the part i am really confused about, i feed her mainly shop vegetables and greens which i know isnt best for her but i think this is the problem. I feed her a variety of them through the week ranging from lettuce, watercress, kale, rocket, romaine and chicory. She has the occasional dandelion when i can find one because i dont have grass in my garden and i am paranoid about picking random ones because i dont know what people have put on them or what has been on them. I dust her food once a week with calcium dust and every other day she gets about 6 t-rex pellets soaked in water, i have reduced these because i heard these can cause probelms. As i live in the Uk she goes out occassionaly when its not raining, i walk around my garden with her for about an hour once a week and as i dont have grass i take her to my grandads garden so she can walk on grass, when i take her to my grandads she just runs around and i have never seen her eat the garden weeds or grass at all. She eats well and basks under lamp quite alot and she likes to climb over her house. I am very concerned about her shell now because after researching they are meant to have smooth shells. Please help and thanks for reading, I hope someone can help me and tell me what im doing wrong! I am very confused at the moment and help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you

I thought i shall add some more information when i first got her in april 2010 she weighed 70g and now she weighs 462g is this a normal amount of weight to put on in this time?? And in the first picture i posted between her leg thats the carefresh bedding i use, i thought i might also add her shell hasnt always been like that, it used to be smooth up until about 4 months ago, this is what her shell used to look like..


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Jun 22, 2011
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Hi Amy Im assuming thats your name from your username ;)
Im fairly new here too, owner of a Hermann also, but Im not able to offer any advice - there is a thread somewhere on here about pyramiding, so hopefully you can find that or one of the more advanced users / owners can direct you to where it is. Im sure someone will help soon !
good luck

this covers it, I havent read it all the way through yet, but it may answer some of your questions


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May 6, 2011
Hmmm I'm not an expert on pyramiding but ditch the lettuce and watercress. I'm not sure about chicory or rocket. I'd be careful not give too much kale as its high in oxalates I think which stops calcium from absorbing same with other plants from brassica family, someone correct me if I'm wrong!!

I'm from UK too. I give mine Plantain, dandelion (not stems), petunia, pansys, thistles, occasionally red lettuce and clover, SEDUM!!! They love sedum. Also rose petals, young strawberry leaves, cosmos, dead nettle, hollyhock, fuschia, some geraniums, hawkbit.... lots more.

Google the tortoise table, its a plant database and next to each plant it either says good to feed, feed in moderation or do not feed. You can search for any plant.

p.s dont be worried about picking things, ask at garden centres if they use anything on their plants.... I pick most things from my garden as it is a weed heaven however I pick things from fields, woods also etc. Be careful picking plants from roadside. I would go furthur than your garden to look for plants if I were you. You could pick loads of plantain and replant it in a tray with compost... same with dandelions!!!

What light do you use.... do you bathe her at all?


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Watermelon said:
Ditch the lettuce and watercress. I;m not sure about chicory or rocket. I'd be careful not give too much kale as its high in oxalates I think which stops calcium from absorbing same with other plants from brassica family, someone correct me if I'm wrong!!

I'm from UK too. I give mine Plantain, dandelion (not stems), petunia, pansys, thistles, occasionally red lettuce and clover, SEDUM!!! They love sedum. Also rose petals, young strawberry leaves, cosmos, dead nettle, hollyhock, fuschia, some geraniums, hawkbit.... lots more.

Google the tortoise table, its a plant database and next to each plant it either says good to feed, feed in moderation or do not feed. You can search for any plant.

p.s dont be worried about picking things, ask at garden centres i they use anything on their plants.... I pick most things from my garden as it is a weed heaven however I pick things from fields, woods also etc. Be careful picking plants from roadside. I would go furthur than your garden to look for plants if I were you. You could pick loads of plantain and replant it in a tray with compost... same with dandelions!!!

Thank you :) Yeah i am definetly going to cut down on kale because she does eat quite abit of that and watercress and lettuce! Where do you get your food from for yours do you grow them yourself? Or can you buy them? I shall have a look at the tortoise table now :) Oh and i forgot to add i bath her twice a week. The basking and heat lamp is a infrared heat spotlamp and it is 50w and the uv lamp is a tube it says it is uva and uvb and is 15w and tropical pro 6.0 if that makes sense! Thank you for your help


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coreyc said:
As above post asked what kind of UVB bulb do you use ?

