
New Member
Oct 2, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Central California

My name is Sky and I am a box turtle enthusiast from the beautiful Central California. I recently discovered this site as a way to get advice and tips from fellow turtle owners. I currently own one three toed box turtle but plan to expand my friendship to tortoises as soon as I am certain I can care for them adequately.

My juvenile box turtle which I have named Rhino has been adjusting remarkably well to his new home. On day one of his arrival, he already showed promising signs of appetite towards wax worms. I have also given him mealworms and crickets, to which he has munched on, as well: a sign that I am doing something right.

I find that he is still not completely settled in, as he is not totally comfortable with the sight of me. I try to limit my appearance as much as possible, whilst still making the occasional hand fed offer of nightcrawler here and there, just to see where he's at. So far, no dice with hand fed foods, as I'm certain my hand appears to be some sort of larger, fast moving animal, even when I move slowly.

I've noticed him yawning quite a bit here and there. Aside from being adorable, I assume this is just him being tired from all the travel that took place getting him from New Jersey to his rubbermaid tub filled with coco coir.

I have two beginner questions

1: I've tried both Eco Earth coco coir and Zoo Med Forest Floor bark/mulch mixture. While the mulch won't get him incredibly dirty, I worry that he will accidentally swallow some. Coco coir, however, gets all over him and it looks so upsetting to see him covered head to tail in dirt, as well as he gets it all over his food. I have both available to me, so which one is safest?

2: I have been attempting with every day to get him to eat some type of veggies. He has not even poked at anything that isn't a moving worm. I want him as healthy as can be, so I've tried hiding his worms in a finely chopped salad, but he simply digs through it to get to the worm. What are some methods to get them to start eating veggies?

Tidgy's Dad

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5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Fes, Morocco
Hello, Sky, and a very warm welcome to Tortoise Forum to you and Rhino. :)
1 I use coco coir, keep it nice and moist and pack it down hard by hand and I don't find it a problem. Tortoises like being mucky, anyway! :rolleyes: Place the food on a broad piece of slate or rough tile to help keep some of the dirt off, ingesting a bit of coco coir is not harmful.
2 Stop the worms for a bit, he will soon get hungry and eat the other things you offer him, but you must be stronger than him. They can go a long time without food.