Nutrition issues. Please help!

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5 Year Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hello all! I just got s baby sulcata about two months ago. I found that they eat mostly grasses and weeds and wild flowers but no one ever sais where to get these things without pesticides. Before I did research I was just feeding him lettuce and I feel bad now that I know he hasn't been getting the proper nutrition. He has also started pyramiding. I want to get him growing strong and healthy asap but I don't know where t get his food! I live in the desert region and there is lots of desert vegetation around me but I don't know what plants are good and what plants are bad or how to ID them. I know this is a lot, please help!


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Apr 2, 2012
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Try looking at for plant IDs and safety. Most any grocery store has a basic spring mix of lettuces. That is fine as a start. If you have a Hispanic grocery near you check and see if they have opuntia cactus paddles. It is often eaten by humans and is very nutritious. Its often called Nopales in the store.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Food... write a list of all the food stuff you can buy in your grocery store. I work on the theory, that if it is safe for me to eat then it is safe for my tortoise, we have had him for over 40 years. Some people will only buy organic, but we can't all afford that... including me. Make sure you wash foodstuffs thoroughly under the tap before feeding so that any pesticides are removed, just as you would if you were going to eat it.

Look up the items on that list on the Tortoise Table Plant Database to find out what's good to feed

Your sulcata, as it gets older, will need to eat hay. You can start offering it now, but may have to chop it small and/or try the "Tortoise Meatball" recipe that's in my signature below

You need to read Tom's threads to get advice on care and how to prevent pyramidding. Someone will be along with the links shortly.
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