Petunia the hatchling update plus new enclosure


Oct 20, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas NV
Hello! It’s been awhile since I posted here in panic mode so I thought I would update and ask a few more questions .

Petunia seems to be doing really well (hence the lack of panic posts-not great burrow in the sky). Not sure of a quantitative good growth rate, but it has gained roughly 20-22 grams since it acquired me in late October.

As far as enclosure, in a decision I didn’t take lightly since it was against the advice of folks here, I have petunia living in a tortoise table BUT with updates to make hatchling suitable . I have a lot of experience converting curio cabinets into greenhouses and so tried to use those same principles, and I think it worked out well, but I’d like y’all’s opinions.
In the bottom/partly up sides I’ve put pond liner with coco/ orchid bark substrate. The top of the cooler side has plastic- like sheeting and insulation while the warm and basking side has foil surrounding the lights to keep the heat and humidity from funneling upwards too much. In its bedroom, a half log is buried at an angle; bedroom also tastefully firndished with water dish and desert trumpet buckwheat. There is a heat pad underneath (I know, but the temperature has never gotten to be problematically hot and since there are no lights, it needs something to avoid being cool/humid).
In the main room I have water and food tray, three different hides (it likes sleeping in the tiny flowerpot during the day instead of the bedroom) and lots of stuff to climb on (not reflected in attached video). It has a peculiar habit once a day of climbing to the highest point and looking out over its domain, which we dubbed as “lording”.

Additionally, I have rotating trays of Mojave annual forbs and planted seeds for foraging. Oftentimes, this is preferred to the food dish. Humidity is from substrate, misting, water dishes, and a covered terracotta jar in corner. Humidity ranges from 40-75% depending on things and stuff.
It seems to be extra thirsty lately so it’s been a bit higher in addition to extra long daily baths. Also snacked the cuttlefish for the first time… I hope maybe growth spurt and not something more problematic like Ca inhibiting foods in diet? Or goods that cause excessive thirst?? Daytime temps are in the 70s in the cool side, 80-90 throughout the warm, and 95-100 right under basking. Night temps are in 70s, usually mids. Is this too hot? Heat comes on if it hits 74 and turns off at 77.

It doesn’t really ever touch either water dish, yet is clearly more interested in water than say ten days ago.
What are some reasons it doesn’t like its water dishes much? One is near basking and one is in cool part; it drinks off of rocks when it “rains” & in the bath.

I can only grow out so many forage trays and so with season, must use grocery store For diet. What is a good nutrient+vitamin supplement to alternate with flukers, calcium without d vitamins? If this is even how I should be doing the supplements. Other than that, Anything problematic y’all see ? I did a little housekeeping after the video 🫣

It has filled out so much more since I got it. It’s now tortoise shaped instead of skipping rock shaped…..
Thanks and Petunia Says “……hss” from sin city!

Tort table ⬅️ video of table (the hay has been removed, there are a lot more climbing options since I filmed this) IMG_2625.jpeg


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Jun 21, 2016
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It's very nice. I don't see the water pool so I don't know what it is. And I see the basking area at 92 but only 39 humidity level, and wonder if that is not too drying?


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
All of this sounds good with the exception of the heat mat. Those are dangerous and should not be used. It is difficult to envision what your are talking about with all of this, so pictures of the whole enclosure and the areas you are describing would help.

The issue with undertank heat mats is that they work contrary to tortoise instinct. When a tortoise feels too warm, it digs down into the cooler earth in an effort to escape the heat. When it does this over a heat mat, it gets hotter, so it digs down more, which makes it ever hotter, so what does it do? It keeps digging farther down trying to get away from the heat. This may not have happened in your enclosure yet. There is not a 100% guarantee that this will happen, but it has happened often enough that it is not worth the risk. Can you mount the heat mat on the ceiling instead? Or use a different source of heat in there that is safe for your baby?

