new Russian tortoise owner unsure


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Cincinnati, Ohio
My family just got our very first Russian tortoise. I did lots of research and have the cage with orchid bark, a few plants, a shallow water dish/ soaking area, and hiding spots etc. The basking spot is near 85-90 overall temp is 75ish and humid around 20-30%. We've only had our Sheldon for 3 days but I'm concerned and maybe I'm just over reacting... he hasn't eaten, urinated, pooped or anything... he's not very active unless I get him out then he wants to explore some but not much.. he's been in his hiding log for over 24 hours buried under the bark which I know is normal for sleeping but its like all he does is sleep since we got him.. I'm worried he make be sick or trying to hibernate but friends seem to think I need to give it a few more days for him to adjust... I was bad and got him from a pet store but wanted to save them from being there.. I don't know how old but I am guessing juvenile he's about the size if my hand..


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Hello and Welcome:). Have you given him a nice warm soak? I would do that as pet stores usually keep them pretty dry and dehydrated. Also, be sure you are using a reliable temp gauge, not those disc things the pets stores sell, to read temps. Then, give him time to get adjusted. He is most likely 5 plus years and wild caught. It will take a bit. You might even soak him every other day in warm water until he comes around more.


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hey there! welcome to the forum! some perfect advice has already been given ^^

it could take weeks for your tort to feel comfortable. they can technically go very long without eating, drinking or pooping and not suffer. they sell temperature guns on ebay for 13$, that's the easiest and most accurate way to measure your temps which should be 95°f for basking gradually dropping to 70°f on a cool shaded side and Russian tortoises benefit from a night time drop to 60°f. if these temps are not correct that could very well be a problem. if he's too hot at night it could cause problems as well. i wouldn't worry much about the humidity because of the species and age, 50% is good.


New Member
Dec 9, 2013
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Thank you both so much even though it wasnt a definite answer the answer of them not eating for days being OK and him still needing to adjust really helps!! I have digital thermometers that the pet store sells are those reliable? I think the brand is exo terra?? They have the button to check min and max i did thr one on basking side max was 96.7 and min was 70 which im assuming as been overnight without the light the ine at the other end max is 76 and min 69.7.. Tllour house is kept around 70-72 what can I do to help it cool at night for him? I did soak him this afternoon/evening for about 20 minutes changing the water once because it got chilly but I also wasn't sure how warm to make it?? I will continue soaking him. Woukd you suggest longer or shorter times? And water temp? Thanks again for the help and tips!!


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The thermometer sounds good. The soaks, I can't give you a temp, just warm. They can go weeks without food with no harm. I would not let the night temps go lower, those temps you have seem fine, both day and night. Sounds like everything is good your doing. Relax, enjoy him and give him some space to get used to his new home and to the fact that the giant (you) are not going to eat him. He will come around. Also, when you do feed him, I would put him in front of the food and then walk away. Eventually he will do it himself.


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Dec 9, 2013
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Cincinnati, Ohio
Great nice to hear were doing good! thanks again a ton!! I try to handle him at a minimum. I was letting him roam on the floor for about 10-15 mins after that he seems over it and then handled for his soak today I'll keep it at that and try placing him in front of his food. is there a certain area in the cage the food should be? For example in the basking area or in the cool area? I currently have it pretty much centered in the cage.


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Re: RE: new Russian tortoise owner unsure

it's usually not a good idea to let your tortoise roam your house...they tend to eat things they shouldn't and then poop everywhere LOL hair can be a big problem because it can get stuck in their intestines. plus he doesn't understand where he is on your kitchen or bedroom floor and it's probably cold...all he knows is dirt and warmth.

once he starts eating and pooping you can handle him more. some torts don't mind and some do, it depends. if he seems stressed, put him down. move slowly when he can see you and he won't get startled. the best way to bond with a tort is hand feeding but be careful of your fingers!

you can place the food wherever you please. i notice it dries out quicker on the warm side so mine is on the cool side.

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