Need urgent advice concerning a neglected tortoise


New Member
Feb 6, 2015
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Hello I received a tortoise last night from a house that has been well lets say its empty and has been for a while
there were two vivs inside one containing dead snakes and eggs and the other containing the tortoise20150206_075746.jpg On first glimpse I thought it was dead as it was not moving I checked it over and its beak was so long it was past its chin I've managed to clip it enough so it can actually eat some food the bends in its legs are all split it looked very dehydrated so I bathed it in Luke warm water and I did so again this morning before I left for work the first time I bathed it the poor bugger was drinking for a good few minutes after that it seemed to spring to life a bit and started to walk about I tried it with some vegetables and ate quite a lot its also had a good poo this morning I will be taking it to a vet after work to get it checked over properly and the beak sorted out the viv its in at the moment in the picture is only its temporary enclosure as ill be getting a tortoise table tonight so would some one be able to please help me by letting me know
1: The type of tortoise it is
2: The requirements for the tortoise

I live in England uk
thank you very much for taking the time to read my post


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I'm very glad you got this tortoise. It sounds like it didn't have much time left. I don't know what type it is but someone will come along soon who does. Keep us updated on his progress.

Yvonne G

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I think it's a Hermanns tortoise too. Also, see the position the tortoise is in in the picture with his front legs out to the front? That usually means he's cold and trying to expose as much skin as possible to soak up the sun. Do you have a light over the tortoise? And I'll be he needs the UVB from a GOOD light or the sun too.

We have a good care sheet pinned at the top of the Hermann's section here on the Forum.

I'm so glad the tortoise was rescued before he met the same fate as the snakes. Good job!

Welcome to the Forum!


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Feb 6, 2015
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There is a light over but its not UVB after ive been to the vets ill be getting all the bits and bobs including the tortoise table and thank you for your help I will check the care sheet thanks again for your help and I will be keeping the progress posted


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Good save. That poor tortoise. At least he has an angel that saved him.


The Dog Trainer
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Here are some links to help you. These will let you know what you need to do. I would suggest a daily warm water soak for at least the next two or three weeks in this case.

That is not a russian, but care is similar and this thread might give you some ideas for simple enclosure set ups and tips.

Maggie Cummings

Hermanni are nice little tortoises, I'm sure you'll enjoy him. They are very personable. Get his ambient temps about 85 degrees, then hook up a basking UVB light so the temp under it is 95 or so. Soak him daily. Can you give him a water dish in his table?

Levi the Leopard

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A quick tip that will benefit this guy.... toss out the shavings and give him an "earthy" type of substrate.

Clean dirt from your yard
top soil
Coco coir
Orchard bark
...just a few examples

He'll be much happier. Make it a thick layer 4"at least and he can nestle into it for comfort. Keep it slightly damp and it will help with hydration.

Good save btw!


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Feb 6, 2015
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Update on progress of the tortoise we went to the vets Friday the beak was sorted out so now its the size it should be, I forgot to ask what sex it is so I still don't know that one at the moment other than that its fine just needs love and attention really which believe me its getting from me the girlfriend and the children. I've got to wait until tomorrow for the tortoise table as they didn't have any in stock the cracks in the legs are looking a lot better, I'm still bathing every morning at the minute as advised it seems a lot happier than it was last week full of life so :D. This photo was taken this morning before I left for work.20150209_075528.jpg


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Update on progress of the tortoise we went to the vets Friday the beak was sorted out so now its the size it should be, I forgot to ask what sex it is so I still don't know that one at the moment other than that its fine just needs love and attention really which believe me its getting from me the girlfriend and the children. I've got to wait until tomorrow for the tortoise table as they didn't have any in stock the cracks in the legs are looking a lot better, I'm still bathing every morning at the minute as advised it seems a lot happier than it was last week full of life so :D. This photo was taken this morning before I left for work.View attachment 117809
Where abouts in the uk are you.


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Nov 24, 2014
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UK Sheffield
Update on progress of the tortoise we went to the vets Friday the beak was sorted out so now its the size it should be, I forgot to ask what sex it is so I still don't know that one at the moment other than that its fine just needs love and attention really which believe me its getting from me the girlfriend and the children. I've got to wait until tomorrow for the tortoise table as they didn't have any in stock the cracks in the legs are looking a lot better, I'm still bathing every morning at the minute as advised it seems a lot happier than it was last week full of life so :D. This photo was taken this morning before I left for work.View attachment 117809
How big is it. I have a 2x4ft table you can have for free. only used it for about a month.


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Wow, this is a great save story. So glad you were able to do it. The tort is looking much better already. Btw, what are you naming it? Good job, you should feel very proud of yourself for this great thing you did and are doing.


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Feb 6, 2015
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Wow, this is a great save story. So glad you were able to do it. The tort is looking much better already. Btw, what are you naming it? Good job, you should feel very proud of yourself for this great thing you did and are doing.
Im not too sure yet about names as I don't know what sex it is if you have any name suggestions though let me know. Thank you my close friends and family are all happy on the progress to as some of them seen the state the poor animal was in the night I received it to what it looks like now only a few days in :D


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Im not too sure yet about names as I don't know what sex it is if you have any name suggestions though let me know. Thank you my close friends and family are all happy on the progress to as some of them seen the state the poor animal was in the night I received it to what it looks like now only a few days in :D
Call it lucky

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