There are many reasons why a tortoise would avoid a water source. Almost all of them have to do with them being uncomfortable with the size, shape, placement, or depth of the water source. There is really nothing better than terra cotta saucers sunk into the substrate so that the rim is level with the surface. Even then, some tortoises just don't feel the need to imbibe, but have t there anyway because one day they might. This is another reason why daily soaks are beneficial and important. And with daily soaks, there is little need to drink from a water source in the enclosure. Better to have an abundance of water that is never used, than to have too little. I put at least two water sources in every baby enclosure for this reason. Changing out and cleaning water dishes is easy. Trying to rehab a dehydrated tortoise is difficult, time consuming, and often heart breaking.

Your little torty looks great and appears to be healthy. Good job!

Megatron's Mom

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Oct 29, 2022
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Cover more of the top up, too many cool spots 74 and 75F is too cold for them. Every inch needs to be above 80F. Since the left side is where your temps are too low add a CHE to that side, but also bring up that humidity.

What is the pot with the plastic wrap on it for?


Oct 20, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas NV
All of this sounds good with the exception of the heat mat. Those are dangerous and should not be used. It is difficult to envision what your are talking about with all of this, so pictures of the whole enclosure and the areas you are describing would help.

The issue with undertank heat mats is that they work contrary to tortoise instinct. When a tortoise feels too warm, it digs down into the cooler earth in an effort to escape the heat. When it does this over a heat mat, it gets hotter, so it digs down more, which makes it ever hotter, so what does it do? It keeps digging farther down trying to get away from the heat. This may not have happened in your enclosure yet. There is not a 100% guarantee that this will happen, but it has happened often enough that it is not worth the risk. Can you mount the heat mat on the ceiling instead? Or use a different source of heat in there that is safe for your baby?

There are many reasons why a tortoise would avoid a water source. Almost all of them have to do with them being uncomfortable with the size, shape, placement, or depth of the water source. There is really nothing better than terra cotta saucers sunk into the substrate so that the rim is level with the surface. Even then, some tortoises just don't feel the need to imbibe, but have t there anyway because one day they might. This is another reason why daily soaks are beneficial and important. And with daily soaks, there is little need to drink from a water source in the enclosure. Better to have an abundance of water that is never used, than to have too little. I put at least two water sources in every baby enclosure for this reason. Changing out and cleaning water dishes is easy. Trying to rehab a dehydrated tortoise is difficult, time consuming, and often heart breaking.

Your little torty looks great and appears to be healthy. Good job!

All of this sounds good with the exception of the heat mat. Those are dangerous and should not be used. It is difficult to envision what your are talking about with all of this, so pictures of the whole enclosure and the areas you are describing would help.

The issue with undertank heat mats is that they work contrary to tortoise instinct. When a tortoise feels too warm, it digs down into the cooler earth in an effort to escape the heat. When it does this over a heat mat, it gets hotter, so it digs down more, which makes it ever hotter, so what does it do? It keeps digging farther down trying to get away from the heat. This may not have happened in your enclosure yet. There is not a 100% guarantee that this will happen, but it has happened often enough that it is not worth the risk. Can you mount the heat mat on the ceiling instead? Or use a different source of heat in there that is safe for your baby?

There are many reasons why a tortoise would avoid a water source. Almost all of them have to do with them being uncomfortable with the size, shape, placement, or depth of the water source. There is really nothing better than terra cotta saucers sunk into the substrate so that the rim is level with the surface. Even then, some tortoises just don't feel the need to imbibe, but have t there anyway because one day they might. This is another reason why daily soaks are beneficial and important. And with daily soaks, there is little need to drink from a water source in the enclosure. Better to have an abundance of water that is never used, than to have too little. I put at least two water sources in every baby enclosure for this reason. Changing out and cleaning water dishes is easy. Trying to rehab a dehydrated tortoise is difficult, time consuming, and often heart breaking.

Your little torty looks great and appears to be healthy. Good job!
thank you so much for this!! Heat mat gone. Makes sense to me. Water dishes remain.
Did a YouTube link attach? It will be on there if it did. I do have to say that i feel like I have made improvements beyond that , but it’s at least a view of it.
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Oct 20, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas NV
It's very nice. I don't see the water pool so I don't know what it is. And I see the basking area at 92 but only 39 humidity level, and wonder if that is not too drying?
That’s the lowest the humidity ever gets. If I see it that low, I take immediate action. I agree with you it’s awfully dry.

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