Need advice on supplies for new baby

lisa morton

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Burbank, Illinois
I have done a lot of reading before I purchased my baby last night but I think I just confused myself and I need to get to the store now. The guy I got him from was going to have lights for me and didn't. My baby
(3 inches) is in a 30 gallon tank at the moment. I have an aquarium light with an old vita light still in it. Since he didn't have the uv and basking light for me I have to run out to a pet store soon. Before I picked him up I went to petsmart and purchased eco earth coconut fiber which I screwed that up and put to much water in with the brick, and bought a small cuttlebone. I went to home depot and bought sphagnum moss. I am making a humid hide right now. What should I mix this coconut fiber with top soil, cyprus mulch? Which lights should I buy that petsmart or petco would sell ? I do have a clamp fixture but I would need a bulb. Or should I use the aquarium hood and get a light for it? I just don't want to be double spending if I buy the wrong things. I have a lot more questions but this is the most important thing right now. How does Phoenix look to you ? Thanks.


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I would do the flourescent for the fixture you have, will save you money. The coir. I would just squeeze it out some. They need a high humidity with temps no lower then 80, so your swampy coir would probably be fine as is, unless it's more like a pond. I would get a bigger indoor enclosure and put him outside as much as possible while it's warm enough, making sure to provide plenty of shade and water. He looks pretty darn good and very cute. I like his color.
Also, Toms threads are below in my post, if you haven't read his, please do so and refer back as you go along. All the info at once is confusing.

lisa morton

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Burbank, Illinois
I had him outside a lot today, he was walking around like he owned the place. I did squeeze it out but still kinda wet and now he has it all in his food. I made him a humid hide with the moss in it and he went in right away. The tank is at 82 but I need to get those lights because of the humidity. I'm going to just go to petsmart or petco and wing it. Thanks for your help.


The Dog Trainer
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You don't need any pet store bulbs at the moment since your tortoise is getting sunshine. A regular flood bulb for heat should suffice.

Your baby has had a dry, possibly dehydrate start, as evidenced by the pyramiding he is showing.

Here are some threads that you should read before you go shopping:


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For humidity, I was able to create it in my closed lid tank. My coco coir would stay damp and I woul cover my humid hide with the damp coco coir, which would keep it humid in the hide. I would not have my coco coir wet or were it would stick To my tortoise. I would spray the substrate with a squirt bottle 5-7 times daily. I would dampen the substrate as needed, which may be ever other day. I still ha e a smooth 2.5 year old sulcata. Good luck!

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Here's some great plant identification websites I use.

lisa morton

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Burbank, Illinois
I actually read those articles and after I posted I saw the 65 watt flood to buy. I will need the uv light because of our goofy weather and I'm going out shopping now so I figured I would pick it up but there are so many options. Then I figured I needed the ceramic for at night. When I picked this little guy up yesterday I noticed the conditions were off based on what I had read on the forum. The baby actually felt a little cold (there were 6 of them). He did have a uvb light and basking light but shut everything off at night. And only had some grass in the tank and it didn't sound like it ate anything else. He said he was trying to keep them from growing to fast so they wouldn't pyramid. I had read on pyramiding and I thought this shell isn't smooth as smooth but didn't think it was actually suppose to be completely smooth, thought it would feel a little rigid. Now I feel stupid and depressed. So now he will be pyramided forever correct?

lisa morton

New Member
Jul 7, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Burbank, Illinois
That's why I have to get a light my humidity is only 60%. Oh my coir is definitely wet after I screwed that up. Thanks for all the links. I have been book marking them all. Probably why I got myself so confused lol.