Nerdle-sick tortoise


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I am thinking dremel but have been practicing holding him and keeping his head out...and think I might keep practicing the holding part for another week. iyiyiyi

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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"iyiyiyi" LOL!! I see you're working up your courage.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
So, I have been hanging around Nerdle and I think we are starting to get used to each other.
Over the weekend it was coldish (cold for nothing like what a lot of you put up with!). I decided to keep him in his inside enclosure for the day, since it was raining out. His outside is protected but figured it wouldn't hurt for a few days. I wanted to try something.
He has been eating Kale mostly and I know I need to get his diet varied...but he tends to go to the planted kale in his outside enclosure and not really eat any of the other plants (collard greens, sage, califlower, etc) or the plants I chop up and put on a stone (geranium, rose, hibiscus, etc). I started off the day with a good soak, pooped, and then dried him off and put him back inside...he seemed confused and ready to go outside. Sorry I put out the chopped food on a smaller stone and left.
He didn't touch it and pretty much stayed in his hide except to come out for some heat from the ceramic heater. I turned it off at night time and said good night.
The next day, I changed out his food with fresh but this time I mixed some (very little) lettuce with the geranium, rose and hibiscus leaves...also added some geranium flowers too. Watched him for a bit and then left. When I returned later that evening, I noticed that some of it had been eaten...and I think maybe it had to do with putting the lettuce (what I am sure he was fed by previous owner) into the mix.
The next day I gave him a good soak, practiced holding his head out (still working on the beak triming stuff), talked, and petted him. I did notice the white waste in the water and it was good thing, correct?
I have also removed some brown waste from both enclosures...they were small, torpedo shaped. He seems regular.
Anyway, I put him inside for day three...and he seemed to miss it outside but again, overcast and probably around 60 degrees. I changed out his food and did the same type of mix as the day before... at the end of the day, some of it had been eaten but not a lot. I did see bite marks on the geranium bits and some of the hibiscus.
Today, it was much nicer, so I filled up the terra cota dish with warm water and put him in the outside enclosure.
He crawlded out of the soak immediately and went to the geranium stem I had stuck into the ground (basically snapped part of the geranium off and stuck it in the ground where the kale used to be)...and started to munch. Later it was the collard greens and then some sunning himself. I think he was happy and I was happy to see his diet starting to vary...think I will go to the store this week and see if I can find some prickly pear cactus.


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Nov 3, 2012
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It sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with Nerdle, thank you for taking him in! How are his eyes looking these days?
The fact that he is eating is a really good sign, and the frequent soaks will help as well. I'm glad that you've taken pics now, because in half a year, he (she? the tail looks fat and un-pointy to me... I would have said female... is the vent/cloaka more of a slit, or more of a * shape?), will barely be recognizable, in a good way. :)

On a side note, if you want instructions on how to do a beak trim, here is a link: This kind of overgrown beak (where it's just the front part) is the easiest kind to trim. I use clippers for small tortoises.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Awesome advice and pictures...thanks! Going to do it this weekend. I will post before and after pics. Only going to do a bit at a time because it is way over grown.
His eyes are still bulging...I figure that is going to take some time to go down, correct? I found out that he had a very small UV light above him/her for years and only was kept inside.
Now it is only natural light and better food. Only time will tell if Nerdle found me in time.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California Saturday was a big day. After much waiting and trying to get Nerdle to stick his neck out...and after a few failed atempts of keeping it out with my fingers. Let me just tell you that with the mix of the tort being strong and me not wanting to hurt was and experience to say the least. I was somewhat successful, though. I was able to get a lot trimmed off. I wish I could of done a little bit more in the corners but wasn't comfortable with the roto zip being that close to his mouth. The beak did come of rather easily, as it wasn't as hard as I had assumed. I was going to take a picture but he wasn't very happy with me and I decided to put him in for a soak and leave him alone without any pictures. I will get some soon...perhaps tomorrow. He is inside, as it has been raining really hard around here the past few days. I moved the heat lamp in for him during the day and he came out today to bask. It was nice to see....he is still giving me the stink eye, so I am giving him some space. I think in the end he will be much more happier and won't have to struggle to get food into his mouth. It isn't perfect but it is a good start.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I know it isn't perfect...would of liked to get more of the corners near his mouth...but a good start. It is nice to see him not struggle as much to eat. Thoughts?


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Thanks for your interest.
It does seem big...but a lot of the time it is to the side.
Here are a few pic I just took:


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
So, after a little time elapsed from the beak trim...she has been eating really good. She eats geranium, kale (if that is around she eats it gone before anything else, so I can't have it readily available), rose leaves, hibiscus (absolutely loves the yellow flowers), collard greens, and a bunch of other stuff.
It has been going good, I think. Still bringing her in at night...and a few days have left her inside with a ceramic heat lamp. Those extra light becuse I am still hoping her eyes get better. Soaks are down to about 2 times a week.
I am also concerned about her shell. I am assuming that it probably took awhile for it to go on the soft it probably will take awhile for it to go back. They are suppose to be very hard, correct? Any other thoughts or questions?


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Thanks for the awesome reply! Much appreciated.
I have a feeling her eyes are due to bulb damage...she no longer has any bulbs on her. She is mostly in the outdoor habitat with two ceramic heaters for her needs. Plenty of sunlight in the enclosure, as well as shade. About 50/50 but I have noticed that with the sun getting higer in the sky, the roof being over the enclosure, there is getting less and less. I plan on making it extend out from under the roof to allow more sunlight access. I bring her in at night, just because she isn't 100%...but no need for light when it is dark out. My hopes are that she continues to improve and this summer I can leave her outside in her habitat. It is secure and no way anything can get in. If for some reason something tries, my dogs will alert me anyway.
At the start, I was happy to see her eat anything...and kale was it. I stop giving her access to kale a bit ago and she started to eat all the other things. Now it is only every so often that I give her that...but when it is available, it is gone quickly. I will look into some of the leafy lettuces you have mentioned. Oh...and collard greens are only every so often as well. I don't notice the white stuff as much anymore and in smaller amounts when I I will continue with the variety of diet.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
I believe her nails are a little long but maybe I should just paint them. :p
I am joking of course...should I trim them? I am thinking the morning strolls on the cement will help with this.


Enjoying some is true, they do like yellow~!

You can see where the sun has started to color the top part of her swollen eyes...good thing? I am thinking yes! Perhaps they will start to shrink at some point.


Jan 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
...out enjoying the sun and eating her favorite yellow treat. Nerdle has been outside all the time for awhile now...seems to be enjoying the space.

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