The basking and heat lamp is a infrared heat spotlamp and it is 50w and the uv lamp is a tube it says it is uva and uvb and is 15w and tropical pro 6.0 if that makes sense! Thank you for your help


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May 6, 2011
Heya Amy,

I have just checked up on rocket and chicory on tortoise table website.

Chicory is only to be fed in moderation and rocket is a brassica aswell as the kale. In addition too much Kale can also cause thyroid problems.

Variation is this key. :) Lettuce and watercress have little nutritional value... its mainly water....Try feed her mostly weeds and sometimes a flower.

I do grow pansies, petunia, hollyhock, nasturtium (one I forgot!) However they take a while to grow from seed.... so its easier to buy them in trays of 25, quite cheap and nothing bad has been used on them. (from my garden centre anyway).

For weeds... Plantain and dandelions in particular I replant them in trays... they usually take a while to take to the soil again but after a week or so theyre fine. Mine are massive now! Remember for dandelions just feed the flower or the leaves not the stem as it can cause diarrhea I think.

Also if I'm in Morrisons and I see a plant torts can have I buy one and plant it in my garden... They dont use anything on the plants so theyre safe. I've bought honeysuckle, cosmos, mimosas from there before. :)

Another tip on plants... if you see a plant and you dont know what it is take a picture and upload on either here or shelled warriors website so somebody can identify it for you and tell you if its tortoise edible.


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egyptiandan said:
You also should be dusting with calcium at every feeding. :) We need to know how long your tortoise is to tell whether that is a good weight or not. Here's how to measure


She is 7 inches from where her shell starts near her head to the base of her shell near the tail and nearly 5 inches underneath from where the shell underneath starts and finishes

Watermelon said:
Heya Amy,

I have just checked up on rocket and chicory on tortoise table website.

Chicory is only to be fed in moderation and rocket is a brassica aswell as the kale. In addition too much Kale can also cause thyroid problems.

Variation is this key. :) Lettuce and watercress have little nutritional value... its mainly water....Try feed her mostly weeds and sometimes a flower.

I do grow pansies, petunia, hollyhock, nasturtium (one I forgot!) However they take a while to grow from seed.... so its easier to buy them in trays of 25, quite cheap and nothing bad has been used on them. (from my garden centre anyway).

For weeds... Plantain and dandelions in particular I replant them in trays... they usually take a while to take to the soil again but after a week or so theyre fine. Mine are massive now! Remember for dandelions just feed the flower or the leaves not the stem as it can cause diarrhea I think.

Also if I'm in Morrisons and I see a plant torts can have I buy one and plant it in my garden... They dont use anything on the plants so theyre safe. I've bought honeysuckle, cosmos, mimosas from there before. :)

Another tip on plants... if you see a plant and you dont know what it is take a picture and upload on either here or shelled warriors website so somebody can identify it for you and tell you if its tortoise edible.

Thank you thank you! I have nasturtium in a pot in my garden, i didnt realise they can eat that :) I will try that aswell!


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May 6, 2011
I'm not sure your light will be emitting enough UVB. The light I first bought was an exo terra light, it was 5% UVB. Tests were done on it and the 5% and 10% results were appauling no way near enough for a Hermann's needs. But then again I'm not sure as yours is a different brand. If you wanna investigate your light, join the Yahoo UVB Meter group and enquire about your light on there. There might also already be a report on your light on there.

For the exo terra 5% and 10% 12 inches away from the light the results were less then 10!! (sorry do not know the unit measurement). I think a typical overcast day in UK its about 50 UVB. So imagine less than 10!!! Hermanns come from much sunnier places than UK too so they should be having way more than 50 from a light.

Somebody tell me to shut up if the Amy's light is fine lol.


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You scared me there with the 7 inch length :p You measured over the curve of the carapace (top shell) to get that measurement. ;) I needed it in a straight line :) But with going by your measurement of the plastron (bottom shell), which I added a little bit to, she is a bit under weight and should weigh around 500g.



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egyptiandan said:
You scared me there with the 7 inch length :p You measured over the curve of the carapace (top shell) to get that measurement. ;) I needed it in a straight line :) But with going by your measurement of the plastron (bottom shell), which I added a little bit to, she is a bit under weight and should weigh around 500g.


ohhh ok :) Another thing i was wondering is can i over feed her?

Watermelon said:
I'm not sure your light will be emitting enough UVB. The light I first bought was an exo terra light, it was 5% UVB. Tests were done on it and the 5% and 10% results were appauling no way near enough for a Hermann's needs. But then again I'm not sure as yours is a different brand. If you wanna investigate your light, join the Yahoo UVB Meter group and enquire about your light on there. There might also already be a report on your light on there.

For the exo terra 5% and 10% 12 inches away from the light the results were less then 10!! (sorry do not know the unit measurement). I think a typical overcast day in UK its about 50 UVB. So imagine less than 10!!! Hermanns come from much sunnier places than UK too so they should be having way more than 50 from a light.

Somebody tell me to shut up if the Amy's light is fine lol.

I used to have an exo terra one and someone told me they were useless so i got the one i have now lol! Her viv is around 84 degrees farhenhait however you spell it and is cooler at the other end, she has her moments where she goes hyperactive and runs around knocking things over so i get her out to walk on the living room floor and then she gets bored sits there so i put her back lol

Yvonne G

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Hi Amy:

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!


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Jul 17, 2011
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Thanks everyone for helping! Im alot happier about diet information, just still concerned about the pyramiding!

missmoofi said:
Hi Amy Im assuming thats your name from your username ;)
Im fairly new here too, owner of a Hermann also, but Im not able to offer any advice - there is a thread somewhere on here about pyramiding, so hopefully you can find that or one of the more advanced users / owners can direct you to where it is. Im sure someone will help soon !
good luck

this covers it, I havent read it all the way through yet, but it may answer some of your questions

Thanks :) I will read through that now to see if it helps!


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Jun 13, 2011
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do you ever give your tortoise warm water soaks about an inch deep to keep hydrated?


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SulcataSquirt said:
do you ever give your tortoise warm water soaks about an inch deep to keep hydrated?

Yeah about twice a week, I get a pot and fill it with warm water up to her chin. I give her about 20 minutes soaking in it, sometimes she sits there and wipes her face, drinks some and then goes to the loo in it and other times she straight away struggles to get out. Do you think i need to bath her more often?


10 Year Member!
Jun 10, 2011
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HI There
Thanks for mentioning the tortoise table for identifying plants-here is a link that people can use

It would be quite relevant in North America too.

I hope you get the answers you need here for your tortoise, its a beautiful Hermanns even with a bit of pyramiding. You can't really make that go away but you can help stop it get worse. It may even out a bit over the years.

Diet, UV and soaking are really important.
Its surprising how many plants we all have around in houses etc that are really good for tortoises. Hibiscus can be grown indoors and spider plants are edible too, some cacti, sedums etc. Nasturtium seeds germinate quite fast so can be grown fairly quickly in pots-they eat both the leaf and flower.

You could always dry some weeds you find in Summer and sprinkle them on other foods in the colder months to add nutrients and fibre. Red Clover is good-you can even buy seed for red clover from the British Chelonia Group if you wanted to grow your own?
Its great you take your tortoise to your Grandads for grazing time too.

Good luck-you are in a great place on this forum



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Jul 17, 2011
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Tortoise said:
HI There
Thanks for mentioning the tortoise table for identifying plants-here is a link that people can use

It would be quite relevant in North America too.

I hope you get the answers you need here for your tortoise, its a beautiful Hermanns even with a bit of pyramiding. You can't really make that go away but you can help stop it get worse. It may even out a bit over the years.

Diet, UV and soaking are really important.
Its surprising how many plants we all have around in houses etc that are really good for tortoises. Hibiscus can be grown indoors and spider plants are edible too, some cacti, sedums etc. Nasturtium seeds germinate quite fast so can be grown fairly quickly in pots-they eat both the leaf and flower.

You could always dry some weeds you find in Summer and sprinkle them on other foods in the colder months to add nutrients and fibre. Red Clover is good-you can even buy seed for red clover from the British Chelonia Group if you wanted to grow your own?
Its great you take your tortoise to your Grandads for grazing time too.

Good luck-you are in a great place on this forum


Thank you! I have only joined today and have learnt alot more already :) I think i havent been soaking her enough so im going to do that more often and i am going to start growing some plants and weeds! Yeah, she is still growing so if i correct everything hopefully it wont get much worse! Thanks for helping :)
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